That's racist!

Exactly. Who cares if commercials are all white and feature no alternative lifestyles? Oh wait, there would be a never ending cavalcade of hand wringers claiming how important it is to see representation in media if that were the case. Would you be so quick to jump their case and ask them "Why tf do you care?!?!"
While I've noticed the interracial thing I've also noticed that they aren't quite brave enough to have a black male and a white female very often or at all. So it's pandering but they don't get too crazy with it.
While I've noticed the interracial thing I've also noticed that they aren't quite brave enough to have a black male and a white female very often or at all. So it's pandering but they don't get too crazy with it.

They save those for the domestic violence PSAs.
How do I feel? I don't really give two sh*ts because commercials have absolutely zero bearing on my life. I don't waste time allowing then to dominate my mood in any capacity because I don't sit in front an idiot box a second longer than I need to.

With that said, why do you give any semblance of a **** about proper racial representation in ads? What drives you to have a problem or not have a problem?

I’m not a fan of tv, commercials or movies...but it’s not just in ads. The thing that bothers me is it’s not a true representation of this country proportionally and to go a step farther...white people in general, white men in particular, are subtly being portrayed as less masculine, submissive Napoleon Dynomite types. Its pretty noticeable to people that pay attention. And If you don’t, that’s fine....but a lot of kids and grandkids are...of all races.

Add in the white guilt, blame white people mantra being forced upon us in media and can almost predict the future...
I had something very, very similar to this happen when I was a teen and I would be willing to bet Mick's left nut that this had nothing to do with race. I fully understand that the young dude was probably doing something that the drill sergeant disapproved of, but that isn't how you handle it.

Army drill sergeant charged over viral video involving Black man

Military men like the drill sergeant fit into society about as well as men that have served hard time.
Why is nobody on Volnation discussing this?
Feel free to @ me when anyone files that complaint in here.

Until then, remain predictable in your devil's advocacy when it comes to racial discussions.
Unfortunately it's not 50's anymore and you're not going to find that complaint so you're just posturing your dick in the dirt on this one, Sammy boy.

Opinion | Companies' ads say Black Lives Matter. So why are ad agencies nearly all white?

Companies Continue to Push Diversity in Commercials Despite Backlash

Here's the first two random links from a very brief google search for "lack of black representation in commercials". They are less than three years old, so obviously not from the 50's. Go ahead. Let's hear you put these articles on blast saying "Why tf do you care about representation?!?!"
Opinion | Companies' ads say Black Lives Matter. So why are ad agencies nearly all white?

Companies Continue to Push Diversity in Commercials Despite Backlash

Here's the first two random links from a very brief google search for "lack of black representation in commercials". They are less than three years old, so obviously not from the 50's. Go ahead. Let's hear you put these articles on blast saying "Why tf do you care about representation?!?!"

One of those articles is entirely comprised of people flipping out over diversity in commercials, and the other is a snippet about a company going with the same ad campaign despite people flipping out over the diversity. Next!

Did you actually read your links?
Feel free to @ me when anyone files that complaint in here.

Until then, remain predictable in your white devil's advocacy when it comes to racial discussions.
Unfortunately it's not 50's anymore and you're not going to find that complaint so you're just posturing your dick in the dirt on this one, Sammy boy.

I went ahead and fixed this for you. I knew what you meant, but I don't think others understood the subtext.
One of those articles is entirely comprised of people flipping out over diversity in commercials, and the other is a snippet about a company going with the same ad campaign despite people flipping out over the diversity. Next!

Did you actually read your links?

"The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. It's time for action."

Please say to this headline "WHY THE **** DO YOU CARE ABOUT REPRESENTATION IN ADVERTISING?!?!" Why will you not say that? I thought it was stupid to worry about the representation in commercials. Only a complete ******* loser would spend one minute thinking about the diversity and representatioin of their commercials. Right?
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"The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. It's time for action."

Please say to this headline "WHY THE **** DO YOU CARE ABOUT REPRESENTATION IN ADVERTISING?!?!" Why will you not say that? I thought it was stupid to worry about the representation in commercials. Only a complete ******* loser would spend one minute thinking about the diversity and representatioin of their commercials. Right?

You want me to scream at articles written about advertising? Lol.

There was a post here. I responded to it. If my hunting these articles down and blowing up the comment section will make you feel better, I regret to inform you that I'm not your mommy's tit and I'm not terribly concerned with putting your hapless mind at ease.

Quit acting like your whiteness is under assault. Nut up.
"The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. It's time for action."

Please say to this headline "WHY THE **** DO YOU CARE ABOUT REPRESENTATION IN ADVERTISING?!?!" Why will you not say that? I thought it was stupid to worry about the representation in commercials. Only a complete ******* loser would spend one minute thinking about the diversity and representatioin of their commercials. Right?
Theoretically they should only be "diverse" by skin tone about a quarter of the time. Any more is blatant, and racist, overrepresentation.
You want me to scream at articles written about advertising? Lol.

There was a post here. I responded to it. If my hunting these articles down and blowing up the comment section will make you feel better, I regret to inform you that I'm not your mommy's tit and I'm not terribly concerned with putting your hapless mind at ease.

Quit acting like your whiteness is under assault. Nut up.

Do whatever you want. But spare me the cool guy "who cares" routine if you're not willing to apply it evenly. "Who cares" only applies when it is a white guy yelling at the clouds. Suddenly you're pretty non-comital when POC are the ones yelling at the clouds.
that guy is a dick. Charged with assault. You can't put your hands on someone like that and not be charged. This is real life, not boot camp
Let the little pervert hang out around your children then. That marine did what most dad's would do when some weirdo is perving through the neighborhood. Since the little perve was black I guess he should get a hero's medal and the marine needs a prison term according to losers like you.
that guy is a dick. Charged with assault. You can't put your hands on someone like that and not be charged. This is real life, not boot camp

Nobody knows the details of the entire interaction. People are reacting to a brief video clip and projecting their own narrative onto it.

BLM “activists” are protesting outside his house and disrupting the neighborhood.

So many people have lost the ability to be patient, hear out both sides, and objectively weigh evidence (or lack thereof) before rushing in to claim capital for their preferred political agenda. It’s going to rip the country apart. M
Let the little pervert hang out around your children then. That marine did what most dad's would do when some weirdo is perving through the neighborhood. Since the little perve was black I guess he should get a hero's medal and the marine needs a prison term according to losers like you.

he's not a Marine. Fort Jackson is Army.

If you think a "pervert" is doing something wrong in your neighborhood, you call the police. Otherwise, we live in the land of the free and people can walk on the sidewalks, black, white or otherwise.
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Do whatever you want. But spare me the cool guy "who cares" routine if you're not willing to apply it evenly. "Who cares" only applies when it is a white guy yelling at the clouds. Suddenly you're pretty non-comital when POC are the ones yelling at the clouds.

Cool guy routine? Look, I was responding to a post in here. I guess I'm supposed to respond to that, and then link a story about the other side of the coin and cry "Just so everyone knows, I feel this way about this situation too!"

I don't know what you want from me , but you're just looking like such a ****in' whiner right now.
Let the little pervert hang out around your children then. That marine did what most dad's would do when some weirdo is perving through the neighborhood. Since the little perve was black I guess he should get a hero's medal and the marine needs a prison term according to losers like you.

Sorry, is there something I'm missing from that story? Was he being a pervert?
Sorry, is there something I'm missing from that story? Was he being a pervert?
I don't know, but I wouldn't want that little freak hanging out in my neighborhood. I know you don't understand, but if you had kids and someone like that was slithering around your kids you'd want them gone.
Nobody knows the details of the entire interaction. People are reacting to a brief video clip and projecting their own narrative onto it.

BLM “activists” are protesting outside his house and disrupting the neighborhood.

So many people have lost the ability to be patient, hear out both sides, and objectively weigh evidence (or lack thereof) before rushing in to claim capital for their preferred political agenda. It’s going to rip the country apart. M

The funny thing is his own wife took the video. If people would put their damn phones down and stop filming everything the world would be a much better place, IMO.

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