Tebow fumbles first snap / Says he has strep throat...

who was the last player to say "Fur is murder" in a post-game interview?

it's also the fact that tebow is lauded as a great person by the christians soley because he speaks out. the implication being if you are a christian you must be a good person which we all know is compete crap. or at least the implication is that it is MORE likely he is a good person because he is a vocal christian.
What we've found concerning the likes of Tebow and others that put their religious beliefs in the forefront of their conversation is this;

The media is eating it up in heaping spoonfulls due to the lack of it in recent years. Its now, a leading story because it has become a thing of the past with all the scandels and miscreants that have had their names drug through the gauntlet for their shortcoming with the law, family, life in general. Its refreshing to some, over exposed to others. I guess VM21 finds a bit refreshing, or maybe he finds it like I do; his own business. Now whether or not we choose to tune it out when he talks about that, rather than talk about why we are watching; ie: football, remains to be one's choice.

I dont care for it to be crammed down my throat, much like I dont care for my Baptist relatives to question my conversion to Catholisism, but I can tune it out. It's a helluva lot better than some garbage folks are pushing.
1) Doubtless, TT is disappointed with his own performance;

2) He still has the combines;

3) The countryside is littered with the football corpses of those who have underestimated TT, especially based on one bad day.
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homeristic as possible. I like that. AL didn't misunderestimate, nor will the scouts.
i wonder why non believers take such offense to TT. makes no sense, if you don't like what he says then don't watch it. easy as that. he's not doing anything that effects you so why bring it up. i could easily gripe about PETA but i choose not to

Exactly, turn the channel or mute it while he is talking or while the announcers are talking about his religion. These people on here are easily offended or scared of religion
i wonder why non believers take such offense to TT. makes no sense, if you don't like what he says then don't watch it. easy as that. he's not doing anything that effects you so why bring it up. i could easily gripe about PETA but i choose not to

It's just overkill. It's not just non-believers. I'm a believer and I don't think it helps the cause when two men parade how superior they are to everyone underneath the banner of Christianity.
no one is surprised. what i am surprised to read in this thread are the ppl attacking his religious beliefs. i doubt people criticize how you do your job because of your religious beliefs or lack of.
I don't show up to work and waive them like a banner either.
I don't show up to work and waive them like a banner either.

Exactly! And I would never tell someone I was hiring to work for me that God sent me a message in a dream that I should hire them, like Meyer told that recruit last week. I don't believe God is overly concerned whether a kid goes to play football at Florida.
Most of that garbage about Meyer telling a kid that has been denied vehemently by both parties.
if tebow was an atheist or god forbid a muslim and did the same thing most people here woudl go bat****. the fact is he only gets the leway he does BECAUSE he is christian and not the other way around.
A perfectly good Tebow bashing thread turned into a religious debate. Sad!

And surely Dan Patrick wasn't comparing Tebow to those guys because they don't take many snaps under center. Reading a defense and making the throws are the important things.

Or, I may end up littered on the ground for doubting him. Guy gets no respect
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i'm attacking his religious beliefs only because pukes back all the same crap we here from anywhere else. if he really wants to convert some people or make people aware he needs to actually add something to the conversation. otherwise it's just white noise and pointless and frankly gets annoying. i don't think he has the brain power to do so though. also we hear how great of a guy he is, despite the only evidence being him doing said puking.

A solid, spiritual college graduate who has been a winner all of his life.
Yeah, he's a terrible person.
Really? Where? I'd like to see it....

January 15, 2010

Floyd, coach refute claims about Meyer

Adam Gorney
GatorBait.net Assistant Editor

Talk about it in Alligator Alley
Sharrif Floyd wants to make one thing clear: Florida coach Urban Meyer never told him or any of his high school coaches that he had a "dream" about coaching Floyd or that he'd "rather die on the sidelines coaching (him) than anywhere else in the world."

Those were just some of the scandalous accusations about Meyer made in a blog post on GamecockCentral.com citing "Floyd's coaches" but not naming any of them. Floyd's head coach, Ron Cohen, was not immediately available for comment but told Rivals.com recruiting analyst Mike Farrell that the report was unfounded.

Floyd, the top-rated defensive tackle by Rivals.com, strongly refuted the report, too.

Here's part of what was posted in Scott Hood's blog:

According to Floyd's coaches, he was set to pick Ohio State until he spoke with Meyer on the phone. That's when Florida's coach, desperate to rein in the nation's top defensive tackle prospect, went "all in" with the religion card. Here's what the coaches said:

"Sharrif was really confused and put a call into Coach Meyer. When they spoke Coach Meyer told him that he had a 'dream' the night before, and that Coach Meyer saw himself on the sideline coaching Sharrif. Told him that is was a "message from God that I should come back and coach, as I guess if it's my time to die, I'd rather die on the sidelines coaching you than anywhere else in the world.

"Sharrif talked to us the next day and said Ohio State is great and all, but Coach Meyer said he would DIE for me. That's pretty intense. From that day on Sharrif mainly kept to himself. But that was the turning point in my eyes."

Floyd said he first read the report around 1:30 p.m. Friday and was immediately taken aback.

"I'm looking at it as payback for not going to Carolina," said Floyd, who committed to the Gators at Saturday's U.S. Army All-American Bowl. "The words never came out of my mouth. The only thing that's true is that me and coach Meyer have been talking every week.

"He never said he would die for me. That's a little over the top especially for me to go to Florida. I don't think it's that important that I would go to Florida. It's untrue."

To further back up his denial, Floyd talked with Cohen, who denied the statements were ever made by him. He also called Meyer to make sure he didn't think those comments would not be attributed to anyone from his high school.

Florida officials are apparently furious over the blog publication and refute its veracity. Hood was not immediately available for clarification when contacted by Gatorbait.net.

Floyd said if Meyer made that statement that it would be "a little over the top" and that it wouldn't have changed his mind anyway - that it came down to Florida and Ohio State in the end and he felt more comfortable with the Gators. South Carolina was a distant third.

"That wouldn't have changed my mind, him saying that," Floyd said. "That's not true. I went to the Gators for my reasons and I'm going to stick with it and I'm not going to change my mind.

"I looked at (the blog) and read it and I got a little mad. I went to my head coach and I said, 'What is this?' and he said it's not true. I went back and called coach Meyer and started to talk to him about it. I didn't say anything about it and he knew that and we're cool.
So Urbie has a guy for four years and he never learned to take a snap under center. That has got to be a powerful recruiting pitch for QBs wanting to make it to the NFL.

I'd rather take snaps from under center, not win the SEC East, and maybe get an opportunity to get blasted in the Chik Fil A Bowl while being coached by a lawyer fresh from LA Tech.

That sounds much better.
Athletes should be gun-touting druggies. You know that
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Good one. I guess many here can relate to that type of athlete. At UF, the Gators have both kinds. Wuerffel was a starter-Tebow.

Wait. Maybe someone can give me a few paragraphs on what a bad person Wuerffel is too.
one bad day? These are issues that have been pointed out for 3 years with his delivery, snaps under center, etc. The NFL will eat those up

Yet he still will have been a member of another Gator senior class that beat the vols 4 times.
I'd rather take snaps from under center, not win the SEC East, and maybe get an opportunity to get blasted in the Chik Fil A Bowl while being coached by a lawyer fresh from LA Tech.

That sounds much better.

its better than being coached by a self absorbed liar who resembles a lesbian woman, being quarterbacked by a faker than fake closet homosexual who cant take a snap from under center.

It will all be over soon enough and none of us will have to hear about him again, continuing the lineage of dog **** NFL QB's that FL produces.
I'd rather take snaps from under center, not win the SEC East, and maybe get an opportunity to get blasted in the Chik Fil A Bowl while being coached by a lawyer fresh from LA Tech.

That sounds much better.
You're kidding yourself if you don't think it won't become at least somewhat of an issue.

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