Texas baseball hires Jim Schlossnagle of Texas A&M as coach, replacing David Pierce

I don’t know. I think it depends on how much value I put into other things . Is it worth severing every friendship I’ve made or burning bridges w/ those that trusted me? I don’t know his situation, but I know that there are bigger things in the world than chasing $. If Josh Heupel left for Bama or Florida for an increase in salary would you have problem w/ him ? I would .

I would be mad at UTs administration for not being able to retain him.
Yeah, people would be mad at the departing coach just like when Kiffin left. The difference here is A&M's fixation that Texas is the source of all evil in the world and the SEC will rue the day they joined the conference. That whole thing is like a deranged ex-wife who blames her former husband for everything wrong in her life.

Texas has destroyed every conference they have been a member of, they're record speaks for itself.
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Texas has destroyed every conference they have been a member of, they're record speaks for itself.
They also have financially controlled every conference they've been a member of; that's how/why they destroyed it.

Them being in the SEC is a little different. They are in for a big culture shock. They won't bring in an inordinate amount of the SEC's revenue, and they won't have favored program status (that will still be Alabama).
I get it, I’d be majorly pissed off too.

Apparently he took the job in April and the entire staff signed on too. Some rumors that he was recruiting for Texas while still employed at A&M, he told parents of underclassemen but let his seniors find out on social media

This is scummy
Schloss divorced his wife and left his family. He wanted the A&M job badly...saying he needed to get away from Ft. Worth.
Maybe he was dealing w/ a situation similar to your previous football coach , who needed to get out of Tallahassee for family reasons.
Texas has destroyed every conference they have been a member of, they're record speaks for itself.
Just look at their attitude toward the SEC during negotiations for entering the conference and the strong arm tactics they tried to employ about revenue, Longhorn Network, etc. And I still don’t like them or OU coming into the conference.
Texas has destroyed every conference they have been a member of, they're record speaks for itself.
How so?

Big 12 still exists. And the SWC was doomed when Arkansas left for the SEC leaving only Texas schools half of which were small private schools (SMU, TCU, Rice and Baylor). Even with Arkansas, the SWC was too geographically limited to survive in the modern TV/media era.

I certainly have no desire to defend Texas but the narrative they destroy conferences is garbage.
Keep the faith, Aggie man. It doesn't seem that long ago that our new hot-shot coach who replaced a legend bolted for his dream job. It was a dumpster fire. The aftermath took a long time to clean up. We are in as good a place as we have been in a long time. If you trust your admin and AD, your recovery should be shorter than ours.

Schloss now strikes me as someone who will say whatever needs to be said to justify his choices. I wouldn't put a lot of trust in what he said to join TAMU just as I don't trust what he said now to join the 'sips.
To be fair, it was a mattress fire.
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The fans watching Schloss press conference at Texas are salty as heck at Texas Ag forum. I’m here for it, they are funny. Schloss deserves to be roasted
Is that confirmed? I saw it posted but you can never tell these days if things are real.
Ii don't know, either. I saw the pic of Ali Cammarillo (?) with the pitchcom device on his sleeve after the slide.
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Ii don't know, either. I saw the pic of Ali Cammarillo (?) with the pitchcom device on his sleeve after the slide.
Yeah, that's the same one that I saw.

I would have thought that if it made it to the umpires, the TV crew would have gotten wind of it by the next game. They brought up the fact that Cal was using hand signals multiple times, but no mention of a reason why.
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not sure how this reflects poorly on texass.

seems like a great move all around for them.
I’ll weigh in as a resident of the Lone Star State for 29 years and a frequent observer of the process that is the Austin Hippie Country Club. They’ve made a slight adjustment for Sarkisian, but think of them joining the SEC as Kentucky Basketball entitlement in EVERY PROGRAM. They eventually backbite and nitpick and gripe away any coach who isn’t a genetically spliced replicate of Darrell Royal and Clint Gustafson. Barnes long tenure there was an outlier of biblical proportions along with Mack Brown…whose success hinged on kissing babies and the hindquarters of big oil dummies who golfed at the Club. All that to say, this is Auburn with (conservatively) four times the endowment. Every one has a vote with no one having a clue. They’ll George Steinbrenner money whip their way around and it’ll become apparent why they don’t string NCs together considering their resources.
I’ll weigh in as a resident of the Lone Star State for 29 years and a frequent observer of the process that is the Austin Hippie Country Club. They’ve made a slight adjustment for Sarkisian, but think of them joining the SEC as Kentucky Basketball entitlement in EVERY PROGRAM. They eventually backbite and nitpick and gripe away any coach who isn’t a genetically spliced replicate of Darrell Royal and Clint Gustafson. Barnes long tenure there was an outlier of biblical proportions along with Mack Brown…whose success hinged on kissing babies and the hindquarters of big oil dummies who golfed at the Club. All that to say, this is Auburn with (conservatively) four times the endowment. Every one has a vote with no one having a clue. They’ll George Steinbrenner money whip their way around and it’ll become apparent why they don’t string NCs together considering their resources.
Yep. That place is the epitome of too many cooks in the kitchen, and none of the cooks know how to cook.
Man, that’s Kiffin/Orgeron level stuff right there.
It's worse. At least O and Kiffin were calling guys after they left Tennessee.

Recruiting guys to another team while employed by a different team sounds like potential lawsuit-type stuff, if true.
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It's worse. At least O and Kiffin were calling guys after they left Tennessee.

Recruiting guys to another team while employed by a different team sounds like potential lawsuit-type stuff, if true.
Wouldn’t bet against him offering the Aggie players currently in the portal on the plane ride home. 😏
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