Ten Thoughts (The Austin Peay Postgame Report)

Still don't understand why some try so hard not to like Neal... and maybe a tad too hard to like Lane.... I like them both and you need two good RB's. But when a guy rolls off 141 yards in a half and makes it look pretty easy "dancing too much" is not a problem.
And with the 2nd and 3rd teams no less... who might not even have mastered the whole playbook.

Uh, wake up.

In NCAA I can put in my 3rd team Offense and roll off unending TDs against FCS SE calling only off-tackle runs.

Butch Jones and staff should be able to also. Trust me, I'm an NCAA '14 expert. He could have at least opened up the playbook so Florida and Oregon will have game footage to study. Again, that's what I would do cause I'm an NCAA '14 pro.

this is sarcasm.
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Nice write up.

I was concerned with Worley being behind nearly every pass as well, but I wonder if that's going to get worked out as he and the receivers get more reps in. He's not going to be a QB who sticks a ball in there late, so the timing has got to be there.

I feel better about our running game in terms of the running backs themselves, but the lack of depth on the oline is going to make it very difficult to be effective late in games.

I don't want to talk about the secondary.

Good point. Worley just became the starter and has been splitting a lot of reps. Now that the depth chart is more established for QB and WR, it will be easier to get on the same page. Worley will get a lot more reps in practice too.
Also, Neal looked better than Lane in the first game. I've always thought Lane was better, but Neal was able to breakaway much better and get larger chunks of yardage.
They did what they were supposed to against an inferior opponent. Butch called off the dogs . I hope he can do it next week against WKU and throw the kitchen sink at Oregon.
The biggest negatives I can think of from yesterday...


1.) Some plays were just too slow to develop. Now in a new offense this is somewhat understandable early on but this will HAVE to get corrected before we go into our SEC schedule or we will get eaten alive.

2.) I still saw too much dancing around from Neal. He could get away with that against AP. He won't against the SEC. I guess he's just going to do that no matter how much he's coached not to.

3.) A lot of Worley's passes weren't very accurate. He completed a lot but I also saw him putting a lot of receivers in positions where they couldn't get yards after the catch.

4.) Expected to see a LOT more out of both North and Croom. That was disappointing as I thought they should have been beasting AP's DB's all day long.

5.) Our drop off from 1st team to 2nd team Offense is staggering! 42 points in the first half, 3 points in the second half! We need quality depth BADLY!


1.) Our DB's are going to get torched by the better teams in the league. It's just that simple.

2.) Our LB's broke contain on many occasions. Still at times look like they are playing out of position.

3.) Despite our DL collapsing the pocket a lot, I expected to see more sacks. This was disappointing.

4.) Tackling, especially in the second half, was terrible!! I saw a LOT of missed tackles! This should not happen against Austin Peay! If this doesn't improve, guys like Gurley, Marshall, and Yeldon are going to eat us for breakfast!

Overall, despite the blowout, I honestly don't think we're very good. I am genuinely concerned about our ability to surprise any opponent on our schedule. As it stands, I think we'll beat the teams we're supposed to beat and we'll lose the games we're supposed to. As for swing games like Mizzou, Auburn, and Vandy, well I really hope we can take 2 of 3 but the other way around wouldn't surprise me either. This a 6-6 team at best. 5-7 wouldn't shock me.
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And last but not least.....Candy's Intramural program has started the season 0-2.
A team that is trying like heck to grow offensively...that's who. I'm not saying hang 70 on them. I mean do you really think Austin Peay is going to lose sleep if we did? They expected it. Our WR/QB chemistry is not where it needs to be yet...they need every opportunity to "get there". Tonight would've been a good opportunity to take a bigger step.

Butch has too much class to embarrass another coach like that. I like that in the man.
On the one hand, I am pleased with the way the Vols played. Foreman had a few miscues that Patrino may try to exploit, but overall defense played well. Worley spread the ball around well, and Neil and Lane were very productive. Overall play was good, especially with no penalties.

On the other hand, it was AP. Very concerned the second team didn't do much, especially against an opponent that would be well tested by the 5 best in-state high school programs. I just hope it gave the team a few things to address going into next weekend. Otherwise, this game wasn't a test at all, and beating cupcakes can give a false sense of optimism. WKU is decent. Waiting to see how Vols do against them before I allow myself any sense of excitement yet.
Uh, wake up.

In NCAA I can put in my 3rd team Offense and roll off unending TDs against FCS SE calling only off-tackle runs.

Butch Jones and staff should be able to also. Trust me, I'm an NCAA '14 expert. He could have at least opened up the playbook so Florida and Oregon will have game footage to study. Again, that's what I would do cause I'm an NCAA '14 pro.

this is sarcasm.

This is not a video game.
Check out Eastern Washington at #25 Oregon State and tell me your not satisfied. How about McNeese State at South Florida. Or North Dakota State at Kansas State. I will take our outcome all day long.

You cannot compare Austin Peay to North Dakota State or McNeese. NDSU is a two time DII National Champion. I watched that game and that is a good football team. They would have covered the spread against APSU. APSU has never even won the OVC in football.
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It's hard to tell how good this team is based on this game. ONLY thing I can criticize is that I thought Worley under-threw and threw behind his receivers a couple times. Timing and arm strength is an issue. Other than that, I thought Worley managed the game well. Next week will be a better gauge of this team's talent.
I was impressed by the fight in the second team defense. The talent drop off was huge, but they never gave up and they made some clutch stops to keep the Goose Egg alive.

I was disappointed we only saw Worley and Peterman. I was hoping to see some Furgeson tonight as well.

I agree, Worley did good on the mental side, but the physical side, throwing, the same old problems were there, no strength on the throws and accuracy problems. Peterman was bad at both, decision making and throwing. Again same problems that we heard about during spring practice. I agree we should have seen Ferguson last night, and I think we will out of neccesity next week.
Austin Peay's back to back timeouts on 4 and 1 reminded me of Dooley and then punt..
It was win #800 for UT, and a solid beginning to the Butch Jones era.

Beyond that, UT proved that they would be a Top 10 FCS team.

We'll know more...a lot more...about Team 117 at the end of September.

Go Vols.
Glad to be 1-0, but for me there is only one stat that matters from this game: zero penalties. The rest was to be expected against this opponent.
It was apu n I saw nothing that will determine how good or bad we are. Peterman looked weak so he must improve and worley ran the off OK but r we good enough to come back when we r down?? I just don't know.

Btw watching all the other big dogs in sec n we just sux compared to them and the people responsible for this debacle should be burned at the stake..lol

N to all those sheep that loved dools quit being sheep n love tn n not the person running it. We r bigger than a head coach n support the vols but if the staff suxs call it out.

Now cbj has wku up next.

Thanks for the laugh.
The DB's certainly need some work. Thought Worley was somewhat inaccurate throwing the ball, but the throws were at least good enough. Hope to see improvement everywhere though
The Vols scored 3 points the whole 2nd half against Austin Peay.....if we loose against WK the season is over
Not over but most prolly doomed.

Losing - or even playing WKy to the wire - will mean we haven't got the D fixed and our QB sitch is in Hell.

This is a team with little confidence that they can win from the experienced players and the youngsters are, well, young. Toss in the Peterman fiasco, and we have big problems on both sides of the ball.

A loss to WKY and a 4 win season - or less - becomes a serious reality.

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