*****Tennessee Football Coaching Search BIG BOARD [updated 12.4 10:47 am]

What’s the word on the street? Is freeze waiting for other options? Cuz I’ll tell you right now, if we screw this hire up, we will be getting a new HC in 3 years I guarantee it.
What’s the word on the street? Is freeze waiting for other options? Cuz I’ll tell you right now, if we screw this hire up, we will be getting a new HC in 3 years I guarantee it.
No make that 2 years. We get a sucky OC Pruitt is done after 2020....
Just another monumental screw up from our fabled program. And people wonder why we are a mid to lower tier program. SMH.

I have to wonder if people actually believe this or they just actually enjoy hating on the program.

There’s not a sniff of evidence to support this, yet people just perpetuate the the BS just to keep the hate rolling.
The lunatic fringe fans think Tennessee is screwing this up meanwhile Hugh Freeze is holding all the cards on anyone trying to hire him. He'd be really stupid to take the first offer and not hold out for top dollar. He doesn't need Sexton to tell him that. Sexton's only job is to get fans worked up so his stock continues to rise.
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This board runs wild with everything and takes it as the gospel, but all message boards do it, no fan base is exempt. Still it's silly. At this point the only thing we can do is wait and see what type of hire we make, there will be plenty time to gripe if he makes a bad hire. I have confidence in Pruitt at this point and am going to wait and see before getting to critical, none of us no the circumstances of the situation. GBO!
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I have to wonder if people actually believe this or they just actually enjoy hating on the program.

There’s not a sniff of evidence to support this, yet people just perpetuate the the BS just to keep the hate rolling.
Were you not here for the fiasco that ensued last year with our coaching search/ad fire/ complete cluster ****/ president quit... need I go on?
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So calm down.

Real question is what do The mouthbreathers whine and moan about next ?

Funny how the lapdogs try to elevate themselves by referring to those who actually put thought into their posts as mouthbreathers.

A moutbreather would be someone doesnt think, just follows along and takes every scrap they're handed and act deliriously happy regardless what kind of crap it is.

Much like those on here who want to pretend that any coach is the greatest as long he is wearing orange.
Were you not here for the fiasco that ensued last year with our coaching search/ad fire/ complete cluster ****/ president quit... need I go on?
That doesn't mean it will be like that everytime either. No need to go negative until we see who we get as OC. GBO!
This board runs wild with everything and takes it as the gospel, but all message boards do it, no fan base is exempt. Still it's silly. At this point the only thing we can do is wait and see what type of hire we make, there will be plenty time to gripe if he makes a bad hire. I have confidence in Pruitt at this point and am going to wait and see before getting to critical, none of us no the circumstances of the situation. GBO!
You don’t find it the least concerning that other universities are making there hires in a few days unlike usbwhere it will take atleast two weeks? Yea that sounds like a real functional program to me.
I have to wonder if people actually believe this or they just actually enjoy hating on the program.

There’s not a sniff of evidence to support this, yet people just perpetuate the the BS just to keep the hate rolling.

Yeah history tells us that the university has been stellar at hiring coaches. Its not hate. Its just fact. Kiffin, Dooley, Clawson, Bajakian, Shoop, Sunseri, Warren, Hoke, Mahoney, Thigpen, Botch. What a track record huh?
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Yeah history tells us that the university has been stellar at hiring coaches. Its not hate. Its just fact. Kiffin, Dooley, Clawson, Bajakian, Shoop, Sunseri, Warren, Hoke, Mahoney, Thigpen, Botch. What a track record huh?
With this litany of past poor decision making, should the powers that be not take some time to properly vet the candidate, ensure the contract is not just another cash windfall for Mr. Sexton, and provide for some reasonable performance expectations stipulated?

BOT, this reply is not directed at you, but rather those who bemoan the seeming delay in making the hire.
I have to wonder if people actually believe this or they just actually enjoy hating on the program.

There’s not a sniff of evidence to support this, yet people just perpetuate the the BS just to keep the hate rolling.
Have you watched the last 10 years at all.
? Or have you also forgotten how we’ve f’d up the coaching hires during that time as well (not including Pruitt, but he was choice 1,357) ?
Hubbs said He doesn’t feel like everyone who needs to be is on board with Freeze.

I’m 99.9% positive Fulmer is one of them.
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