*****Tennessee Football Coaching Search BIG BOARD [updated 12.4 10:47 am]

That's ludicrous. No way Pruitt talks with Freeze if Fulmer isn't on board. That literally makes no sense

Would Fulmer hire Saban? No. Would he hire Urban? No. Who he bring Bruce back? No. Would he hire the Pirate? No. Would he hire Kiffin? No. Would any other school in the SEC hire these coaches? Yes! Fulmer is part of the problem.
I swear every kind of coaching search we go through is like a circus, everyone else with openings fill them quick and move on, us on the other hand we prolong the search to the point where nobody in their right mind would want to be here. I'm still hoping things are going on in the background that we don't know about and they had a plan in place but that hope is starting to go away. I know alot goes into these decisions but good Lord how long does it take, I mean interview who you want make the offer, if accepted sign the contract.
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Would Fulmer hire Saban? No. Would he hire Urban? No. Who he bring Bruce back? No. Would he hire the Pirate? No. Would he hire Kiffin? No. Would any other school in the SEC hire these coaches? Yes! Fulmer is part of the problem.
That's not the point. You don't let your head coach interview someone and let it get this far if he's not going to be a serious candidate. It makes no sense
Gill is stepping down due to a heart condition his wife is plagued with.

Freeze is mentioned as a possible hire there due to previous connection with the AD. Art Briles is also mentioned.
Is this the same Liberty University founded by Jerry Falwell...considering Freeze & Briles?:eek::eek:
I swear every kind of coaching search we go through is like a circus, everyone else with openings fill them quick and move on, us on the other hand we prolong the search to the point where nobody in their right mind would want to be here. I'm still hoping things are going on in the background that we don't know about and they had a plan in place but that hope is starting to go away. I know alot goes into these decisions but good Lord how long does it take, I mean interview who you want make the offer, if accepted sign the contract.

Here's the deal and my opinion. The college/admin is like the man in the relationship and the fanbase is the woman. Admin makes a decision to please the fanbase, which is the overall goal. The Schiano debacle was pretty much like the admin bringing another girl into the bedroom and now we've trained this man to be scared of his own shadow. Instead of making a decision and sticking with it, they're terrified of the fanbase so they're taking a wait and see approach.

UT is whipped.
Hubbs said He doesn’t feel like everyone who needs to be is on board with Freeze.

I’m 99.9% positive Fulmer is one of them.
Wonder what the conditions are that they are negotiating? Would Freeze want to bring his own coaches?

I would not doubt Fulmer being a control freak here, but would want to see some evidence of that before I could make that statement.
Sorry for not updating this, guys. I've added some things from yesterday and will update. Please let me know if I missed anything.
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Here's the deal and my opinion. The college/admin is like the man in the relationship and the fanbase is the woman. Admin makes a decision to please the fanbase, which is the overall goal. The Schiano debacle was pretty much like the admin bringing another girl into the bedroom and now we've trained this man to be scared of his own shadow. Instead of making a decision and sticking with it, they're terrified of the fanbase so they're taking a wait and see approach.

UT is whipped.
I agree, If they wanted Schiano that's who they should've hired regardless of how things went, now I'm really glad they didn't because I don't think he's a good coach at all. But I think your right they are slow playing everything to see everyone's reaction and are probably going to miss the boat on coaches they should've hired.
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Anyone else think that Fulmer's trip to New York to involve interviews for our OC position. I think there may be candidates that may have not hit the media yet.
Anyone else think that Fulmer's trip to New York to involve interviews for our OC position. I think there may be candidates that may have not hit the media yet.

No. ADs do not interview staff hires.
Is this the same Liberty University founded by Jerry Falwell...considering Freeze & Briles?:eek::eek:

Sources indicate Liberty has also reached out to Rick Pitino to be its basketball coach. News of the interest in this seemingly unholy trinity has taken many Liberty alumni aback, but the school stands by its decision, as they argue it fully aligns with their campaign to "stop being so pious". The Liberty University marketing department is currently in full swing to introduce a new catchy slogan that coincides with these prospective coaches. To date, they've come up with 3 that the student body is now tasked with voting on.

"15 seconds of Flame"
"The Protestant Reformation 2.0"
"From Brothels to Apostles"
Who wants to bet when the announcement is made we end up with a guy from a MTSU type school for a OC?? If that happened Pruitt is screwed....
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I'm actually getting my Degree from Liberty.....i've semi started following the sports programs, it's not a bad gig at all. Really nice facilities, growing school. That being said, I want him to be at UT lol.
Sources indicate Liberty has also reached out to Rick Pitino to be its basketball coach. News of the interest in this seemingly unholy trinity has taken many Liberty alumni aback, but the school stands by its decision, as they argue it fully aligns with their campaign to "stop being so pious". The Liberty University marketing department is currently in full swing to introduce a new catchy slogan that coincides with these prospective coaches. To date, they've come up with 3 that the student body is now tasked with voting on.

"15 seconds of Flame"
"The Protestant Reformation 2.0"
"From Brothels to Apostles"

Solid !

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