Texas baseball hires Jim Schlossnagle of Texas A&M as coach, replacing David Pierce

It's worse. At least O and Kiffin were calling guys after they left Tennessee.

Recruiting guys to another team while employed by a different team sounds like potential lawsuit-type stuff, if true.
I remember hearing Coach O was on the phone with recruits the night that mattresses met their fate. Telling them to hold off on their commitment or signing LOIs…something along those lines.
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I remember hearing Coach O was on the phone with recruits the night that mattresses met their fate. Telling them to hold off on their commitment or signing LOIs…something along those lines.
Yeah. I mean don't get me wrong, that's a scummy thing to do too, but at least he waited until after he left his old job.

Recruiting for a school while employed by another sounds like a lawsuit.
Yeah. I mean don't get me wrong, that's a scummy thing to do too, but at least he waited until after he left his old job.

Recruiting for another school while employed for another sounds like a lawsuit.
The NCAA punishes "illegal contact with players not in the portal" and given that they have the power of a toot in a hurricane, I'd not bet the farm that anything happens.

Besides, do you want to keep players who are open to transferring with this guy?
The NCAA punishes "illegal contact with players not in the portal" and given that they have the power of a toot in a hurricane, I'd not bet the farm that anything happens.

Besides, do you want to keep players who are open to transferring with this guy?
What I'm talking about wouldn't be an NCAA investigation, or an investigation into the breaking of an NCAA rule.

This would be a breach of the contract between the coach and the school; a fired for cause kind of thing, except in this case the coach has already left on their own. It sounds like something the school would be able to sue the coach for.
We will agree to disagree.
not sure how the timing actually worked out, but it would be like if A&M hiring away Sark after he lost to Washington. That would be considered a killer move by A&M. you would be pleased as anything with your school, and wouldn't see any wrong doing on your part.

Sark would be the jackarse in the situation, but for the school they just pulled off a great move. you hire talent whenever you can. no school is going to give the victim school time to grieve a loss; they are going to hire their guy.
I’ll weigh in as a resident of the Lone Star State for 29 years and a frequent observer of the process that is the Austin Hippie Country Club. They’ve made a slight adjustment for Sarkisian, but think of them joining the SEC as Kentucky Basketball entitlement in EVERY PROGRAM. They eventually backbite and nitpick and gripe away any coach who isn’t a genetically spliced replicate of Darrell Royal and Clint Gustafson. Barnes long tenure there was an outlier of biblical proportions along with Mack Brown…whose success hinged on kissing babies and the hindquarters of big oil dummies who golfed at the Club. All that to say, this is Auburn with (conservatively) four times the endowment. Every one has a vote with no one having a clue. They’ll George Steinbrenner money whip their way around and it’ll become apparent why they don’t string NCs together considering their resources.
still not sure after all those words how this makes texas look bad for hiring the guy.
not sure how the timing actually worked out, but it would be like if A&M hiring away Sark after he lost to Washington. That would be considered a killer move by A&M. you would be pleased as anything with your school, and wouldn't see any wrong doing on your part.

Sark would be the jackarse in the situation, but for the school they just pulled off a great move. you hire talent whenever you can. no school is going to give the victim school time to grieve a loss; they are going to hire their guy.
It’s looking like a better equivalent would be if aTm had hired Sark after they lost to Oklahoma in the middle of October, but only Sark and a handful of people were aware of it . Sark would’ve been looking at recruiting boards scouting for A&M and being negligent to his current team for several months .
It’s looking like a better equivalent would be if aTm had hired Sark after they lost to Oklahoma in the middle of October, but only Sark and a handful of people were aware of it . Sark would’ve been looking at recruiting boards scouting for A&M and being negligent to his current team for several months .
Not just negligent, but actively helping another program, who happens to be their archrival in this case.
I get it, I’d be majorly pissed off too.

Apparently he took the job in April and the entire staff signed on too. Some rumors that he was recruiting for Texas while still employed at A&M, he told parents of underclassemen but let his seniors find out on social media

This is scummy
Yeah, if that timeline is accurate, he mishandled it. The minute he verbally accepted the position to the Texas AD via his agent, he needed to resign at A&M. It seems like he wanted the opportunity to win the National Championship this year and also start recruiting, building a staff at the same time. Have your cake and eat it too situation.

I don’t follow baseball much but it will be interesting how he does at Texas. Vast resources but a ton of pressure/expectations too.
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How so?

Big 12 still exists. And the SWC was doomed when Arkansas left for the SEC leaving only Texas schools half of which were small private schools (SMU, TCU, Rice and Baylor). Even with Arkansas, the SWC was too geographically limited to survive in the modern TV/media era.

I certainly have no desire to defend Texas but the narrative they destroy conferences is garbage.

The Big 12 is nothing but a G(whatever) now, it's no longer a power conference. Nebraska left the Big 12 to get away from TX, A&M and MO jumped from the Big 12 due to TX refusing to share TV revenue and of course the Longhorn Network. The SWC was destroyed by recruiting scandals with the private schools trying to keep up with TX so yes the University of TX is the root cause for 2 conferences going to crap.
Texas....this is the type of crap the SEC and member schools will be dealing with.
Everyone wants to win but all the schools in Texas are cutthroat.
This crap has been going on in the state of Texas forever.
SWC, SMU death penalty...Win at all costs.
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Yeah, if that timeline is accurate, he mishandled it. The minute he verbally accepted the position to the Texas AD via his agent, he needed to resign at A&M. It seems like he wanted the opportunity to win the National Championship this year and also start recruiting, building a staff at the same time. Have your cake and eat it too situation.

I don’t follow baseball much but it will be interesting how he does at Texas. Vast resources but a ton of pressure/expectations too.

I hope he fails miserably, mostly because I hate TU LOL
If it's true Schlossnagle was recruiting for Texas while coaching Texas A&M, he deserves whatever fan hell he's thrown into. That's about as trashy as it gets. A&M fans have every right to excoriate him and anyone he's associated with.

As for Texas, of course they did what they did. If you ever live in Texas, you'll get exposed very quickly to the self-assuredness of the Longhorns and their "this is about money and we have the most money" attitude. They are absolutely that guy at the country club, whose membership was paid for by family, who saunters around with that expression that says "I could buy whatever I want, up to and including this country club itself." It's not about character, it's not about competitiveness, it's just about money - and they know they have more. Even if they make a mistake, or do something wrong, they can always just spend more to get what they want anyway.

It's not necessarily brashness, although it can be brash. It's more a cockiness, a confidence that is always quick to remind you how much more they can spend than you can - and then the appetite to do just that.
If it's true Schlossnagle was recruiting for Texas while coaching Texas A&M, he deserves whatever fan hell he's thrown into. That's about as trashy as it gets. A&M fans have every right to excoriate him and anyone he's associated with.

As for Texas, of course they did what they did. If you ever live in Texas, you'll get exposed very quickly to the self-assuredness of the Longhorns and their "this is about money and we have the most money" attitude. They are absolutely that guy at the country club, whose membership was paid for by family, who saunters around with that expression that says "I could buy whatever I want, up to and including this country club itself." It's not about character, it's not about competitiveness, it's just about money - and they know they have more. Even if they make a mistake, or do something wrong, they can always just spend more to get what they want anyway.

It's not necessarily brashness, although it can be brash. It's more a cockiness, a confidence that is always quick to remind you how much more they can spend than you can - and then the appetite to do just that.
If he was actively recruiting for Texas before this week, word would have leaked out. No way every high school kid/potential transfer he contacted keeps their trap shut. Those rumors are based more in A&M's insecurity than reality

You reckon those wrong-orange wearing TU Steers won't try and shyster their way into some kind of neutral turf game?

They'd probably sooner play in Beirut than College Station at this juncture in time.
They also have financially controlled every conference they've been a member of; that's how/why they destroyed it.

Them being in the SEC is a little different. They are in for a big culture shock. They won't bring in an inordinate amount of the SEC's revenue, and they won't have favored program status (that will still be Alabama).

This just in: $EC home offices are slated to move to Round Rock, TX. In related news, Paul Finebaum seen trying on a half-gallon hat. Details at 11.
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