Ten Thoughts (The Austin Peay Postgame Report)

1. Six possessions, six touchdowns for the first team offense. Less than 100 yards for APSU when the first team D was in the first half. Despite the lackluster performance by the second string, the first team did its job and performed well. Most impressive thing? Zero penalties in a new offense. That's ridiculous and shows how much the coaching staff teaches discipline.

2. I thought Worley had a lot of good. The couple times he was pressured, he didn't look flustered. His ball fake on the read option is very good and he made correct decisions on reads. However, his feet were not settled when he had to move and that needs to get fixed. Too many throws off his back foot.

3. I thought the O-Line got a solid, consistent push, but not an overwhelming one. I would have liked to see more getting to the second level from them. They did get 200 yards rushing in the first half. How critical can you be when that happens?

4. There was a definite difference from the running backs, especially Marlin Lane. Neal put his shoulder down and got extra yards after contact. He danced a tad too much for my liking, but his feet were quick and he usually made one cut and went. Lane impressed me also. He was looking for contact and kept the pile moving forward. Really nice game from him.

5. The Travis Stephens Offensive Player of the Game: Ju'Wuan James was a road grader today. He was dominant blocking and was the only offensive linemen getting to the second level. He looked quicker and on pulling plays, he really sealed plays, especially on Lane's first TD run. I thought he did a good job also on pass protection and blitzes. Congrats to the big fella.

6. The front four got consistent pressure without any help from Jancek. He didn't blitz once on third down and he didn't need to. The interior pressure from McCullers/Hood was really impressive and I hope that stays. A little disappointment from outside rush however.

7. The linebackers just did not do a good job on scramble situations. They lost contain in their zones and APSU had too much success in the first half in the middle of the field after the initial read for APSU wasn't there. Need to get that fixed.

8. However, the defensive line read draws and screens very well. They did a good job staying in their lanes and reading the play, especially on the Hood INT. They also kept their hands up on passes by reading the QB's eyes and tipping four passes today.

9. The Al Wilson Defensive Player of the Game: Daniel Hood. Speaking of reading screens, I thought Hood played great. He used his quickness to get in the backfield, and broke up three screens plays by reading the play. He was very solid and I hope him and McCullers continue their good play.

10. Solid game. Nothing really too noteworthy. They played well in the first half. The second team didn't perform well, and I was disappointed in the front seven second team, but it's early. Worley looked comfortable, the O-Line will be great, the backs looked better, and the D-Line looks solid. We will know more next week, but nice to see some UT orange and Butch Jones getting his first win of many in Knoxville.

Go Vols!!! :hi:

11. Palardy's got his groove back!
12. Summerhill made a huge statement with his 5 or so runs.
13. Although they only played a half, it was hot and muggy. Nobody looked tired out there. A big shout out for Strength and Conditioning!
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It was apu n I saw nothing that will determine how good or bad we are. Peterman looked weak so he must improve and worley ran the off OK but r we good enough to come back when we r down?? I just don't know.

Btw watching all the other big dogs in sec n we just sux compared to them and the people responsible for this debacle should be burned at the stake..lol

N to all those sheep that loved dools quit being sheep n love tn n not the person running it. We r bigger than a head coach n support the vols but if the staff suxs call it out.

Now cbj has wku up next.

So you can't determine how good or bad we are, but you think we suck compared to other teams you saw today?
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Do any of you guys think CBJ is gonna show his hand playing AP?! He showed nothing but basic stuff tonight and beat them 45-0 with the 2nd 3rd team in the whole 2nd half!! Good grief get a grip! Oh and btw Worley throwed 14 times and completed 11 and had a couple 10yd runs so not to shabby in my book!
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It was apu n I saw nothing that will determine how good or bad we are. Peterman looked weak so he must improve and worley ran the off OK but r we good enough to come back when we r down?? I just don't know.

Btw watching all the other big dogs in sec n we just sux compared to them and the people responsible for this debacle should be burned at the stake..lol

N to all those sheep that loved dools quit being sheep n love tn n not the person running it. We r bigger than a head coach n support the vols but if the staff suxs call it out.

Now cbj has wku up next.

If this is sarcasm, nicely done.

If not, you need a new hobby, maybe something more calming, like growing bonsai trees?
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It was apu n I saw nothing that will determine how good or bad we are. Peterman looked weak so he must improve and worley ran the off OK but r we good enough to come back when we r down?? I just don't know.

Btw watching all the other big dogs in sec n we just sux compared to them and the people responsible for this debacle should be burned at the stake..lol

N to all those sheep that loved dools quit being sheep n love tn n not the person running it. We r bigger than a head coach n support the vols but if the staff suxs call it out.

Now cbj has wku up next.

lol, wut?
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The Vols scored 3 points the whole 2nd half against Austin Peay.....if we loose against WK the season is over

I believe 9 games are scheduled after that...try google
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Nice write up.

I feel better about our running game in terms of the running backs themselves, but the lack of depth on the oline is going to make it very difficult to be effective late in games.

I don't want to talk about the secondary.

O-line depth is much better than the effort they gave today; which was disappointing.

Secondary was ok except on one play, which ended up being called back. But that was a huge learning curve for Sutton and Malik, Toney and Orta. Max Arnold was ready to play.
It was apu n I saw nothing that will determine how good or bad we are. Peterman looked weak so he must improve and worley ran the off OK but r we good enough to come back when we r down?? I just don't know.

Btw watching all the other big dogs in sec n we just sux compared to them and the people responsible for this debacle should be burned at the stake..lol

N to all those sheep that loved dools quit being sheep n love tn n not the person running it. We r bigger than a head coach n support the vols but if the staff suxs call it out.

Now cbj has wku up next.

You're funny :)
Posted via VolNation Mobile
So I was flipping back and forth after we were uo big and saw cbj get in coach z's face ... What was that about?
Worley's accuracy and the passing game as a whole concerns me. But I think we can all agree that we have ourselves an extremely disciplined and well coached football team. Thats refreshing.

he went 11 for 13.. you cant ask for better accuracy then that... that is 85% for those who are math deficient.
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Marquez made a good adjustment on the pass near the goal line.

I don't really like the read option, but I'm going to have to deal with it.

No penalties is incredible, and I saw some better form tackling.

About as good a game as we could have hoped for CBJ's first. I really enjoyed watching it.
I said this in another thread- Lane should be our starting rb, flame away. Worley is and should be our QB but needs to lead the wr's better and get his feet under him better (to many throws off his back foot). Offensive and defensive lines are solid, db's and wr's have to keep improving. I know Worley under threw some balls but nonetheless they were still catchable against AP. I'm looking more at North with that said and granted he will become more of a playmaker with experience. Overall we got the W so let's get drunk (as if i wasn't all ready).Go Vawls!!
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Do any of you guys think CBJ is gonna show his hand playing AP?! He showed nothing but basic stuff tonight and beat them 45-0 with the 2nd 3rd team in the whole 2nd half!! Good grief get a grip! Oh and btw Worley throwed 14 times and completed 11 and had a couple 10yd runs so not to shabby in my book!

We don't have enough talent/experience at the skill positions to be anything other than basic--running the ball, try to complete some simply passes. We need to work on the passing game, big-time, against WKU. It's already a given that our conference foes will stack against the run and dare us to beat them with the pass.
I said this in another thread- Lane should be our starting rb, flame away. Worley is and should be our QB but needs to lead the wr's better and get his feet under him better (to many throws off his back foot). Offensive and defensive lines are solid, db's and wr's have to keep improving. I know Worley under threw some balls but nonetheless they were still catchable against AP. I'm looking more at North with that said and granted he will become more of a playmaker with experience. Overall we got the W so let's get drunk (as if i wasn't all ready).Go Vawls!!

by driving their bodies forward off their back foot and then following through to the front. The question is, is your body moving forward or falling backward in that Jay Cutler way that some big-armed guys can get away with but is the opposite of textbook passing technique.
I don't really like the read option, but I'm going to have to deal with it.

I like read option .... as a package of plays; not as an offensive philosophy. It drives me nuts to get inside the 5 and be in shotgun with a single RB.
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I thought it was interesting that CBJ had several AP players talk to him, must have been recruits to Cinn, or people he watched.
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