Thanks, Coach Fulmer.

You act like he went 5-7 every damn year since 2001, you act like he never beat Bama, Florida, or UGA in that time frame, you act like they weren't ranked, you act like he said "screw you, I'm going to destroy the program", all of which are false. Would you have rathered the man had left for a pro job after 2001 like Spurrier did? No, because then you'd be complaining that he wasn't loyal. My god, get off your entitled high horse. I'm going to come on here if Jones doesn't win 9 games in 3 years and act like you.

Like I said, you don't enough about it or me to provide a legitimate debate. You have some strong strawmen going there. I've never described anything remotely close to your fabricated scenarios.

BTW, :)birgits_giggle:) Fulmer never had an offer to be a head coach in the NFL. If he had, I would have been very happy and proud for him to not only receive an offer, but to take it. Since you're talking about BS "what ifs", we would have been able to hire a top notch guy and he would have walked into a very nice situation. As it stands, Butch Jones didn't walk into a great situation. I am not surprised you would badmouth him if he has a couple of mediocre to bad seasons because I know you wouldn't know any better to know that you were being an idiot. CBJ doesn't have the luxury of stepping into a situation like CPF did in 1992.

CPF helped to build that "situation", I believe.

Think about all the really good and great head coaches. Almost all of them have had a great No. 2. Majors had Fulmer and Fulmer had Cutcliffe. When Phillip became OC, a new edge was brought to the team. It made a difference. Remember how good we were when Phillip took over as head coach? Remember when it started sliding just a bit? Remember 2006?

Who had a bigger impact on their head coach's success? Fulmer or Cutcliffe. Did Fulmer win a conference championship without Cutcliffe as no. 2? Did Majors win a conference championship without Fulmer as no. 2?

When you answer those questions, it should provide some perspective to those that by no fault of their own, don't know any better
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Like I said, you don't enough about it or me to provide a legitimate debate. You have some strong strawmen going there. I've never described anything remotely close to your fabricated scenarios.

BTW, :)birgits_giggle:) Fulmer never had an offer to be a head coach in the NFL. If he had, I would have been very happy and proud for him to not only receive an offer, but to take it. Since you're talking about BS "what ifs", we would have been able to hire a top notch guy and he would have walked into a very nice situation. As it stands, Butch Jones didn't walk into a great situation. I am not surprised you would badmouth him if he has a couple of mediocre to bad seasons because I know you wouldn't know any better to know that you were being an idiot. CBJ doesn't have the luxury of stepping into a situation like CPF did in 1992.


You give so much credit to Chavis and Cutcliffe regarding Fulmer's success, but you give Fulmer zero credit for helping him build his "situation" he stepped into. And you act like I know nothing about it? Get real. And if you are seriously blaming Fulmer for the crap Jones has, you are absolutely dumber than you've let on. Fulmer has ZERO to do with it, due to the FACT (you seem to love that word) that none of his players are anywhere near the program and he's not had any direct contact with the program in 5 YEARS! And, by the way, I like Jones a lot, and really want him to succeed. But, knowing how you feel, if he doesn't win 9 by his third year, you'll be calling for his head.
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You give so much credit to Chavis and Cutcliffe regarding Fulmer's success, but you give Fulmer zero credit for helping him build his "situation" he stepped into. And you act like I know nothing about it? Get real. And if you are seriously blaming Fulmer for the crap Jones has, you are absolutely dumber than you've let on. Fulmer has ZERO to do with it, due to the FACT (you seem to love that word) that none of his players are anywhere near the program and he's not had any direct contact with the program in 5 YEARS! And, by the way, I like Jones a lot, and really want him to succeed. But, knowing how you feel, if he doesn't win 9 by his third year, you'll be calling for his head.

Are you reading my entire posts? I never said a damn thing about Chavis

The previous post stated that Fulmer had something to with that situation. Read the first word/sentence of my last post. I responded to him by saying "absolutely". I would say that is giving Fulmer tons of credit. I was only stating the effects a strong no. 2 guy can have on his head coach. Fulmer certainly brought positive change when moved into that slot in 1989. Majors did win a SEC title without Fulmer as the no. 2. Fulmer didn't win the SEC without Cutcliffe and we all saw the change in the team when Cutcliffe came back in 2006

You know nothing about how I feel. I hope CBJ wins 9 in his third season, but I won't be calling for his head if he doesn't. I haven't posted anything that should lead you to believe anything like that.

Not only do you not know enough to be debating intelligently, you're allowing your emotions to affect your comprehension.

Go get a drink of water and settle down. Then go back an reread these posts. Hang in there, maybe you'll get it one day:eek:k:
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You know nothing about how I feel. I hope CBJ wins 9 in his third season, but I won't be calling for his head if he doesn't. I haven't posted anything that should lead you to believe anything like that.

"It's not acceptable for a top ten program of all time. No other school in our class has ever held on to a coach that had a run like 2002-2008"

Sounds to me like if he doesn't win 9, he's not worthy to be kept on, according to you. Fulmer never had a 3-year average of less than 8 wins a year, and that wasn't good enough. It's called deductive reasoning. Try it sometime.
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And you and others sound like you think real life is like playing NCAA Football. Just because you can win the National Championship on a video game 5 years in a row doesn't mean it is likely to happen in real life.

You must be happy as heck than with the last 15 years. I'm not.
You must be happy as heck than with the last 15 years. I'm not.

Where have I ever said that I don't wish we wouldn't have won another SEC ritle in there? Where have I said I am so glad we didn't play for any more National Championships than we did? Nowhere. But to say that we are as bad as you and others claim is ludicrous, because in fact it wasn't as bad as you say it was.
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I talked to Fulmer about this never ending debate. This was his response.


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I want Fulmer and Majors to be celeb coaches during next year's Spring Game.

I'm only being slightly sarcastic.
"It's not acceptable for a top ten program of all time. No other school in our class has ever held on to a coach that had a run like 2002-2008"

Sounds to me like if he doesn't win 9, he's not worthy to be kept on, according to you. Fulmer never had a 3-year average of less than 8 wins a year, and that wasn't good enough. It's called deductive reasoning. Try it sometime.

Read the third paragraph of my last post. Your response is a perfect example of that opinion. LOL

Those are two entirely different situations. We're rebuilding right now Einstein. In 2002, we had a loaded roster and quality depth. Not surprising you don't know any better and lack the ability to distinguish the two situations.

You didn't get that drink of water, did you?:no:
Where have I ever said that I don't wish we wouldn't have won another SEC ritle in there? Where have I said I am so glad we didn't play for any more National Championships than we did? Nowhere. But to say that we are as bad as you and others claim is ludicrous, because in fact it wasn't as bad as you say it was.

I've never given the opinion that they were bad. EVER!

I listed some historical facts such as scores and draft picks, but never gave any other opinion than they slid into mediocrity.

Your last sentence is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post. That's an opinion, Einstein, not a fact.
Read the third paragraph of my last post. Your response is a perfect example of that opinion. LOL

Those are two entirely different situations. We're rebuilding right now Einstein. In 2002, we had a loaded roster and quality depth. Not surprising you don't know any better and lack the ability to distinguish the two situations.

You didn't get that drink of water, did you?:no:

By his third year, Jones should be loaded with talent, so therefore if he doesn't win 9, he should be fired. By that time, he'll have all his guys and everything else. So, if he can't win 9+, he should be let go because it isn't acceptable for Tennessee to only win 8.
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Ok I'm back....had a wild weekend.

Ill take midnight watch on Mount Fulmer tonight.

Who will be the first DBag to talk **** about our beloved HOF coach?
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By his third year, Jones should be loaded with talent, so therefore if he doesn't win 9, he should be fired. By that time, he'll have all his guys and everything else. So, if he can't win 9+, he should be let go because it isn't acceptable for Tennessee to only win 8.

I don't believe you have a proper perspective of how signing classes cycle through the system. I want to see continuous improvement. Wins and losses can be deceiving when looking
at overall record only. I would much rather go 8-4 with the 4 losses being competitive games than go 9-3 and get embarrassed in those losses. The eye test means a great deal. I don't want to see teams come out in some games and give up when things don't go their way. We've seen too much of that for the past 11 seasons. Sometimes it takes awhile to find a coach that is capable of ridding the program's bad habits.
I don't believe you have a proper perspective of how signing classes cycle through the system. I want to see continuous improvement. Wins and losses can be deceiving when looking
at overall record only. I would much rather go 8-4 with the 4 losses being competitive games than go 9-3 and get embarrassed in those losses. The eye test means a great deal. I don't want to see teams come out in some games and give up when things don't go their way. We've seen too much of that for the past 11 seasons. Sometimes it takes awhile to find a coach that is capable of ridding the program's bad habits.

Oh, so you want a team that despite getting drilled twice and then left for dead by everyone but the men in that lockerroom to take care of business in order to play for a conference championship, right?
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Oh, so you want a team that despite getting drilled twice and then left for dead by everyone but the men in that lockerroom to take care of business in order to play for a conference championship, right?

I didn't say anything about playing for a conference championship. I suppose you're idiotic rebuttal is referencing the 2007 season. I wasn't even thinking of it because those situations, very rarely, happen in that manner.

Bless your heart. I ALMOST feel sorry for you. You aren't ever going to get it
I didn't say anything about playing for a conference championship. I suppose you're idiotic rebuttal is referencing the 2007 season. I wasn't even thinking of it because those situations, very rarely, happen in that manner.

Bless your heart. I ALMOST feel sorry for you. You aren't ever going to get it

You would do much better if you did not end every post with an insult.
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You would do much better if you did not end every post with an insult.

And yet, he claims that we are terrible at debate when he has to resort to calling us "idiotic" and all in each one. My younger cousins could debate better at 5 years old than he can purely on the fact they didn't need to act like 5 year olds to prove their point.
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I didn't say anything about playing for a conference championship. I suppose you're idiotic rebuttal is referencing the 2007 season. I wasn't even thinking of it because those situations, very rarely, happen in that manner.

Bless your heart. I ALMOST feel sorry for you. You aren't ever going to get it

Ok, fine. You want a team that comes back down 24-9 to win, a team that despite giving up a sizable lead keeps their composure to win in multiple overtimes, a team that comes back down 24-7 on the road to stomp an actual rival (not the made up ones in your head), a team that goes on the road to one of the toughest places to play and rallies back from 21 down to win. Ok,
That type of not giving up. I get it now thanks to your oh so kind blessing of my heart. That's what I really needed.
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