In no way shape or form am I saying that Wiggins will be the next LBJ...but they do have a similar style of play. I think Wiggins will develop a little slower and will need probably a few more years to develop in the league, where-as LBJ dominated from his very 1st game. Kobe will be pretty much done by then. It will be time for the next generation of stars to rise up (LBJ, Durant, Paul George, Westbrook, Hardin, Irving, Davis, etc to stand up and then the rookies Parker, Wiggins, Randle to enter the league.) Some HOFers will be retiring or retired (Kobe, Duncan, Parker, Dirk, Pierce, Wade, KG, Nash, etc.)
The past couple of classes don't have that certain star power to replace all of those guys (maybe Davis, Lillard, Drummond, MCW) can come close but what is really going to stock the talent back up and add stars back into the league is this 2014 class. The best class since the Kobe, AI, Nash class and then the 2003 LBJ & Melo class.
Growing up learning the game of basketball I'm going to miss that generation of players (the Kobe's, Duncan's, etc.) I didn't get to see the greats like Bird and Magic, and only part of MJ's career, so yeah it is a little sad to see some of these players retire. But I'm excited to see LBJ vs KD battle it out and take over the league and be in charge and see these young players like Harden, Paul George, Irving, all shine then watch this 2014 class grow up together. I think the NBA is in a transition period and it's a little down this year but I'm really excited to see it pick back up next year!