That's racist!

Congratulations. You’re the only person on the other side who sees the crap law for what it is 👏

Fable Origins unknown

The bird, the cow and the cat

Once upon a time there lived a non-conforming young sparrow. When winter came, all his elder peers began to fly South. He didn't want to fly South with the rest of the birds, he was stubborn and wanted to star right where he was. The elders warned him that not only would his odds of survival drop if he lost the protection of the flock, as he would stand out and alone to predators. But he might freeze to death. He insisted he would be fine, and let the last of the flock depart. The first few days were increasingly challenging, but he held out as long as he could, until it got so cold that he had no choice but to start flying South.

Not long after he began, it started to snow, which weighed down his wings, tiring him, so he had to glide for longer periods than usual while he tried to catch his breath. Eventually, while gliding, his wings iced and froze and he fell to the ground, landing in snow, which began to freeze the rest of his body. He thought for sure he was doomed, as the snow began to fall more heavily and rapidly. With a last glimmer of life-preserving hope, he prayed, and as he was praying, he began to drift in and out of consciousness.

Just as he was about to pass out, possibly for the last time, he heard the sound of what seemed like a large animal’s footsteps approaching, and feared being eaten alive. Just as the sounds indicated the huge animal was standing right over him, the footsteps stopped. Just as he expected to be gripped in huge jaws, instead apparently a big cow crapped on the poor sparrow. The little sparrow could barely breathe, and thought for sure he would be buried alive and perish in a gross, smelly, and humiliating ending. However, soon enough the warm manure began to melt the snow and unfreeze his wings. Within minutes, he was unfrozen, able to breath easily, and happy to be alive.

He was so happy to be alive, warm, and breathing easily that he started to sing. A cat happened to be walking by, heard the noise, found the bird, dug him out, and ate him.
Since the takers have become militant and want the government to forcefully take it for them, yeah, only interested in me. The rest of you can f off.
Then I suggest you expatriate yourself to somewhere without taxes. By their definition they are always redistribution of money, and will always favor the poor. Even if they paid in what you want. Cant get blood from a stone and all that.

As I said, your issue should be with the system that taxes you, and not the people voting.
That’s one repressively angry individual right there....sounds like the dam burst and it just came on out like explosive diarrhea... he’s fired

I feel sorry for the guy. Apparently he cared enough for the job to get to him, and one day it was too much. There's just not enough patience in the world for some jobs.
Oh course they do. They want the government to take other peoples money and spend it the way they want. It's why voting never fixes the issue, your guy or their guy. Its pushing around money to whomever pet project.
Or here’s an idea. Require fed govt to always have balanced budget and utilize the money for actual needs
Then I suggest you expatriate yourself to somewhere without taxes. By their definition they are always redistribution of money, and will always favor the poor. Even if they paid in what you want. Cant get blood from a stone and all that.

As I said, your issue should be with the system that taxes you, and not the people voting.
I have issues with both. The stupidity of the system and the takers that are allowed to vote for those that perpetuate it.
My system for fed elections only.
1. Paper ballots only.
2. Picture ID.
3. For every 5% in net taxes you pay based on prior 4 years of tax returns you get a +1 multiplier on you vote. You pay 0 to negative net taxes you get 1 vote, 5% net gets you 2, 10% gets you 3, etc. up to 5 votes max.

This let's the tax PAYER decide but let's everyone participate.
Fable Origins unknown

The bird, the cow and the cat

Once upon a time there lived a non-conforming young sparrow. When winter came, all his elder peers began to fly South. He didn't want to fly South with the rest of the birds, he was stubborn and wanted to star right where he was. The elders warned him that not only would his odds of survival drop if he lost the protection of the flock, as he would stand out and alone to predators. But he might freeze to death. He insisted he would be fine, and let the last of the flock depart. The first few days were increasingly challenging, but he held out as long as he could, until it got so cold that he had no choice but to start flying South.

Not long after he began, it started to snow, which weighed down his wings, tiring him, so he had to glide for longer periods than usual while he tried to catch his breath. Eventually, while gliding, his wings iced and froze and he fell to the ground, landing in snow, which began to freeze the rest of his body. He thought for sure he was doomed, as the snow began to fall more heavily and rapidly. With a last glimmer of life-preserving hope, he prayed, and as he was praying, he began to drift in and out of consciousness.

Just as he was about to pass out, possibly for the last time, he heard the sound of what seemed like a large animal’s footsteps approaching, and feared being eaten alive. Just as the sounds indicated the huge animal was standing right over him, the footsteps stopped. Just as he expected to be gripped in huge jaws, instead apparently a big cow crapped on the poor sparrow. The little sparrow could barely breathe, and thought for sure he would be buried alive and perish in a gross, smelly, and humiliating ending. However, soon enough the warm manure began to melt the snow and unfreeze his wings. Within minutes, he was unfrozen, able to breath easily, and happy to be alive.

He was so happy to be alive, warm, and breathing easily that he started to sing. A cat happened to be walking by, heard the noise, found the bird, dug him out, and ate him.

What is the moral of the story?
Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

Black guy tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over


There's a reason for everything and that's the reason we don't have to show ID anymore. We stand in solidarity with our Americans that were racially targeted with ID laws
Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

Black guy tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over


There's a reason for everything and that's the reason we don't have to show ID anymore. We stand in solidarity with our Americans that were racially targeted with ID laws

You've officially gone off the deep end.

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