That's racist!

Then why did Obama decimate the illegal alien work force with his Executive Action pertaining to I-9 Verification?

You do know what I-9 verification is don't you?
Employment Eligibility Verification
Use Form I-9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must properly complete Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. Both employees and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer) must complete the form.

@BayVol7 , Do you practice being stupid or is it a God given talent?
Actions speak louder than words. Neither Republicans or Democrats are willing to let people have a job without getting their tax cut.

Only one side panders to voters who do not contribute to the economy. Either that or "Voter ID Is Racist! " is a disingenuous lie intended to rile up useful idiots like you.
Sigh. There are many ways to prove identity 🤦‍♂️
Now you have to contribute to society in order to vote?
My goodness what is wrong with one person = one vote
Sigh. There are many ways to prove identity 🤦‍♂️
Now you have to contribute to society in order to vote?
My goodness what is wrong with one person = one vote

Lol. I guess these people don’t have to worry about filing taxes and get their welfare on the “honor” system. Which brings a great point, people that live solely off the government should absolutely not have an equal voice as those who actually contribute to society and pay taxes.
Sigh. There are many ways to prove identity 🤦‍♂️
Now you have to contribute to society in order to vote?
My goodness what is wrong with one person = one vote
What is wrong with Gov issued ID? What is wrong with taxpayers that pay more than net 0 getting their vote to count more since they pay everyone else's way? Of course, since you side with the takers, you probably are a taker instead of a maker.
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Now you have to contribute to society in order to vote?
You absolutely should. One should not be able to vote on a politician that provides them benefits that come from other people. Sorry, that's just wrong... It would be like me putting into place a law that takes your car to give to me.
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Yeah. The youth of today would scream abuse if they got stuck in a dusty field, 98 degree heat, and wasp filled barn loft with an old school country farmer screaming to hurry up before rain came. Man good times and I ain't lying.
I gave up a very good paying job and life full of stress for a simpler life on a farm. Never been happier, never worked harder. Best move I could have made for my daughter too. She's doing our daily routine taking care of the animals and working in an old retired ladies garden to earn money to buy an air pad so she can do her artwork. She's working hard and learning life lessons while earning her way. Did I mention I've never been happier and prouder?

Every kid should learn hard work like this. It's very rewarding.
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Please explain. Why does the same gesture mean different things?

Think about it like the middle finger. If I break it and I hold it up to show you that its broken, obviously that's different than if you cut me off in traffic and I flip you the bird.

same gesture. different things. Its not hard
Please explain. Why does the same gesture mean different things?

Stealth mode signal to keep the other side guessing or something like that. Apparently we all knew what it meant until the woke crowd got involved, and now it something else.
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Think about it like the middle finger. If I break it and I hold it up to show you that its broken, obviously that's different than if you cut me off in traffic and I flip you the bird.

same gesture. different things. Its not hard

Good grief! A guy wins 3 games of Jeopardy and does a "three finger" across his heart and the woke crowd goes bat-sh*t!

And for your example, I'd bet that if I held up my broken middle finger, you'd be tweetin' the Sh*t out it.

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