That's racist!

These are not the examples needed to prove your argument. Why are black people disproportionately imprisoned?
Do you know who is the biggest consumer of black culture btw??🤦‍♂️
Either we are all equal or we are not. Try again.

See, this is why I don't waste my time with you. What do you want to be said? White people are so mean to black people that they can't succeed? All cops are racist, and arrest the first person they see darker than them? You want all the links, how about you find the links for that? You insinuate white people also consume black culture? I agree, but they don't live in it. More of them have a father at home, how can they relate? Black people are disproportionately imprisoned because they committed more crimes. You're looking at the 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels of this, while ignoring the root cause. That's the biggest issue in the whole argument, zero self-responsibility. Your last sentence doesn't even make sense.
Ghetto and trailer park cultures are inferior....disregarding normal family structures, supporting gang and drug culture, dropping out of school, lack of fathers in the home, constant generations of welfare due to laziness, no work ethic, always blaming others for your own decision making, aggression and violence to handle problems.

That is inferior culture from any race (white, black, hispanic or asian)
Ask them about Islamic cultures next, where women are enslaved and homosexuals are tossed off buildings. Or Chinese culture, where adherence to the groupthink allows for real open oppression of racial and ethnic minorities. Or how about cultures in South America that encourage violence against everyone, with a real Darwinian winner-take-all reality in play.

Or ask which cultures are worth admiring, then look at the racial makeup of those.

Are all of them equal? By their standards, we should be praising all of these cultures for their numerous virtues.

I think tastyprick has me on ignore, so it won't answer- it never does when anything challenging comes up.
Ask them about Islamic cultures next, where women are enslaved and homosexuals are tossed off buildings. Or Chinese culture, where adherence to the groupthink allows for real open oppression of racial and ethnic minorities. Or how about cultures in South America that encourage violence against everyone, with a real Darwinian winner-take-all reality in play.

Or ask which cultures are worth admiring, then look at the racial makeup of those.

Are all of them equal? By their standards, we should be praising all of these cultures for their numerous virtues.

I think tastyprick has me on ignore, so it won't answer- it never does when anything challenging comes up.
Wrong thread^
You clearly have reading comprehension issues. You must have went to a public school system
Actually, let's do one better on all this.

@Tastylicks believes all cultures are equal, so I can assume @Tastylicks enjoys beating, enslaving, and punishing women, denying them the right to drive, and cutting body parts of and killing gays.

What an intolerant asswipe!
drrrrrrrr good one dummy
You said all cultures were equal, so I'm just providing context to what you approve of, since we've got so many ignorant posters here. I'm just elaborating on your own belief system, nothing more, nothing less.

I can't help that that encapsulates some of the most bigoted, hateful, and violent things in the world. That's your call, and it makes you pretty reprehensible.
no thanks. I dont engage with racists. There is no winning an argument as a racist is not respectable nor reasonable
Exactly, just like with the other "debates" you have no actual facts of anything. You don't like it that you have no rebuttal when you throw out "racism" and other silly emotional buzzwords.

Some cultures ARE trash and inferior and have NOTHING to do with race at all. That's why we don't brag about cultures where gays are stoned, or they use hands to wipe their azzes, or that women are property or that promote incest and cannibalism...because those cultures are inferior and immoral and trash.

And if you can't agree with that, then clearly you aren't smart enough to grasp what the debate is actually about
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You said all cultures were equal, so I'm just providing context to what you approve of, since we've got so many ignorant posters here. I'm just elaborating on your own belief system.

You gotta wait a minute, Tasty is logging back in as BV. Also, don't expect anything other than a very generalized stance with zero expounding.
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You said all cultures were equal, so I'm just providing context to what you approve of, since we've got so many ignorant posters here. I'm just elaborating on your own belief system, nothing more, nothing less.

I can't help that that encapsulates some of the most bigoted, hateful, and violent things in the world. That's your call, and it makes you pretty reprehensible.

I did not say "all cultures are equal", not even 1 time. stop making **** up its annoying. you can kindly kick rocks now
I did not say "all cultures are equal", not even 1 time. stop making **** up its annoying. you can kindly kick rocks now
We identified several inferior cultures for you, and yet you insist that that is racist. Simple math indicates that you think cultures are all equal, meaning you're a horrible human being that's OK with cultures with a 500% higher rate of domestic abuse against women compared to other cultures in their country, rampant homophobia, and more.

This is all your opinion mirrored back to you. I have nothing to do with it. I can't help that you're coming to realize how truly evil of a person you are. Maybe you ought to reflect on it.
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Western Culture > other cultures. Western Culture is the reason you can have a dissenting opinion and not get jailed or murdered for it. Western Culture is why the west has had a higher quality of living than the rest of the world. Western culture is the reason for all the technological innovations of the past century. Western culture is why refugees go to Western countries, not the other way around.
We identified several inferior cultures for you, and yet you insist that that is racist. Simple math indicates that you think cultures are all equal, meaning you're a horrible human being that's OK with cultures with a 500% higher rate of domestic abuse against women compared to other cultures in their country, rampant homophobia, and more.

This is all your opinion mirrored back to you. I have nothing to do with it. I can't help that you're coming to realize how truly evil of a person you are. Maybe you ought to reflect on it.

nope, literally none of that is true.

I only called 1 person racist and its because he had about an ignorant a take on the black community in the United States as I've seen in quite some time.

Your silly pee wee herman stuff is just dumb. grow up and be an adult
nope, literally none of that is true.

I only called 1 person racist and its because he had about an ignorant a take on the black community as I've seen in quite some time.
What was the "racist" take? Please be specific, because i believe i said the issue was NOT race related and had nothing to do with black as a race
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What was the "racist" take? Please be specific, because i believe i said the issue was NOT race related and had nothing to do with black as a race

this is just you trying to save face afterwards. Obviously the discussion was on race and the black community. We are all adults here
An inherently flawed system

Conviction is a wonderful thing and it appears you have it. Truly elated for you. I am not going to pretend that the judicial system in this country is perfect because it is not. Systems ran by people have flaws. You will probably disagree but most people who become imprisoned are the culprits of their own downfall.
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I just would like to see either of them state something of significance. You can't run from facts. They keep asking why, why, why without stating their opinion, because they don't have one other than white people racist. The only institutional racism today is for black people not against. Free farmland, free state-funded university tuition, free money to poor PoC families, quota representation by government contracts, etc.
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See, this is why I don't waste my time with you.
I feel like you’re wasting my time with your weak arguments.

What do you want to be said? White people are so mean to black people that they can't succeed? All cops are racist, and arrest the first person they see darker than them? You want all the links, how about you find the links for that? You insinuate white people also consume black culture? I agree, but they don't live in it. More of them have a father at home, how can they relate?
So, again, rap music is your strongest argument? What I want said is the truth. Anyone coming to this thread thinking black people are a failure and that they are the sole reason to why should have their head examined. You want a link? Here you go: NAACP | Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Black people are disproportionately imprisoned because they committed more crimes. You're looking at the 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels of this, while ignoring the root cause. That's the biggest issue in the whole argument, zero self-responsibility. Your last sentence doesn't even make sense.
The root cause is rap music??? Your entire argument is laughable and doesn’t make sense.

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