That's racist!

we already have 2 that have been discussed (there are at least 2 in the article you linked)

you've also added a qualifier that it depends on other things too so that adds at least a 3rd variant to the mix (actually at least a 4th since you've identified "dynamics of a country" and "history")

I've also seen adaptations of Critical Race Theory that posit it can only be white people (regardless of majority status) or that by virtue of being white you are inherently racist. So that's 2 more constructions. So there's at least 6 different constructions.

Personally, I subscribe to the individual action view where prejudice based on a believe another race is inferior counts as racism.

I believe the bolded is the basis for all constructions mentioned if the prejudice is purely based on physicality (See the FL_cowardposter).

I appreciate the convo so far btw. This is an example of the convos needed for actual progress.
Can you say for sure that Mr. Floyd would have been murdered if he were white?
Do you know the history of no-knock warrants in this country?
I would put the odds of him still being alive had he not resisted arrest as significantly high.

And that's coming from someone who believes Chauvin went too far.
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I would put the odds of him still being alive had he not resisted arrest as significantly high.

And that's coming from someone who believes Chauvin went too far.

Floyd put on the same act every time thereā€™s video of him being arrested. ā€œOh please donā€™t shoot me Iā€™ll do whatever you wantā€, all while resisting arrest and dragging out the process. He was a pos career criminal that was a victim of his own actions.
I believe the bolded is the basis for all constructions mentioned if the prejudice is purely based on physicality (See the FL_cowardposter).

I appreciate the convo so far btw. This is an example of the convos needed for actual progress.

An exception is the constructions that say being part of the majority means one is racist - no prejudice required; just group membership. Lot's of talk of "whiteness" as an inherent and problematic trait
They also stated he had almost 4x what is considered a lethal dose of Fentanyl in his system. I'm not sure which ultimately killed him. I'll wait for the evidence to come out at trial before I convict the man of murder. He's only a POS at this point.

Is the rate at which AA are killed any higher than white or other races/ethnicities based on contact with police or are you just citing an overall number without context? I haven't looked into those statistics but have looked at others that absolutely refute the commonly recited narrative that police hunt AA's.

The war on drugs isn't racist, it unfortunately hits and overtakes the most poverty striken segments of the population for sure. But I'm not sure you can call it Racist.

The one area I can absolutely agree with you on a charge of racism is the judicial system where POC get disproportionately longer sentences for similar crimes.

All examiners have ruled the death a homicide independent of drugs.

It is the rate in which police kill black people vs white people. They are 2.8 times more likely to be murdered by police.

The war on drugs initiated by Reagan (one of the most overrated Presidents of all time) was inherently racist. Please research this more.

There is so much more that needs to be changed but we can agree your last point should be looked at.
It makes them prejudiced but probably not racist in this country.
I was taught that only the racial majority can be racist.
Who Can Be ā€˜Racistā€™? | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson
That opinion piece actually points out the fallacies in what you were taught.

What you were taught makes a distinction between racism and prejudice without there being a defined difference. Literally you are making a semantics argument.

I would go further in the argument against the majorities being the only racists (vs prejudiced) relies on whites being in a position of power and CAN use the system to their favor. That definition doesnt allow any room for actions. You are racist simply by the fact of your race. Doesnt matter if you do or dont benefit from the system, all that matters is that you COULD.

Which brings up further holes. Our system has plenty of ways minorities CAN benefit over others or whites. So it's not even arguing that white people are in a unique situation based on our race that we could benefit. Every race can benefit. But apparently only whites are racist in our benefits.

It's so circular it's a laughable argument.
Do you know something the world does not. The death has been ruled a homicide by all examiners involved. šŸ˜³

Facts show he would have had a much greater chance at survival if he would have been white. Black people are murdered 2.8 times more than white people by police.

The ridiculous and racist war on drugs is the origin of the warrant.
The war on drugs gave rise to ā€˜no-knockā€™ warrants. Breonna Taylorā€™s death could end them
Homicide does not equal murder. If you break into my home and I shoot you dead that is a homicide but not necessarily a murder.
I'll add another variant - if racism is defined by size of group (majority vs minority) does that mean that a large minority group can be racist towards a smaller minority group?

Can Hispanic/Latino be racist to black? Can black be racist to Asian?
7^7= 823,543 constructions.

You're approaching a point where racism is so pervasive and ubiquitous it simply cannot be the explanation for what ills a demographic. If it were the reason, especially with the sheer number of scenarios it exists, no person could ever rise above all the constructs of racism. It would be like winning the lottery.
I would put the odds of him still being alive had he not resisted arrest as significantly high.

And that's coming from someone who believes Chauvin went too far.
With a drug problem, a risky lifestyle, and blocked arteries this was only a matter of time.
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All examiners have ruled the death a homicide independent of drugs.

It is the rate in which police kill black people vs white people. They are 2.8 times more likely to be murdered by police.

The war on drugs initiated by Reagan (one of the most overrated Presidents of all time) was inherently racist. Please research this more.

There is so much more that needs to be changed but we can agree your last point should be looked at.

They are also more than 5 times as likely to commit violent crimes. Since we are using statistics. I'd say it's also likely that they are much more prone to resisting arrest.
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That opinion piece actually points out the fallacies in what you were taught.

What you were taught makes a distinction between racism and prejudice without there being a defined difference. Literally you are making a semantics argument.

I would go further in the argument against the majorities being the only racists (vs prejudiced) relies on whites being in a position of power and CAN use the system to their favor. That definition doesnt allow any room for actions. You are racist simply by the fact of your race. Doesnt matter if you do or dont benefit from the system, all that matters is that you COULD.

Which brings up further holes. Our system has plenty of ways minorities CAN benefit over others or whites. So it's not even arguing that white people are in a unique situation based on our race that we could benefit. Every race can benefit. But apparently only whites are racist in our benefits.

It's so circular it's a laughable argument.
I posted to give context and to have a convo. Not because we are lock step here.
The author ultimately believes:
ā€œRacism is individual, not just institutional. As individuals, we all have the power to hurt one another. However, though power dynamics of race in our society shouldnā€™t absolve some races from the ability to be racist, they should affect how we determine degrees of racism. Iā€™d argue that, on average, a racist comment would cause a white person less harm or fear than it would cause a black person. Iā€™m not sure how exactly one could measure that, but white people have it easier in America, and that shouldnā€™t be a controversial statement.ā€

I clearly defined the difference @ bolded. I see grey area however.

I disagree with your furtherance. How can you be prejudice without action?

The majority of these ā€waysā€ are controlled by people that are not black. The system is fatally flawed.
They are also more than 5 times as likely to commit violent crimes. Since we are using statistics. I'd say it's also likely that they are much more prone to resisting arrest.
You have to go further. Why do they commit these crimes?
An exception is the constructions that say being part of the majority means one is racist - no prejudice required; just group membership. Lot's of talk of "whiteness" as an inherent and problematic trait
Thats an interesting idea in regards to majority and minority.

Does the relevance of majority/minority matter as much if the prejudice exists with a smaller % of the majority?
You have to go further. Why do they commit these crimes?

Plethora of reasons. Primarily the culture they grow up in promotes violence. But that's not how your post was stated. It was stated as if police kill them at a higher rate without provocation, when if you compare the rate violent offenders are killed it is almost exactly the same across the board demographically.
All examiners have ruled the death a homicide independent of drugs.

It is the rate in which police kill black people vs white people. They are 2.8 times more likely to be murdered by police.

The war on drugs initiated by Reagan (one of the most overrated Presidents of all time) was inherently racist. Please research this more.

There is so much more that needs to be changed but we can agree your last point should be looked at.
But what is the rate is contact with AA's, could the rate at which they are killed because the rate at which they have contact is higher? Is the rate at which they commit crimes higher?

The war on drugs is flawed and is counter productive to a large extent but that doesn't equate to racist. What specifically about the war on drugs is racist?

It's very easy to make blanket statements but when throwing a charge of racism, which is very serious imo, you must back it up with facts, otherwise you undermine your cause by watering it down with baseless claims, which I'm not saying you're doing, unless the claims are baseless or just opinion.
You have to go further. Why do they commit these crimes?
Because people are telling them no matter what they can't get ahead because whitey is after you and will never let you succeed because they are racist. Meanwhile the two must successful groups of Americans today are ethnicities of color.

A large portion of the issue in the AA community is cultural. There is no way around that.

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