Tebow is on a mission from God (merged)

I also like how UT let Bama score 41 on us although they barely managed 2 TD against Louisiana-Monroe. Additionally, our defense set a school record for most points given up in a season. And yet, when we play one of the best offenses in the nation we have some fans that have the nerve to be offended that said offense scored a lot of points. Give me a break. UF's offense was great. Our defense was horrible. This isn't that complicated.
I must have had a pretty good point because that is indeed a "legit" reason.

no, you didn't have anything closely resembling a good point.

As for Dr. Tebow, i just read the Orlando Sentinel article and it only mentions his help with the circumcisions. According to the article, he had trained doctors with him every step of the way and he was just doing what he needed to to be helping the kids. Yeah, that's not classy at all. I mean they still had to turn over 50 patients away. Imagine what would've if he would've just sat there, because he's a college qb, he shouldn't be helping anyone.

Never once in the three different websites i visited discussing the article (all news sites, not a messageboard) say anything about signing bibles.
and fwiw, as a Christian parent if I had a strong willed son gifted in athletics, I'd just as soon send them to Bobby Bowden to play football or Huggy to play basketball because I know they have the best chance of spreading the message to players who need the most help because Bowden and Huggy love to give players second, third and even fourth chances.
no, you didn't have anything closely resembling a good point.

As for Dr. Tebow, i just read the Orlando Sentinel article and it only mentions his help with the circumcisions. According to the article, he had trained doctors with him every step of the way and he was just doing what he needed to to be helping the kids. Yeah, that's not classy at all. I mean they still had to turn over 50 patients away. Imagine what would've if he would've just sat there, because he's a college qb, he shouldn't be helping anyone.

Never once in the three different websites i visited discussing the article (all news sites, not a messageboard) say anything about signing bibles.

There was an ESPN article written about him visiting a prison and signing Bibles for the inmates. Do a search on it.
and fwiw, as a Christian parent if I had a strong willed son gifted in athletics, I'd just as soon send them to Bobby Bowden to play football or Huggy to play basketball because I know they have the best chance of spreading the message to players who need the most help because Bowden and Huggy love to give players second, third and even fourth chances.

Bob Huggins is a criminal. I would never allow my son to play for him. He never graduated a single player.
There was an ESPN article written about him visiting a prison and signing Bibles for the inmates. Do a search on it.

I didn't read all the way through the article. I see it at the bottom now, hence why i asked. So he inspired kids. Good for him. I really hate it when guys spread the words to those kids who need it the most. An old pastor of mine signed my Bible years ago. How unclassy.
Bob Huggins is a criminal. I would never allow my son to play for him. He never graduated a single player.

yeah... great Christian mindset there. Send your kids off where they are in a safe environment. Don't ever test them. Don't ever put them in a situation where they can use their power of spreading Christ's love the most. Send them somewhere safe. Great idea. Every Christian should just be sheltered their whole life and never leave the Christian bubble. Spreading the word to other Christians is where it's truly at.
yeah... great Christian mindset there. Send your kids off where they are in a safe environment. Don't ever test them. Don't ever put them in a situation where they can use their power of spreading Christ's love the most. Send them somewhere safe. Great idea. Every Christian should just be sheltered their whole life and never leave the Christian bubble. Spreading the word to other Christians is where it's truly at.

You and I must have a different definition of how we would "test" our kids. No, I wouldn't feel comfortable sending my kid to play for an alcoholic that is irresponsible to the point that he has picked up a few DUIs. That is not who I want leading my child for four years or however long it is.
by the way VIF, as a Christian you really need to look into the way you judge people. It's not healthy and it's not fair to anyone.
by the way VIF, as a Christian you really need to look into the way you judge people. It's not healthy and it's not fair to anyone.

I don't think you understand bill. It says in the Bible that if you defeat a team 59-20 and celebrate after a TD, you're going straight to Hell.
by the way VIF, as a Christian you really need to look into the way you judge people. It's not healthy and it's not fair to anyone.

By the way VFB, I judge people on their actions. I think it's quite fair to judge an irresponsible alcoholic that takes other lives in their own hands by getting behind the wheel. I don't believe that was the first time he has done such a thing either. I've seen what drunk driving can do.

I don't think it's healthy to be ok with sending your kid to play for a man like him. To each their own.
I don't think you understand bill. It says in the Bible that if you defeat a team 59-20 and celebrate after a TD, you're going straight to Hell.

Don't put words in my mouth. I respect your opinion. Give me the same courtesy. I said it was classless and I stand by that opinion.
By the way VFB, I judge people on their actions. I think it's quite fair to judge an irresponsible alcoholic that takes other lives in their own hands by getting behind the wheel. I don't believe that was the first time he has done such a thing either. I've seen what drunk driving can do.

I don't think it's healthy to be ok with sending your kid to play for a man like him. To each their own.

I might get in trouble for talking like this here and if I do, feel free to delete this post...

As a Christian with your first sentence you have already done as much wrong as Huggy bear did by getting pulled over for a DUI.
By the way VFB, I judge people on their actions. I think it's quite fair to judge an irresponsible alcoholic that takes other lives in their own hands by getting behind the wheel. I don't believe that was the first time he has done such a thing either. I've seen what drunk driving can do.

I don't think it's healthy to be ok with sending your kid to play for a man like him. To each their own.

Are you perfect?
I might get in trouble for talking like this here and if I do, feel free to delete this post...

As a Christian with your first sentence you have already done as much wrong as Huggy bear did by getting pulled over for a DUI.

Completely disagree with that. No one is perfect. To compare someone judging a person to an irresponsible and life-threatening action is ridiculous. So, are you saying someone who thinks OJ Simpson is a scumbag is just as bad as the murderer that is OJ Simpson? That is flawed logic.
Completely disagree with that. No one is perfect. To compare someone judging a person to an irresponsible and life-threatening action is ridiculous. So, are you saying someone who thinks OJ Simpson is a scumbag is just as bad as the murderer that is OJ Simpson? That is flawed logic.

Read the book of Matthew. Also pay attention to the Pauline epistles as far as judging people goes. Judging people isn't right on any level.

If you're not perfect, quit throwing stones.
Don't put words in my mouth. I respect your opinion. Give me the same courtesy. I said it was classless and I stand by that opinion.

If that's classless, you should go ahead and keep your kid from signing up to play for any coach in America. Every program has something like that happen pretty much annually.
We obviously have different views on this.

obviously. You are ready to throw someone under the bus because he got pulled over for a DUI a few years ago. He's obviously no good and you don't want anything to do with him. Let's not give him a second chance or see if he's cleaned up his act or anything.
And at times like this, I'm glad I'm Jewish. :)

Seriously, the amount of proselytizing done by Christians can get awfully annoying to those of us who have a different faith.

And before anybody jumps on their soap box, *yes* I know how important "witnessing" is to Christianity. That doesn't make it any less annoying.

That's it. Just wanted to give you folks a different perspective.
And at times like this, I'm glad I'm Jewish. :)

Seriously, the amount of proselytizing done by Christians can get awfully annoying to those of us who have a different faith.

And before anybody jumps on their soap box, *yes* I know how important "witnessing" is to Christianity. That doesn't make it any less annoying.

That's it. Just wanted to give you folks a different perspective.

thank you.

and that's from a Christian.
And at times like this, I'm glad I'm Jewish. :)

Seriously, the amount of proselytizing done by Christians can get awfully annoying to those of us who have a different faith.

And before anybody jumps on their soap box, *yes* I know how important "witnessing" is to Christianity. That doesn't make it any less annoying.

That's it. Just wanted to give you folks a different perspective.

your point is understood, but as you yourself mention, Tebow was just doing what the Bible tells him to do.
And at times like this, I'm glad I'm Jewish. :)

Seriously, the amount of proselytizing done by Christians can get awfully annoying to those of us who have a different faith.

And before anybody jumps on their soap box, *yes* I know how important "witnessing" is to Christianity. That doesn't make it any less annoying.

That's it. Just wanted to give you folks a different perspective.

The fact that it annoys you doesn't make it any less important.

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