That's racist!

My point is the term racist is overused and misused. So much so that the word is meaningless and more and more people ignore it. It’s like the boy that cried wolf, when a real racist is identified nobody pays attention to it.
From the article: 'Because a lot of minorities don’t have much use for them.'

I guess you could infer that voting isn't that important to them then, amiright?

Actual voting to minorities isn't important to minorities. Voting on behalf of minorities is important to Dems.
You do know you have to have ID for employment, to buy alcohol, enter a courthouse, take your kids to Chuck E Cheese, etc. Do you also know ID doesn't necessarily mean drivers license?

But you don't think blacks should be held to the same standard to get ID? Should there be an exception like it's unfair? Maybe lower the standard a little bit for fairness?

How does any of this legitimize voter suppression?
How does any of this legitimize voter suppression?

Exactly. What is this mythical voting suppression you are referring to? It is a farce. A made-up myth for the cheats many democrats are and want to be in the future. They have convinced you it's racist. I'm actually not sure if you really believe it or if you think if you say it enough everyone else will.
Demograhics? Are you saying that due to "demographics" that conservatism is losing? You are literally comparing a demographic subset to a certain ideoolgy as a sterotypical and self racist conclusion, if we are using your standard.

That totally deflates the argument that it is racist and in fact is purely an ideological battle.

Finally! I appreciate the attempt. Only one taker. I wonder why 🤔

Yes! @ bold. Rs also keep shooting themselves (sigh @ Tim Scott’s speech).
Seems you are not debating this but trying to decipher my logic. To many minorities ”conservatism“ means white supremacy. I see no deflation 🤷‍♂️
I truly don't understand how any adult can navigate the modern world without an id. Bank acct, job, govt money/services, housing, etc.

My guess, some of those adults without ID's, probably have outstanding warrants and are aware the moment they speak with the clerk about having their ID issued, here comes LEO to inform them of being taken into custody. They don't want to be arrested and lose their freedom, no matter how minor the offense is. Common sense should dictate that one would want to get the issue resolved and have it cleared. I guess the other portion without an ID are lazy.

For the record, this applies to all functioning adults of any race.
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Do I? Prove I'm wrong.
Hard to refute hate.
It is easy to do in fact. Who are you to speak for minorities?? To say voting is not important to them barely deserves comment.
Your other dumb point? Dems are anti-suppression because they are currently the party of the majority 🤦‍♂️
Exactly. What is this mythical voting suppression you are referring to? It is a farce. A made-up myth for the cheats many democrats are and want to be in the future. They have convinced you it's racist. I'm actually not sure if you really believe it or if you think if you say it enough everyone else will.
It's a shame he had to do all that to refute an absurd notion. He was bombarded on social media by people just looking for anything to jump on and attribute to racism.

I have no problem with black lives matter as a statement or idea. The movement however is very harmful and has become weaponized by a militant movement that doesn't care about black lives at all. Black lives are just the means to an end.
I have a much bigger problem with race baiters. Though in this climate they are much easier to spot.
Hard to refute hate.
It is easy to do in fact. Who are you to speak for minorities?? To say voting is not important to them barely deserves comment.
Your other dumb point? Dems are anti-suppression because they are currently the party of the majority 🤦‍♂️

It’s so important to them they have to be solicited to register and have someone lick a stamp for them while never leaving the house. Hell dims want people to automatically be registered. Lol. Let a career criminal get shot committing a crime though and leaving the house for that free tv and to burn s**t down isn’t so inconvenient. 🤣
So you think people being able to vote earlier, on weekends, via ballots, and guarenteed drop boxes = Jim Crow?

You are really going to have to explain how GA actually EXPANDING voting access was a bad thing. I live down here, the entire betch fest has been bs from the start pushed by people who never read the bill.

Because it expands voting in one farcical way which is made worse by the other restrictions to suppress.

Sadly, the vestiges of Jim Crow run much deeper than the new voter suppression laws in GA. Vestiges of Segregation Remain. America Is Fighting Over Them Today. - BirminghamWatch
Link to what? You're the one that claims that showing some type of id to vote is voter suppression.
The law will cause voter suppression. No one here is arguing that for a reason. It was basically the purpose of the bill.
What is this mythical voting suppression you are referring to? It is a farce. A made-up myth for the cheats many democrats are and want to be in the future.
^This is a claim. Seems you’re confused.
I’ll take the link now ☺️

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