That's racist!

Easier? ID is now required for mail-in votes. Republicans have created more oversight.

Link @ drop boxes claim. dropboxes must be located inside the clerk's office or inside a voting location and are only going to be accessible during early voting hours, and then closed when the early voting period ends. This is a departure from the 2020 elections, when drop boxes were available 24-7. And there can only be one drop box for every 100,000 voters in a county.
Who benefits from these changes? 🤔

Prior to 2020 there were no drop boxes for absentee ballots, that was done in 2020 for covid. Without this law they weren't coming back at all. The 2020 rules has zero legal backing and were only authorized under emergency authority.

If an ID is required for in person voting why shouldn't an ID be required to receive an absentee ballot?
Prior to 2020 there were no drop boxes for absentee ballots, that was done in 2020 for covid. Without this law they weren't coming back at all. The 2020 rules has zero legal backing and were only authorized under emergency authority.
How do you know there would not have been further legislation. The overall law is garbage.
If an ID is required for in person voting why shouldn't an ID be required to receive an absentee ballot?
Because there was no voter fraud. Because it is a reaction to defeat and a changing demographic. Why should there be?
How do you know there would not have been further legislation. The overall law is garbage.

Because there was no voter fraud. Because it is a reaction to defeat and a changing demographic. Why should there be?

There was further legislation and now there will be drop boxes available. Prior to 2020 there was none.

That's not a reason to oppose requiring an ID to receive a ballot. It's not hard to get an ID so what's the real reason to oppose it?
It's a shame he had to do all that to refute an absurd notion. He was bombarded on social media by people just looking for anything to jump on and attribute to racism.

I have no problem with black lives matter as a statement or idea. The movement however is very harmful and has become weaponized by a militant movement that doesn't care about black lives at all. Black lives are just the means to an end.

It's a movement that states the obvious for race baiting, profiteering, marxism, and more. After years of being fringe, they were served up a windfall in the form of George Floyd and Derek Chauvin.
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So you think people being able to vote earlier, on weekends, via ballots, and guarenteed drop boxes = Jim Crow?

You are really going to have to explain how GA actually EXPANDING voting access was a bad thing. I live down here, the entire betch fest has been bs from the start pushed by people who never read the bill.
Easier? ID is now required for mail-in votes. Republicans have created more oversight.

Link @ drop boxes claim. dropboxes must be located inside the clerk's office or inside a voting location and are only going to be accessible during early voting hours, and then closed when the early voting period ends. This is a departure from the 2020 elections, when drop boxes were available 24-7. And there can only be one drop box for every 100,000 voters in a county.
Who benefits from these changes? 🤔
Link to limit on drop boxes?. There was no requirements for drop boxes to be provided before.

There were no laws saying when drop boxes could be accessed. This set a minimum, not a maximum.

Mail in ballots were completely provisional before with no guidelines, meaning they could be denied. Now there is a law saying they are allowed and it spells out how to get them, where in 2020 some counties got in trouble for not offering them at all or not equally.

Everything you are posting here is based on ignorance of how things actually were in Geprgia before this law.

If you want to say this law didnt provide enough access, go for it. But this actually put into law things that were at best optional before.
How do you know there would not have been further legislation. The overall law is garbage.

Because there was no voter fraud. Because it is a reaction to defeat and a changing demographic. Why should there be?

It takes very little time and very little effort to get an ID, so why so much push back against requiring one to vote? What's the big deal about having a little proof of who you are before you get to have a say in an election?
How do you know there would not have been further legislation. The overall law is garbage.

Because there was no voter fraud. Because it is a reaction to defeat and a changing demographic. Why should there be?
So the Rs who put into law mail in ballots wouldnt have otherwise put mail in ballots in to law based on what?
Answer: Complete lunacy

Question: How absurd is it to automatically determine a three time show winner was flashing gang symbols on a game show?
I literally just pointed out (and posted) a poster calling me a racist term in a different thread and not one person came to my defense. Not one of you said anything. This has happened at least twice to me on this board. However, had I said something “racially improper” by your standards 50 of you would be calling me on it.

Forgive me if I do not believe you or give individuals the benefit of the doubt all the time when it comes to race. I cannot imagine how some minorities actually feel.

Police need to be demilitarized, reform would help. But that has nothing to do with a movement that purports to value black lives only to use them as a fund raising prop/slush fund.

What does any of this have to do with the Republican party?

Your logic: The past 4 years have been some of the most divisive in our history. The party has clearly changed. We had Republican voters on this very board ready to have a civil war and secede from the union (😂!). The party literally decried empathy. Surely the party should be destroyed because there were bad actors that could not care less about the actual country. I can make an equivalence to trump‘s slush fund btw but 🤷‍♂️
There was further legislation and now there will be drop boxes available. Prior to 2020 there was none.
Again, how do you know a better bill would not have come down the pike? The election was a success and the most secure in our nation’s history 🤷‍♂️
It takes very little time and very little effort to get an ID, so why so much push back against requiring one to vote? What's the big deal about having a little proof of who you are before you get to have a say in an election?
That's not a reason to oppose requiring an ID to receive a ballot. It's not hard to get an ID so what's the real reason to oppose it?
Lots of reasons. No one can refute that this is purely a reaction to a loss and/or changing demographics however so I’ll stop here.
Lots of reasons. No one can refute that this is purely a reaction to a loss and/or changing demographics however so I’ll stop here.

Again, how do you know a better bill would not have come down the pike? The election was a success and the most secure in our nation’s history 🤷‍♂️

How do you know a better bill would have? Why do you oppose photo ID? What makes the requirements of voter ID a hardship?
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Again, how do you know a better bill would not have come down the pike? The election was a success and the most secure in our nation’s history 🤷‍♂️

Lots of reasons. No one can refute that this is purely a reaction to a loss and/or changing demographics however so I’ll stop here.

Care to share a few?
Again, how do you know a better bill would not have come down the pike? The election was a success and the most secure in our nation’s history 🤷‍♂️

Lots of reasons. No one can refute that this is purely a reaction to a loss and/or changing demographics however so I’ll stop here.

So in summary you have no real objections to the legislation.
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Next time I get pulled over for speeding and the cop asks for my driver's license, I'm gonna scream "un-Constitutional!"......right before he beats my ass.
Maybe you’ll end up a victim and have your pic on CNN. We can riot and loot everything in site. And you could be a martyr. Oh wait, you’re not a criminal. Never mind.
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Because the drop box was a resounding success.
I oppose almost all restrictions that suppress voting.
Minorities disproportionately have less government identification for many reasons.
Why Do Many Minorities Not Have Valid ID To Show at the Polls?

A drivers license isn't the only form of ID. What would a person produce as an ID to buy smokes or alcohol, fly, etc? They aren't eliminating drop boxes. Are rural people disadvantaged due to having to drive to polls?
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A drivers license isn't the only form of ID. What would a person produce as an ID to buy smokes or alcohol, fly, etc? They aren't eliminating drop boxes. Are rural people disadvantaged due to having to drive to polls?
What is the point to any of this if security is not at issue?

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