Tennessee Lady Vol News

If CKC wants to play the running game, there are two things that must be in place. Conditioning and chemistry. If she uses those things to determine the starters and rotation, the starters may be different players that you may think. I don't think she can maintain that running game this year without the right players. It will probably have to be a hybrid offence, with a combination of running and half court. This new system doesn't happen overnight, and the offence may seem familiar a lot of the time. The key is the point guard, that person will decide when to run and when not to. The player has to have good court vision, a great passer, and intelligent enough to make the proper decision before they cross mid court. Be patient, it will not always look pretty, but it will pay dividends later on in the season.
She has said it will take time. She went into Marshall last year. They had their best season in 25 years. The question will it work in the SEC. Marshall beat Florida last year. I think come January this team should look a better than they will in November.

Excellent as usual. Right on the money when discussing turnovers.

I love how NOT complimentary she is lol. It’s all about getting better. She doesn’t go to media and do a bunch of sunshine pumping.

Pretty easy to say “Oh it’s great, they’re a great group, it’s so fun to work with them every day.”

I heard, “we have a long way to go and short time to get there,” essentially. She keeps it 💯💯
While I am not a fan of tats, I believe it is outdated to require student-athletes to cover their tats. I agree this is a great looking group. GBO.
Would be interesting if Pat would have changed her stance on tattoos. Not sure I would want to be the one to bring that up with her.😆
I think Wynn may fit CKC system very well. She may be a pleasant surprise for us.
Dan White will give her (CKC) more than one year, and I think it will take more than one.
I hope she does. She deserves success for her loyalty and work ethic. However....I think a couple of things will be difficult for her to overcome. Two of her biggest weaknesses are perimeter shooting and decision-making with the ball in her hands. One thing not brought up about this system is that players will make more read-the-defense decisions because the increased pace will create more possessions and the offense will be much more transition and halfcourt motion. Slow down methodical halfcourt offense "simplifies" decision-making for the players. That will not be the case now.

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