Tennessee Lady Vol News

This really goes in the WNBA thread, but Julie Allemand, the PG fm Belguim the Sparks were counting on this year, has been injured again with the Belguim Olympic team. Time to move on from her. Don't know if they do anything this year or wait for the draft, but it sure would be nice to aquire a skilled vet thru trade. LA's lack of elite facilities makes that tough, plus the Sparks have very little to trade. Folks not lining up for Ari McDonald, Zia Cooke or Steph Talbot. Truthfully, the Sparks best trade bait may be Rae.
I know u don’t agree but they should trade Hamby, and I really like her a lot. They can draft Kiki to take her spot, just go young and build from there. And Cooke needs to go as well, when all of that is done, the Sparks can be my team.
I know u don’t agree but they should trade Hamby, and I really like her a lot. They can draft Kiki to take her spot, just go young and build from there. And Cooke needs to go as well, when all of that is done, the Sparks can be my team.
I wouldn't mind at all if they traded Hamby, esp for a solid pg and most esp if they can snag KiKi. I just don't think they will, at least not anytime soon. They just gave her an extension for next year w a 200K guarantee.. She's said she wants to finish her career in LA and they've said they want her to, but we'll see.

Next year is going to be interesting with Brink and Stevens back plus Hamby. Who sits? Might not be the worst thing to have Cam coming off the bench since her foul troubles didn't get a bit better this year.
I wouldn't mind at all if they traded Hamby, esp for a solid pg and most esp if they can snag KiKi. I just don't think they will, at least not anytime soon. They just gave her an extension for next year w a 200K guarantee.. She's said she wants to finish her career in LA and they've said they want her to, but we'll see.

Next year is going to be interesting with Brink and Stevens back plus Hamby. Who sits? Might not be the worst thing to have Cam coming off the bench since her foul troubles didn't get a bit better this year.
I think Stevens is a free agent, so they might not bring her back. If they keep Ha,by they can get a Pg, but there’s only 2 I like in Paige and Olivia Miles, if they can get one of them they are in business, the other Pg’s are too small in my opinion.
View attachment 661834Debated on posting (for a hot sec) but it’s relevant.

This STILL comes up on my X at least a few times a week and will have thousands of likes and shares.

Most embarrassing moment in the history of Lady Vol Basketball.

Hoping Kim and crew change the narrative on this, it still makes me sick to see this picture and relive that moment.
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Gentle according to who? Guess you enjoy a picture of someone’s complete misery. Let it go….geez!

Didn’t enjoy that moment anymore than she did. Promise.

Pointing out that it’s still a talking point months later is fair game though. 5k likes and shares, not great optics for the program.

That was the worst possession of basketball in LV history. Sometimes you have to remember the hard things so as not to repeat them.
That was the worst possession of basketball in LV history. Sometimes you have to remember the hard things so as not to repeat them.

It was the second-most painful LV related moment ever for me. The most painful was, obviously, Pat Summitt dying. But for the camera to capture the moment Kellie's heart broke is easily the most awful in-game moments ever for the program.

God. It'll never not hurt me for Kellie. Never. 😢
It was the second-most painful LV related moment ever for me. The most painful was, obviously, Pat Summitt dying. But for the camera to capture the moment Kellie's heart broke is easily the most awful in-game moments ever for the program.

God. It'll never not hurt me for Kellie. Never. 😢
It strikes me that a certain degree of masochism and self loathing is required to continually revisit said moment in LV history. But, this is a public forum.
It strikes me that a certain degree of masochism and self loathing is required to continually revisit said moment in LV history. .
I get more downright mean spiritedness. Hidden behind "this hurts me more than it hurts you". Bull sh*t, you live for this. And a devotion to "told ya so" gravedancing that's unsettling. And across two threads, in painstaking detail. And by the VERY folks who haughtily told us we need to "move on".

But it is a public forum.
I get more downright mean spiritedness. Hidden behind "this hurts me more than it hurts you". Bull sh*t, you live for this. And a devotion to "told ya so" gravedancing that's unsettling. And across two threads, in painstaking detail. And by the VERY folks who haughtily told us we need to "move on".

But it is a public forum.
Yep! This from the “home run hire!!! Poster.
Didn’t enjoy that moment anymore than she did. Promise.

Pointing out that it’s still a talking point months later is fair game though. 5k likes and shares, not great optics for the program.

That was the worst possession of basketball in LV history. Sometimes you have to remember the hard things so as not to repeat them.
This is a complete pile of horse manure. You hated Kellie and took absolute joy in her misery. You wanted her gone for months before this and were delighted that that game might be the thing that pushed her out.
There is virtually no reason to revisit all of this except to replay a happy moment for you or you are having doubts about our new coach and wanted to remind everyone about this. I might also add that you crowed for days that AD “jacket too small” White was going to pay whatever it took to get a “homerun” hire. I like our new coach a lot but she is not the “homerun” you were so sure was going to happen.
This is a complete pile of horse manure. You hated Kellie and took absolute joy in her misery. You wanted her gone for months before this and were delighted that that game might be the thing that pushed her out.
There is virtually no reason to revisit all of this except to replay a happy moment for you or you are having doubts about our new coach and wanted to remind everyone about this. I might also add that you crowed for days that AD “jacket too small” White was going to pay whatever it took to get a “homerun” hire. I like our new coach a lot but she is not the “homerun” you were so sure was going to happen.

This is a complete pile of horse manure. You hated Kellie and took absolute joy in her misery. You wanted her gone for months before this and were delighted that that game might be the thing that pushed her out.
There is virtually no reason to revisit all of this except to replay a happy moment for you or you are having doubts about our new coach and wanted to remind everyone about this. I might also add that you crowed for days that AD “jacket too small” White was going to pay whatever it took to get a “homerun” hire. I like our new coach a lot but she is not the “homerun” you were so sure was going to happen.
You live in this brain? Dont think so. Do not put words in my mouth. Thanks.
Absolutely great move here. Keeping connection to the long orange line is so important, and the new staff has done that several times already. Even moreso, playing up the WNBA players is an effective recruiting tool. I hope Jordy and Rickea got big ole LV gear packages bc they're both on a fast track to W stardom.

We've already seen RIckea's influence be effective in the recruitment of Ruby. Now 5* '26 recruit Amari Byles has cited RJ as her fave player and RJ immediately answered back w an encouraging tweet. Good on the staff for jumping on this.
It was the second-most painful LV related moment ever for me. The most painful was, obviously, Pat Summitt dying. But for the camera to capture the moment Kellie's heart broke is easily the most awful in-game moments ever for the program.

God. It'll never not hurt me for Kellie. Never. 😢

Healing doesn't happen if we keep picking at the scab. The best way we can remember that painful (for all of us) moment, is to each do all we can to make it the historic lowest point from which the Tennessee Lady Vols bounce back higher.
Feed the positive / eliminate the negative.

And bring everyone with us!
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What web page do I need to check each morning to know when single game LV tickets go on sale?

I'm not a get out and spend money on myself kind of person. My last trip to Knoxville was to take my late wife to see Candace play. Some of y'all know how tough those "shared" memories can be to revisit.

But I really want to be there for this season's opening home game. Just want to add my few decibels of support to the program, this new staff, and the young ladies who've committed their time and effort to be the foundation for what CKC is attempting to rebuild. It's the people who make the "brand" or the "tribe" important, and for whatever reason, if feels important to be there in-person this time.
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