Tebow is on a mission from God (merged)

thank you.

and that's from a Christian.
Thank you back. I have tons of dear friends who are Christians, and have a great deal of respect and love for them, as they do me.

That being said, there seems to be a lot of fire and brimstone and "my way or the highway" attitudes among some denominations of Christianity around East Tennessee. I just wish folks would look in the mirror more, that's all.
You said "the fact that it annoys you doesn't make it any less important..."

Translated, "the hell with you, my beliefs trump my respect for you as an individual." I don't know, I find that annoying.
You said "the fact that it annoys you doesn't make it any less important..."

Translated, "the hell with you, my beliefs trump my respect for you as an individual." I don't know, I find that annoying.

You're not a very good translator.
If I'm trying to talk to you personally about my beliefs and you say you don't want to hear it, I will respect that. However, that won't stop me from sharing my beliefs with others. That is what I meant, if you have a problem with that then oh well. That is a better translation of what I was saying.
You said "the fact that it annoys you doesn't make it any less important..."

Translated, "the hell with you, my beliefs trump my respect for you as an individual." I don't know, I find that annoying.

I think he meant it more along the lines of "I'm willing to risk causing you a minor inconvenience if there is a possibility I can save your soul." Most guys trying to spread the good word will usually let up if you briefly explain it's not going to happen.
You're not a very good translator.
If I'm trying to talk to you personally about my beliefs and you say you don't want to hear it, I will respect that. However, that won't stop me from sharing my beliefs with others. That is what I meant, if you have a problem with that then oh well. That is a better translation of what I was saying.

Please though, look in the mirror some time and try and picture how you or others who are "witnessing" come across to others with established faiths.

Good evening.
You're not a very good translator.
If I'm trying to talk to you personally about my beliefs and you say you don't want to hear it, I will respect that. However, that won't stop me from sharing my beliefs with others. That is what I meant, if you have a problem with that then oh well. That is a better translation of what I was saying.

90% of people don't care what your beliefs are. you go to church with the 10% that does.
the only person's beliefs that matter to me are the one's who will be having my kids.
I think he meant it more along the lines of "I'm willing to risk causing you a minor inconvenience if there is a possibility I can save your soul." Most guys trying to spread the good word will usually let up if you briefly explain it's not going to happen.
Yet I have to take the time to explain that "it's not going to happen."

I'm sorry, it's a lack of respect for your fellow man.

Believe it or not, folks still convert nowadays to Judaism, and we generally don't go knocking on doors or speaking "the good word" to strangers.

Please though, look in the mirror some time and try and picture how you or others who are "witnessing" come across to others with established faiths.

Good evening.

I think if you just explain that you have an established faith people will back off. It works with me when he Mormons come knocking.
You said you were a christian right. Do you believe we should just keep our mouths shut and not try to spread the word?

if you come to me, i'll share. i'm not going to talk about something when i know 9/10 the person listening doesn't care.
the only person's beliefs that matter to me are the one's who will be having my kids.
Amen. I dated a Southern Baptist for 3 years and we finally realized there was no way to reconcile our different backgrounds.

I married one of my best friends from high school (who like me grew up Jewish) and we have a very happy marriage. There's enough challenges in a marriage to deal with besides a conflict in religion.
I'm sorry, it's a lack of respect for your fellow man.

Not at all. People sincerely believe that they know the route to heaven. They are trying to share it with others. I'd say if you walked around with a huge star of David pendant and a yarmulke no one would bug you.
if you come to me, i'll share. i'm not going to talk about something when i know 9/10 the person listening doesn't care.

I can totally understand that. However, I don't think that if someone does share it means they are disrespecting you. They're just trying to help.
if you come to me, i'll share. i'm not going to talk about something when i know 9/10 the person listening doesn't care.
Exactly. Do good works for others. Chances are, they may ask you what motivated you to do said good works. And then you can discuss the importance of your faith.
I can totally understand that. However, I don't think that if someone does share it means they are disrespecting you. They're just trying to help.

i understand they're trying to help. which is why i politely let them know real soon i don't care.

analogous to going into a store and the clerk asks you for help.

if i need help, i'll ask for it. otherwise, let me be. most people feel this way.
I'm reminded of the Seinfeld where Puddy (Elaine's boyfriend) takes up Christianity. Elaine gets mad because Puddy becomes a Christian behind her back and doesn't even try to convert her. She's pissed that he believes she's going to Hell and he doesn't even care. Just an interesting and different spin on things.
my theory:

if you call and i know you're coming, i'll get up and unlock it and you can come right in

if i know you and you show up randomly, i'll probably let you come in

if i don't know you, and can't tell who you are, i'm allowed to close the door in your face. (this applies to everybody who knocks on doors for whatever reason)

if i don't know you, and can see who it is, i'm obligated to listen to what you have to say.

if you've got girl scout cookies, i'm buying.
What the Bible was telling him to do, or what Paul was telling him to do?

talk about lack of respect for fellow man. The New Testament is littered with scriptures telling us to spread the gospel, all stemming from the teachings of Jesus. Not only are the four books of the gospel part of my Bible (and just about all Christians), but so are Acts, Romans, the Pauline epistles, the letters from Peter and so forth.

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