That's racist!

It makes them prejudiced but probably not racist in this country.
I was taught that only the racial majority can be racist.
Who Can Be ‘Racist’? | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

What you were taught is irrelevant if it contradicts with the facts, and it’s a silly defense. People have been “taught” to believe countless examples of nonsense since the beginning of time. When has that ever been a valid excuse? Willful ignorance is quite the argument.
You have to go further. Why do they commit these crimes?

Because many live in fatherless homes, and have a hard time breaking the perpetual cycle of poverty created by poor education and high unemployment. Unfortunately, most in the minority community refuse to discuss those issues and deflect blame at any other politically expedient issue like “systematic racism” or “police brutality”. I have and continue to work in high poverty areas. The only way you are going to fix the issue that many poor minorities face is to repair the family unit and emphasize higher education in the home. We are never going to fix it by continuing to throw money at it or by pretending all ills rest on the shoulders of another race. You don’t really want to have a discussion. You want to brow beat everyone else who doesn’t share your opinions with faux outrage
What you were taught is irrelevant if it contradicts with the facts, and it’s a silly defense. People have been “taught” to believe countless examples of nonsense since the beginning of time. When has that ever been a valid excuse? Willful ignorance is quite the argument.

“He” should’ve been an odd chic in Salem, MA in the late 1600s.
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Anyone see Kevin durants b**** fit against that rappaport guy? Durant used terms like “pale” and “pasty” as insults towards him. Wonder how much Durant would be crying if the guy would’ve referred to Durant as “darkie” or something similar. This is the mindset of a large portion of blacks though. It’s fine to use racial type insults towards whites, but the other way around and you’re racist.
Anyone see Kevin durants b**** fit against that rappaport guy? Durant used terms like “pale” and “pasty” as insults towards him. Wonder how much Durant would be crying if the guy would’ve referred to Durant as “darkie” or something similar. This is the mindset of a large portion of blacks though. It’s fine to use racial type insults towards whites, but the other way around and you’re racist.
Fine to use them against Asians and Hispanics too- witnessed it firsthand many a time.

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