Texas law effectively banning Critical Race Theory in classrooms leads to inclusion of Holocaust denialism materials

What it clearly shows is that a lot of white conservatives switched from democrat to republican largely due to racial issues.
If you call that dems being on the wrong side of history, that's on you.

No it doesn't. If the legislatures would have changed hands in 10-15 years yeah you would be right but it was 30-40 years so it had zero to do with race, that is just another farce you and yours keep pushing. It switched because the Dems became the party of the coastal elite and had zero to do with race.
Do you know why CRT came to be? In part, it was a response to revisionist histories being codified in textbooks. Textbooks used in public and private schools alike, encouraging students to refer to slaves as immigrants or servants, including homework assignments requiring students to list potential benefits of slavery, claiming that slaves were happy with their lot in life, etc.

Many textbooks actively use black and white scans of color images from the Civil Rights era to make it appear that it was longer ago than it actually was.

CRT is a response to the teaching of an intentionally incomplete history.

If you teach children they are victims, oppressed, they will grow up to believe it and live it. Teach slavery as history, Jim crow and civil rights movement as well. All of these are important American history bullets that kids need to know.

It cannot and should not be framed as a continuation to society today. They must believe they can contribute to American society, not that they are it's victim. This may be the greatest country in this world, they must see it as something they can contribute to, not rail against. We need them (all children) to succeed not fail, I fear we are teaching them to distrust based on race and further divest in America, perpetuating tribalism.
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No it doesn't. If the legislatures would have changed hands in 10-15 years yeah you would be right but it was 30-40 years so it had zero to do with race, that is just another farce you and yours keep pushing. It switched because the Dems became the party of the coastal elite and had zero to do with race.
That is just patently absurd.
But it is clear why you and others would desperately try to convince yourselves it is true.
No it doesn't. If the legislatures would have changed hands in 10-15 years yeah you would be right but it was 30-40 years so it had zero to do with race, that is just another farce you and yours keep pushing. It switched because the Dems became the party of the coastal elite and had zero to do with race.
Even the link you provided proved my point.
The humorous thing is that you used the link to try and call me willfully ignorant. Doesn't get much more ironic than that.
No it doesn't. If the legislatures would have changed hands in 10-15 years yeah you would be right but it was 30-40 years so it had zero to do with race, that is just another farce you and yours keep pushing. It switched because the Dems became the party of the coastal elite and had zero to do with race.

As we've seen, it's hard to get elected officials out of office until they decide to leave office. That's why we have career politicians. Most of Tennessee began transitioning more Republican in the 60's (except for East TN, which was already largely Republican). And not, just in Presidential elections either. In 1966, Howard Baker was the first Tennessee Republican Senator voted into office in 100 years, and the election was a landslide win. 4 years later, Republican Bill Brock was elected into office.

From 1900-1969 in the General Assembly, Tennessee had never had more 9 Republicans, and more often than not, had 6 or less. In 1969, TN elected 13 Republicans into office, and wouldn't have less than 9 again.
That is just patently absurd.
But it is clear why you and others would desperately try to convince yourselves it is true.

Come on, man! It's common sense what happened and your leftist liberal Marxist pinko commie socialist revisionist agenda has colluded with every political historian, general historian, publishing company, college and university, and even the Library of Congress archival department to advance your FASCIST LIES!
As we've seen, it's hard to get elected officials out of office until they decide to leave office. That's why we have career politicians. Most of Tennessee began transitioning more Republican in the 60's (except for East TN, which was already largely Republican). And not, just in Presidential elections either. In 1966, Howard Baker was the first Tennessee Republican Senator voted into office in 100 years, and the election was a landslide win. 4 years later, Republican Bill Brock was elected into office.

From 1900-1969 in the General Assembly, Tennessee had never had more 9 Republicans, and more often than not, had 6 or less. In 1969, TN elected 13 Republicans into office, and wouldn't have less than 9 again.

Holy ****! The Ds controlled the TN House until 2009 and the Senate until 96 (lost it one year) and regained the majority in 97 until 2004. Yeah the Rs really took over TN after the civil rights movement.
The radicals are the ones banning ideas
The radical ones are the ones fore feeding their radical ideas on others and attempting to silence them and punishing them for not falling in line. Are you what you claim to be, a libertarian or are you a liberaltarian?
The transition of parties from having both liberal and conservative wings to being wholly liberal or conservative explains how the Republican Party went from promoting Social Security, organized labor, food security for families, and progressive taxes on wealth and profits to "Duck y'all, it's your own damn fault" and how the Democratic Party went from pro-slavery to "Anything goes, we'll throw someone else's money at it" today.
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The radical ones are the ones fore feeding their radical ideas on others and attempting to silence them and punishing them for not falling in line. Are you what you claim to be, a libertarian or are you a liberaltarian?

Don't ask him what he is if you're going to choose the label anyway. Threatening outgrouping as a way to bring someone into line with your thinking. Isn't that what you just cried about?
Control isn't what is in question. Again, people in office are hard to get out of office. That's why everyone is bitching about term limits right now.

Political party strength in Tennessee - Wikipedia

Check the numbers out. There is a clear and defined change in voting starting in the late 60's. In the early 70's, the TN Senate was almost evenly split. We had a R Governor and both US Senators were R. If you can't see a major shift in voting and ideology starting in the 60's then you are purposely choosing to ignore it.

This blows the argument that the south transitioned to Republican over anger at the civil rights movement. Since it was the Rs that voted overwhelmingly for it.
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What categories have I put people into?

Your business thread was a hit piece that you had to literally go back and edit because the article did not match your agenda.

I don’t think you realize how offensive that thread was and how condescending you came across.

You supposedly don’t believe in boxes and then lumped almost an entire segment of society into a very unflattering box.
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Holy ****! The Ds controlled the TN House until 2009 and the Senate until 96 (lost it one year) and regained the majority in 97 until 2004. Yeah the Rs really took over TN after the civil rights movement.

Control isn't what in question. People who are in office are hard to get out of office. That's why people are bitching about term limits.

Political party strength in Tennessee - Wikipedia.

This shows a clear and defined political shift starting in the late 60s. The TN Senate became split for the first time in 80 years in 1969. In the early 70's, we had a R Governor, 2 US Senators that were R, and we voted R for POTUS. l If you can't see a major shift in voting and ideology starting in 60's then you are purposely choosing to ignore it.
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Don't ask him what he is if you're going to choose the label anyway. Threatening outgrouping as a way to bring someone into line with your thinking. Isn't that what you just cried about?
He's the one that claims to be a libertarian, I didn't label him with anything he hasn't labeled himself. The second sentence was a question. No reason for you to white knight your leftist buddy.
This blows the argument that the south transitioned to Republican over anger at the civil rights movement. Since it was the Rs that voted overwhelmingly for it.

The Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1964. The shift didn't start until 1967/1968.
Books on Holocaust should be balanced with 'opposing' views, Southlake school leader tells teachers

As the result of confusion stemming from a Texas bill designed to prevent discussion of Critical Race Theory in classrooms, administration in one school district are telling teachers they must include books that provide "alternate theories" to the Holocaust if they keep any books that discuss the Holocaust in their classrooms.
Is it even possible to balance books on the holocaust, with books denying it happened? How many denialist books are there? There are 16 European countries plus Israel, where it is a crime to deny the holocaust occurred. Such material would have to be hard to find. The guy who suggested that has to be an idiot.
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The Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1964. The shift didn't start until 1967/1968.
Another lie. You guys really need to research history. There was never a party shift then. You might be able to fool people in your democrat circle but not in here.

If there was a shift then prove it. With actual data, election results, etc.
The radical ones are the ones fore feeding their radical ideas on others and attempting to silence them and punishing them for not falling in line. Are you what you claim to be, a libertarian or are you a liberaltarian?

This describes the current GOP to a T. Any elected GOP leader who disagrees with Trump is immediately censured for telling the truth.
Another lie. You guys really need to research history. There was never a party shift then. You might be able to fool people in your democrat circle but not in here.

If there was a shift then prove it. With actual data, election results, etc.

Read the whole thread. It's all there.
I give up. You guys want to believe this bullshot so badly you ignore facts.

A major shift in voting in a state that was heavily (and I mean heavily) Democratic happened in the late 60's. If only there some major event that happened earlier in the 60's that could help explain this shift........

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