Tebow is on a mission from God (merged)

it's simple. Just because someone is a Florida fan doesn't mean you can hold a bias against him. Just because someone is a murderer doesn't mean you can hold a bias against him. They're still people. In the murderer's case, yes he should be punished both here on earth and in Heaven, but you can't hate the man for his actions.

Bias & hate are different than judging.
Bias & hate are different than judging.

perhaps I should have used better terminology, but if you hold something against someone for something done previously, you are judging them and unrightfully so. It is not hard to see the person and overlook their wrongs if you try.
And on the 8th day, God created the mullet and jorts so that those with a false sense of accomplishment could be easily identified.


I had to stop at "beautiful women" as well. UF is about middle of the pack in the SEC at best from what I have seen in Gainesville.
You and I must have a different definition of how we would "test" our kids. No, I wouldn't feel comfortable sending my kid to play for an alcoholic that is irresponsible to the point that he has picked up a few DUIs. That is not who I want leading my child for four years or however long it is.

Don't worry about VFB, he could argue with a brick wall.
Penis. I don't know about you guys but if a doctor is about to circumcise someone I'm not going to watch let alone "get my hands wet":whistling:

I know I know...But it was to good to pass up.<img src="images/smilies/default/birgits_giggle.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Birgits Giggle" smilieid="255" class="inlineimg" />

Hey, speculate all you want that he's not a good passing QB, will fall off in production, etc. I get it. But hard to make fun of a guy for flying 9000 miles to help deliver health care in a third world country, no matter the care he provides.

Hey, speculate all you want that he's not a good passing QB, will fall off in production, etc. I get it. But hard to make fun of a guy for flying 9000 miles to help deliver health care in a third world country, no matter the care he provides.

Tebow is one of the most unique football players, that've had his success, that I've ever seen (to say the least). And not in a bad way. Delivering circumcisions to children in poor countries???? Unbelievable. :good!: I wonder what he'll do with his millions.

Hey, speculate all you want that he's not a good passing QB, will fall off in production, etc. I get it. But hard to make fun of a guy for flying 9000 miles to help deliver health care in a third world country, no matter the care he provides.

You don't have to be "cut" to improve your health. So I wouldn't exactly call it health care.:p
Somewhere in Manila, there's a kid walking around with a shirt that reads:

"I survived a Tim Tebow circumcision"

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