Tennessee Vols Basketball Recruiting

BHH is every bit better than anything ORN brought at any point this year.
The stats don't reflect this. Nkamhoua was playing his best ball of the year before the surgery. He averaged 10 points, 7 rebounds, and 2 blocks in his last three games.

Nkamhoua going down has definitely helped getting Aidoo and BHH more run which will help next season. Aidoo>both imo, but I think they are all solid pieces.
BHH is every bit better than anything ORN brought at any point this year.

Per 40 ON is better at literally every statistic except steals. I’m happy BHH is coming on, but there is literally not a single thing he does better than ON right now. Weirdly strong dislike for one of our guys.
Per 40 ON is better at literally every statistic except steals. I’m happy BHH is coming on, but there is literally not a single thing he does better than ON right now. Weirdly strong dislike for one of our guys.
Likely has something to do with a failed eye test
The stats don't reflect this. Nkamhoua was playing his best ball of the year before the surgery. He averaged 10 points, 7 rebounds, and 2 blocks in his last three games.

Nkamhoua going down has definitely helped getting Aidoo and BHH more run which will help next season. Aidoo>both imo, but I think they are all solid pieces.
Im curious to see how Aidoo's offensive game develops. He has the potential lets see where it goes.
Per 40 ON is better at literally every statistic except steals. I’m happy BHH is coming on, but there is literally not a single thing he does better than ON right now. Weirdly strong dislike for one of our guys.
BHH size makes him a much better rim protector. BHH has his moments and makes freshman mistakes but hes a much better passer from the post as well. He also does turn it over a bit much, but it usually is from him not holding the ball well, where as ORN constantly dribbles into triple teams.
BHH is every bit better than anything ORN brought at any point this year.

BHH is the better pro prospect and has more talent, but Olivier still produces a lot more right now. More consistent shooter, better rebounder/ shot blocker and the only consistent lob threat we had this season. BHH is a better scorer/ player maker, but Olivier was overall a better player this year.
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BHH is the better pro prospect and has more talent, but Olivier still produces a lot more right now. More consistent shooter, better rebounder/ shot blocker and the only consistent lob threat we had this season. BHH is a better scorer/ player maker, but Olivier was overall a better player this year.

Not gonna lie…I get nervous every time BHH starts to dribble in traffic. I still think he is going to develop into an absolute beast in Knoxville.
Oddly enough, I really like where our team is at and the development of a number of our guys. I dont see a huge need to reach deep into the transfer portal.

Yes, we will likely lose 2-3 guys, but I'm hopeful in who is coming back. Even if we don't add another player I'm hopeful for next year's team.

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