*****Tennessee Football Coaching Search BIG BOARD [updated 12.4 10:47 am]

Made a girl change a shirt (dress code violation), was in the parking lot while a girl changed clothes in her car, paddled a girl.

Really earth shattering accusations
I’m the furthest thing from an insider and I heard about those rumors 5-6 years ago. I’m 100% not saying that he’s guilty of anything, but if they’re investigating the Briarcrest years, I’m thinking it’s something else.
Lol "Southeastern Athletics" arguing with Brice in that twitter thread...

lol thats gold
Wait, you kind of buried the lead there... he paddled a girl?

How old are you? When I was growing up this happened all the time... Not uncommon for girls to receive same punishment at all.

Plus I was from a small town where if we (boy or girl) got paddled in school, we were in for the same when we got home. It was always a two-fer.
I went to BA for awhile. Saw a guy get his hair cut in front of the class because it was below his collar. Saw girls and boys administered physical discipline in the classroom, even saw a multiple state championship winning football coach whip the shiz out of a kid that was about to be expelled just for a going away present I suppose. This stuff with Free sounds like typical disciplinefor anyone who went to that type of school back in the day.
I went to BA for awhile. Saw a guy get his hair cut in front of the class because it was below his collar. Saw girls and boys administered physical discipline in the classroom, even saw a multiple state championship winning football coach whip the shiz out of a kid that was about to be expelled just for a going away present I suppose. This stuff with Free sounds like typical disciplinefor anyone who went to that type of school back in the day.
Anyone from the South, that is older than 30, knows how things went in school. These new age kids and their rights...
How old are you? When I was growing up this happened all the time... Not uncommon for girls to receive same punishment at all.

Plus I was from a small town where if we (boy or girl) got paddled in school, we were in for the same when we got home. It was always a two-fer.

lol, I got a two-fer at school once. I managed to fly a paper airplane from my class into another and both teachers hauled me out where both classes could see and took turns with the paddle. I always thought that was a little much for the offense but I guess they wanted to nip that **** in the bud.
With a paddle with holes drilled in it, made it more aerodynamic, hehe!

My dad was a teacher and had one of those that he brought home and kept in the garage, to be brought out for the graver offenses. Maybe it was my imagination but I swore that damn thing whistled when he swung it!
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If we have been eliminated from the freeze sweepstakes. I would say now we are moving on to

Enos - Bama
Drinkwitz- NC State
Canada - Maryland (If Locksley is hired)

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