Texas law effectively banning Critical Race Theory in classrooms leads to inclusion of Holocaust denialism materials

Few Democrats switched parties until the 90s. If that were the case the Ds wouldn't have held control over state legislatures for as long as they did.
I think it happened more in the mid and late 2000s. West Virginia was even a democrat stronghold for years. In 2012 every county in that state was won by Romney. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the democrat party does not align with their values anymore? And trying to enact policies that West Virginians don't agree with?
This describes the current GOP to a T. Any elected GOP leader who disagrees with Trump is immediately censured for telling the truth.
So who are in charge of the social media companies? Who are the ones banning conservatives? Is it not the current Whitehouse that's instructing to investigate moms who express discontent for what they believe is wrong when it comes to the lefts attempt to brainwash their children? Yeah, it's the mean old radical conservatives.
Let me know who Tennessee voted for in the 1976, 1992, and 1996 presidential elections. What were the political parties of each Tennessee governor since then? I'm sure you're smart enough to research this.

Harding won Tennessee. Hoover won the state once. Eisenhower won the state of Tennessee twice. All before 1960s.

Would you like to continue?

As Hog88 let on, you can't tell much from Presidential elections.

But since you asked, Ford had the stink of Nixon on him. And Ford wasn't a popular POTUS either. And like Ford, Bush Sr. also was not a popular POTUS, having, I believe, the lowest approval rating of a POTUS seeking re-election.
You could just use the link you provided (but obviously didn't read).

Didn’t go looking for the data, but the abstract of the paper Hog posted does provide a compelling narrative for why he is completely wrong.

Makes sense that southern Democrats disavowed the DNC agenda to continue getting elected, which explains the disparity between national and state elections.
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Let me know who Tennessee voted for in the 1976, 1992, and 1996 presidential elections. What were the political parties of each Tennessee governor since then? I'm sure you're smart enough to research this.

Harding won Tennessee. Hoover won the state once. Eisenhower won the state of Tennessee twice. All before 1960s.

Would you like to continue?

As Hog88 let on, you can't tell much from Presidential elections.

But since you asked, Ford had the stink of Nixon on him. And Ford wasn't a popular POTUS either as the fill in for Nixon. And like Ford, Bush Sr. also was not a popular POTUS, having, I believe, the lowest approval rating of a POTUS seeking re-election.
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A:. "Here are links to resources that support my opinion. Here are more resources that back them up. Here's a chain of evidence that reinforces my line of thinking."

B:. "I haven't read them, but they're wrong."

A: "What resources, links, and information can you give me to support your side of this discussion?"

B: "No."

VolNation, summarized.
Does not change the fact that people on here have claimed two things that were false. That the ideological shift happened in the 1960s, which is not true. And that another one happened with Reagan. Once again not true. Then of course there is the supposed southern strategy of 1972. Another myth. The presidential elections of 1972, 1980, and 1984 were won in landslides. Nixon and Reagan didn't win because they got the Southern vote or ideological shifts. They won because the democrat candidates in each election sucked.

Dude I've posted the stats the explain this very thing. TN went from heavily Dem (like 80% controlled) to having a split State Senate, an R governor, and 2 R US Senators in the late 60's/early 70s. That is a major shift in a span of 5-6 years. They did bounce back blue in the mid-late 70s, but nowhere near what they were prior to the Civil Rights Movement.
100% agree with this statement. What I completely disagree with is the falsehood that flashpoint for the change was the civil rights act/movement. Had that been the case the election results would have changed much quicker.

They did start moving R in fairly dramatic fashion in the elections immediately after the Civil Rights Movement.
Except for the whole part where Texas is banning an entire topic.

Your smarter than this. They're banning the kids being taught this feces in public schools. Do parents not have the right to choose what their kids are exposed to? Or do you think the government trumps their rights as parents?
Your smarter than this. They're banning the kids being taught this feces in public schools. Do parents not have the right to choose what their kids are exposed to? Or do you think the government trumps their rights as parents?

I'm not seeing the part where parents had any choice in this. What's happening is some government officials are banning an idea for all k-12 schools across an entire gigantic state. I'm against this because I'm a limited government libertarian. I don't want them banning creationism either.

You're supporting the wrong side because you have this backwards. You're asking gov to choose for parents
A:. "Here are links to resources that support my opinion. Here are more resources that back them up. Here's a chain of evidence that reinforces my line of thinking."

B:. "I haven't read them, but they're wrong."

A: "What resources, links, and information can you give me to support your side of this discussion?"

B: "No."

VolNation, summarized.
I knew you wouldn't take my bet
I'm not seeing the part where parents had any choice in this. What's happening is some government officials are banning an idea for all k-12 schools across an entire gigantic state. I'm against this because I'm a limited government libertarian. I don't want them banning creationism either.

You're supporting the wrong side because you have this backwards. You're asking gov to choose for parents

I'll ask you again... are you against the parents having a right to determine what their kids are exposed to at public school? Because you know this law was born out parents not wanting their kids exposed to curriculum that they vehemently disagree with.
I'll ask you again... are you against the parents having a right to determine what their kids are exposed to at public school? Because you know this law was born out parents not wanting their kids exposed to curriculum that they vehemently disagree with.

Of course they have a right. Not banning CRT does not mean you have given up your right to abstain from the teachings. My Mom didn't want me in Freshman sex ed. Guess what? She didn't have to ban it for everybody else to get her way.
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It's also worth noting, that AAs have historically voted Dem since the Civil Rights Act. While I haven't dug into the stats much on this, in theory, an injection of a bunch of new voters that are primarily voting Dem should have created a Dem boom for TN and other Southern states who were already heavily Dem. We didn't see that.
Of course they have a right. Not banning CRT does not mean you have given up your right to abstain from the teachings. My Mom didn't want me in Freshman sex ed. Guess what? She didn't have to ban it for everybody else to get her way.
But that's not what was happening. They were teaching it as normal curriculum. They were not giving the parents an opt out. That's why the parents were up in arms about it. This is nothing more than the liberal education system trying to circumvent the parents. They want the parents to have less influence on their kids. It's brainwashing.

When my son went to UT orientation, they did the same thing. They required these kids to go through their social indoctrination. Made them sit through stuff that my son was uncomfortable viewing. They banned the parents from seeing what they were seeing. They had a monitor at each table and they had to watch. If they picked up their phones they were told they would have to attend it again. They were told if they closed their eyes they would have to attend it again. If they talked.... well you get the idea. This is liberal indoctrination. It's a form of brain washing. It's what they do.
So who are in charge of the social media companies? Who are the ones banning conservatives? Is it not the current Whitehouse that's instructing to investigate moms who express discontent for what they believe is wrong when it comes to the lefts attempt to brainwash their children? Yeah, it's the mean old radical conservatives.

Time for you to come up for air, you have gone way too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole.
The "woe is me" victimhood you espouse is embarrassing, I know the right wing radical echo chamber you live in doesn't' report it but social media companies ban liberals too - not everything is a conspiracy theory. And your comment about Moms and schools is completely inaccurate - do some research next time.
When my son went to UT orientation, they did the same thing. They required these kids to go through their social indoctrination. Made them sit through stuff that my son was uncomfortable viewing. They banned the parents from seeing what they were seeing. They had a monitor at each table and they had to watch. If they picked up their phones they were told they would have to attend it again. They were told if they closed their eyes they would have to attend it again. If they talked.... well you get the idea. This is liberal indoctrination. It's a form of brain washing. It's what they do.

What was the presentation on, if I may ask?
But that's not what was happening. They were teaching it as normal curriculum. They were not giving the parents an opt out. That's why the parents were up in arms about it. This is nothing more than the liberal education system trying to circumvent the parents. They want the parents to have less influence on their kids. It's brainwashing.

When my son went to UT orientation, they did the same thing. They required these kids to go through their social indoctrination. Made them sit through stuff that my son was uncomfortable viewing. They banned the parents from seeing what they were seeing. They had a monitor at each table and they had to watch. If they picked up their phones they were told they would have to attend it again. They were told if they closed their eyes they would have to attend it again. If they talked.... well you get the idea. This is liberal indoctrination. It's a form of brain washing. It's what they do.

Take it up with the local school board then. You don't need to ban it for millions of students just because you don't like what happened at your school.

Public schools are indoctrination centers and it's less about liberalism than it is about being an obedient little civilian/servant to the state. Critical race theory's sin is that it disrupts that indoctrination.
I’ve never done any sort of significant study of CRT or been very interested in it, but I had not heard this before.

My understanding is that critical race theory developed from Critical Legal Studies, which came about roughly a decade after passage of the Civil Rights Act to theorize about the stagnant condition of African American communities despite the emphasis on facially race neutral laws.

My understanding of critical theory, more broadly, is that it provides a critique of a society that draws from multiple social sciences to attempt to explain societal flaws and attempts to use historical context to explain how those flaws came to be in order that they be remedied more easily.

As I understand it then, critical race theory posits that the relationship between races in the United States is a complex social construct that is a product of multiple factors with a specific focus on US history and it continues to be perpetuated by the effects of those historical developments such as the accumulation of resources by white Americans, creating sort of a feedback loop that was not broken by the passage of the Civil Rights Act.
In others words…REPARATIONS!!!
Dude I've posted the stats the explain this very thing. TN went from heavily Dem (like 80% controlled) to having a split State Senate, an R governor, and 2 R US Senators in the late 60's/early 70s. That is a major shift in a span of 5-6 years. They did bounce back blue in the mid-late 70s, but nowhere near what they were prior to the Civil Rights Movement.
It's a good thing that racist Al Gore Sr was not re-elected in 1971. Would you have preferred they re-elected Gore Sr? Sasser was elected in 1977 and Tennessee had a Democrat governor in the late 1970s. They have elected democrat Senators and governors since the 1960s.

Your original argument was false. Tennessee also had two Republican governors in the early 1900s and some Republican presidential candidates won Tennessee as well prior to the 1960s.

It's a good thing Tennessee eventually chose not to have anything to do with the racist dixiecrat dems like Gore Sr. You should be proud.
As Hog88 let on, you can't tell much from Presidential elections.

But since you asked, Ford had the stink of Nixon on him. And Ford wasn't a popular POTUS either as the fill in for Nixon. And like Ford, Bush Sr. also was not a popular POTUS, having, I believe, the lowest approval rating of a POTUS seeking re-election.
You refuse to acknowledge one of the main reasons Carter won is that he won all but one of the Southern states. If not for that he would have lost to Ford. It was a close election.

Therefore the election of 1976 also proves that the "southern strategy" by Republicans is a complete myth.
Take it up with the local school board then. You don't need to ban it for millions of students just because you don't like what happened at your school.

Public schools are indoctrination centers and it's less about liberalism than it is about being an obedient little civilian/servant to the state. Critical race theory's sin is that it disrupts that indoctrination.

LOL, you can't take it up with the school board because you get placed on a terrorist watch list and investigated by the FBI.

Critical Race theory is 100% liberal indoctrination. They must tell the little white kids how they were born racist and and they are the scourge of society.

What if they decided that porn study was appropriate for 2nd graders? The good side of white supremacy? Is there any place that we should draw the line?
A:. "Here are links to resources that support my opinion. Here are more resources that back them up. Here's a chain of evidence that reinforces my line of thinking."

B:. "I haven't read them, but they're wrong."

A: "What resources, links, and information can you give me to support your side of this discussion?"

B: "No."

VolNation, summarized.
Yourself included in that summary.
What was the presentation on, if I may ask?

It was some kind of skits they were doing about social justice. I can't remember exactly as I've tried to forget it. It made my kid, who doesn't have racist bone in his body very uncomfortable. This kind of crap does more harm than good.

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