Tennessee Softball 2023

Does anyone happen to know which hotel is the team headquarters in OKC?

Usually, under the Marriott family or properties.
Gasso is smart to use Bahl here. Even if you have a game in hand, you don’t want to give them hope, and you do that by allowing the if necessary game
I thought about that too but to be fair, it's elimination so of course you give it all you have. Given the winners bracket status KW had against OU there are probably other coaches who would do the same thing she did. Hopefully they'd throw in the towel a little more deftly and less blatantly. Haven't seen any numbers of the ABC broadcast, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't one of the biggest viewing audiences ever for the softball LVs. And look what they got, or didn't get. Strategy or not, a very bad look.

Really good game so far, here comes Stanford's flamethrower.
Elimination or not, you don’t take a backseat just because it’s OU. Play the game to win and don’t try to outsmart the bracket because of what may or may not happen. Stanford is the one punching OU in the face as opposed to sitting there taking it.
Elimination or not, you don’t take a backseat just because it’s OU. Play the game to win and don’t try to outsmart the bracket because of what may or may not happen. Stanford is the one punching OU in the face as opposed to sitting there taking it.
Agree. What a game! Too bad this one wasn't the one on network on a Saturday afternoon.
Setting up for a great finish regardless…underdog wins or OU flexes. Regardless OU is throwing Bahl and Stanford is throwing haymakers
I know zilch about pitching mechanics, but doesn't that OU pitcher wiggle way too much? Isn't that a ton of wasted motion?

I'm good w a little something, like Gotshall spinning the ball. But 15 lil somethings before every pitch?

I've only been watching closely for a week and everything about OU is annoying.
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