Again, not once have I said anything about the government being right. I'm absolutely conservative in my views, and have said multiple times I don't even think the government should ban abortion. If you're gonna accuse, then back it up. Quote me one time saying anything against gay people, just once. I'm not accusing you if anything that I haven't quoted your exact words. We can't have a discussion because you just throw out false statements and call names, that's all you have. One of my daughters friends is gay, spent the night here Tuesday, does all the time. We never treat her bad, ever. You don't know crap about me, you're mad because of my opinion, and making stuff up in your head. I don't know if it's because of your news, social media, or what, but nothing you're saying is true, except I don't think grown men dressing as women should be around kids. Now if you can quote me saying anything, I don't like gays, I want more government, I agree with this law, anything, then do it. If not, stop making stuff up, and stick with the facts of our conversation. It's pretty sad, you know nothing about my life, what I do, and you're trying to say I don't have one based on nothing except I don't agree with them being around kids. Literally man, anyone with a tad of compression can see that. We're not going to agree, you can think I have a boring life, I don't care. Just stick with my words like I am you, nothing you're accusing me of is true, at all.