That's racist!

Minnesota high school student who was Falsely Accused of sending racist Instagram messages to a black classmate Fears For Her Safety despite officials confirming they were a Hoax

A high school student from Minnesota has spoken out about being falsely accused of sending vile racist messages to black classmates, after the incident was exposed as a hoax.

Avery Severson, a sophomore at White Bear Lake High School near St. Paul, was falsely accused of sending the racist direct messages, prompting outrage and a student walkout.

But school officials said that an FBI investigation revealed that the female student who created the hateful messages wanted 'to raise awareness of social and racial injustice' by staging the stunt. They refused to name the true perpetrator.

White Bear Lake student who was falsely accused of sending racist messages speaks out | Daily Mail Online
Minnesota high school student who was Falsely Accused of sending racist Instagram messages to a black classmate Fears For Her Safety despite officials confirming they were a Hoax

A high school student from Minnesota has spoken out about being falsely accused of sending vile racist messages to black classmates, after the incident was exposed as a hoax.

Avery Severson, a sophomore at White Bear Lake High School near St. Paul, was falsely accused of sending the racist direct messages, prompting outrage and a student walkout.

But school officials said that an FBI investigation revealed that the female student who created the hateful messages wanted 'to raise awareness of social and racial injustice' by staging the stunt. They refused to name the true perpetrator.

White Bear Lake student who was falsely accused of sending racist messages speaks out | Daily Mail Online
This is absurd on so many levels. Minnesota is straight up nuts .

The Superintendent of schools had to apologize for calling this Hoax a “Hoax” in case it minimized people’s thoughts on the fake racist message that was never sent by the non racist white girl, but was actually sent by a black student to raise awareness about the fake racism. Let that bull$hit sink in.
Minnesota high school student who was Falsely Accused of sending racist Instagram messages to a black classmate Fears For Her Safety despite officials confirming they were a Hoax

A high school student from Minnesota has spoken out about being falsely accused of sending vile racist messages to black classmates, after the incident was exposed as a hoax.

Avery Severson, a sophomore at White Bear Lake High School near St. Paul, was falsely accused of sending the racist direct messages, prompting outrage and a student walkout.

But school officials said that an FBI investigation revealed that the female student who created the hateful messages wanted 'to raise awareness of social and racial injustice' by staging the stunt. They refused to name the true perpetrator.

White Bear Lake student who was falsely accused of sending racist messages speaks out | Daily Mail Online
Just because it was a hoax doesn't mean it won't matter forever. The people who fell for the obvious hoax have the emotional and mental acumen of a bag of dried perineum's. I mean ffs people still do the "hands up don't shoot" bullsh!t lie from that "gentle giant" who got smoked a few years ago after deciding to play "when bowing up goes bad".
This is absurd on so many levels. Minnesota is straight up nuts .

The Superintendent of schools had to apologize for calling this Hoax a “Hoax” in case it minimized people’s thoughts on the fake racist message that was never sent by the non racist white girl, but was actually sent by a black student to raise awareness about the fake racism. Let that bull$hit sink in.

That is par for the course with the Left, they throw that label around all the time and once you have it, well your life is pretty much over. Racism has been deemed the worst sin of all per their righteous indignation
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Minnesota high school student who was Falsely Accused of sending racist Instagram messages to a black classmate Fears For Her Safety despite officials confirming they were a Hoax

A high school student from Minnesota has spoken out about being falsely accused of sending vile racist messages to black classmates, after the incident was exposed as a hoax.

Avery Severson, a sophomore at White Bear Lake High School near St. Paul, was falsely accused of sending the racist direct messages, prompting outrage and a student walkout.

But school officials said that an FBI investigation revealed that the female student who created the hateful messages wanted 'to raise awareness of social and racial injustice' by staging the stunt. They refused to name the true perpetrator.

White Bear Lake student who was falsely accused of sending racist messages speaks out | Daily Mail Online

Another case of kids proving they aren't as smart as they think they are, but we should trust them at the polls, and their opinions matter. The error in judgement generally clears up when they have jobs, support themselves, pay taxes, etc. Until then then a child's ability to make uninformed decisions resulting in unintended consequences should be as common as pastel unicorns.
That is par for the course with the Left, they throw that label around all the time and once you have it, well your life is pretty much over. Racism has been deemed the worst sin of all per their righteous indignation

You can almost see it coming ... people marked by secret courts, having to register as "racists", houses marked, and maps on the internet ... probably have to wear a highly visible patch on clothing when in public.
Father pulls daughter out of exclusive $53,000-a-year Brearley School over 'cancerous' antiracism policies that include Training for PARENTS and 'color healing' sessions - but the school doubles down and says HE is being 'offensive and harmful'

  • Investment banker Andrew Gutmann penned a scathing letter against The Brearley School
  • He said it is teaching a 'cancerous' antiracism policy that makes kids 'hate their country'
  • Gutmann said his daughter is being judged on the color of her skin because she is white
  • Gutmann called the school out for claiming to prioritize diversity while favoring legacy students and families 'with deep pockets'
  • The school has an exhaustive antiracism agenda with multiple meetings, events, workshops and training sessions every month
  • Among items on the agenda are 'parent/family' training sessions and 'color healing sessions'
  • The school doubled down on its position, waving Gutmann and his daughter goodbye
A father has pulled his daughter out of an exclusive Upper East Side private school in outrage over the school's extensive anti-racism policies that include training for parents, and which he says are teaching kids to hate their own country.

Andrew Gutmann penned a scathing letter against The Brearley School, an all-girls school in Manhattan where fees are $53,000-a-year, which he sent to more than 600 other parents.

It mapped out what he called Brearley's 'critical race theory' which he said is 'advocating that Blacks should forever be regarded as helpless victims'.

One of the examples he gave was the school's 'sophomoric' and 'simplistic' anti-training sessions for parents, and the fact that materials that have been taught for years are now suddenly considered offensive in light of the BLM movement.

Gutmann, a 45-year-old investment banker, went on to say that the school was 'indoctrinating' the girls into a single mindset that is 'most reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.'

Father pulls daughter out of Brearley over 'cancerous' antiracism policies | Daily Mail Online
Head of elite NYC school Dalton Resigns after parents complain about 'obsessive' and 'wildly inappropriate' antiracism agenda that included reenactments of 'racist cops' in SCIENCE classes

  • It comes after parents of the $50,000-a-year school complained about policies
  • They said the school had become 'obsessive' in its anti-race policies
  • Some included reenactments of 'racist cops' in science classes
  • Dalton is among other elite NYC schools where parents and teachers say the kids are being 'indoctrinated' with liberal agenda
The head of the elite Manhattan school Dalton is stepping down this year after being slammed by parents for pushing an 'obsessive', antiracism agenda on students.

His resignation is in response to parents' complaints that Dalton, like other prestigious private schools Grace Church and Brearley, is indoctrinating students with its woke agenda.

'Every class this year has had an obsessive focus on race and identity, ‘racist cop’ reenactments in science, ‘de-centering whiteness’ in art class, learning about white supremacy and sexuality in health class.

Dalton head resigns amid criticism of 'obsessive' antiracism agenda | Daily Mail Online
Head of elite NYC school Dalton Resigns after parents complain about 'obsessive' and 'wildly inappropriate' antiracism agenda that included reenactments of 'racist cops' in SCIENCE classes

  • It comes after parents of the $50,000-a-year school complained about policies
  • They said the school had become 'obsessive' in its anti-race policies
  • Some included reenactments of 'racist cops' in science classes
  • Dalton is among other elite NYC schools where parents and teachers say the kids are being 'indoctrinated' with liberal agenda
The head of the elite Manhattan school Dalton is stepping down this year after being slammed by parents for pushing an 'obsessive', antiracism agenda on students.

His resignation is in response to parents' complaints that Dalton, like other prestigious private schools Grace Church and Brearley, is indoctrinating students with its woke agenda.

'Every class this year has had an obsessive focus on race and identity, ‘racist cop’ reenactments in science, ‘de-centering whiteness’ in art class, learning about white supremacy and sexuality in health class.

Dalton head resigns amid criticism of 'obsessive' antiracism agenda | Daily Mail Online

That is what it is going to take...One at a time.
LOL You are just a race baiting twit.

Finally! The he/she/it or whatever BayVol identifies as (going with him for convenience), is nothing but a troll. It is so freaking obvious and i wish everyone would stop trying to win an argument with him. Even if he was a true believer in the crap he insinuates he believes, he will never admit to anything because the entire position is illogical! Everyone, please do not feed the troll!
Minnesota high school student who was Falsely Accused of sending racist Instagram messages to a black classmate Fears For Her Safety despite officials confirming they were a Hoax

A high school student from Minnesota has spoken out about being falsely accused of sending vile racist messages to black classmates, after the incident was exposed as a hoax.

Avery Severson, a sophomore at White Bear Lake High School near St. Paul, was falsely accused of sending the racist direct messages, prompting outrage and a student walkout.

But school officials said that an FBI investigation revealed that the female student who created the hateful messages wanted 'to raise awareness of social and racial injustice' by staging the stunt. They refused to name the true perpetrator.

White Bear Lake student who was falsely accused of sending racist messages speaks out | Daily Mail Online

Just kids imitating adults, I.e., Joossee Smollett, Bubba Wallace, Rev. Al, etc.
Why do we never discuss "black privilege"? I define black privilege as the ability to label anything a white person does as "racist", even when it's not racist. Seems like a topic we should be discussing. False cries of "racism" damage any real conversation on the subject.
Why do we never discuss "black privilege"? I define black privilege as the ability to label anything a white person does as "racist", even when it's not racist. Seems like a topic we should be discussing. False cries of "racism" damage any real conversation on the subject.

Imagine what would happen if somebody proposed White History month or a White Miss America pageant or a congressional white caucus or similar. Amazingly some racism is and some racism isn't. That goes for other forms of current cultural appropriateness, too.
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Imagine what would happen if somebody proposed White History month or a White Miss America pageant or a congressional white caucus or similar. Amazingly some racism is and some racism isn't. That goes for other forms of current cultural appropriateness, too.
Congressional white caucus. Asian Caucus. Men's caucus....

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