That's racist!

Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

Black guy tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over


There's a reason for everything and that's the reason we don't have to show ID anymore. We stand in solidarity with our Americans that were racially targeted with ID laws

Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

White lib tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over


There's a reason for everything and that's the reason we don't have to show ID anymore. We stand in solidarity with our Americans that were racially targeted with ID laws

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Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

Black guy tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over


There's a reason for everything and that's the reason we don't have to show ID anymore. We stand in solidarity with our Americans that were racially targeted with ID laws
Troll and race baiter alert
Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

Black guy tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over


There's a reason for everything and that's the reason we don't have to show ID anymore. We stand in solidarity with our Americans that were racially targeted with ID laws

Typical dim response saying blacks are too dumb to know the rules so abolish the rules.
Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

Black guy tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over


There's a reason for everything and that's the reason we don't have to show ID anymore. We stand in solidarity with our Americans that were racially targeted with ID laws
You’re talking out of your big ass again
Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

Black guy tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over

Yes the Democrats have done a lot of damage over the years.
Again, blame your grandparents and great grandparents for this one. Showing ID to vote shouldn't be a big deal but its been abused so many times in this country by racists that it is.

Black guy tries to vote, shows his ID "ooh im sorry, not THAT ID." Over and over and over


There's a reason for everything and that's the reason we don't have to show ID anymore. We stand in solidarity with our Americans that were racially targeted with ID laws
You could excuse every different thing in this country with that mindset.

That should make all of us want to fix the actual problem, instead of just ignoring it. Your mindset is exactly how we got to this point. And it comes with some pretty inherent bias that relies on certain people not being able to do things because they unfairly faced issues around that problem in the past.

Instead of lowering the floor, why not build them up? Why not celebrate that now we are all on equal footing on what used to be a racist problem of voter ID.

I just never understand the mindset of better being less or taking away.

Im that scenario they follow the rules to a T and it doesn't matter. The rules get changed
Then fix it. Dont just ignore it.

Look at nations with new or better democracy. You see people gathered around the practice of voter IDs, or standing in line, or whatever other check boxes their government institutes.
Son.... I will be writing a check that will make you ****ing cry in a couple of weeks. Get the hell out of my bank account. You are getting way more than my 'fair share'.

You = Thief by proxy.
So you are equally interested in yourself as the takers are.

Again. It's the system you need to aim at, not the people. Pretty much every citizen is going to be a maker, and pretty much every government function is a taker.
So you are equally interested in yourself as the takers are.

Again. It's the system you need to aim at, not the people. Pretty much every citizen is going to be a maker, and pretty much every government function is a taker.
This makes no sense. I worked for what I earned. Takers are not working for anything. Why is any part of what I earned, theirs?
This makes no sense. I worked for what I earned. Takers are not working for anything. Why is any part of what I earned, theirs?
It's not them taking from you. Unless you are being literally robbed.

It's the system that "taxes" you, that is the real taker. Would you care about the taking/taxes if it was only spent how you wanted or in a way that generally aligns with your ideology? Or is your dispute purely on the fact of taking/taxes.
It's not them taking from you. Unless you are being literally robbed.

It's the system that "taxes" you, that is the real taker. Would you care about the taking/taxes if it was only spent how you wanted or in a way that generally aligns with your ideology? Or is your dispute purely on the fact of taking/taxes.

I pay taxes to fund fire departments, libraries, etc even though I may never need them. I’m ok with that. The issue is EVERYONE should pay. There shouldn’t be credits, deductions, etc that make taxation a net gain for someone, it’s ridiculous. Any safety net should be difficult to obtain, extremely temporary, and cover the absolute bare essentials to survive. As is there is no incentive to get out of the life long welfare state. Hell there’s more incentive to have more kids than to get a damn job. Then when the roads and bridges start falling apart the politicians start screeching about raising taxes for something that we’ve paid taxes for all along. It’s absolutely insane.
So you are equally interested in yourself as the takers are.

Again. It's the system you need to aim at, not the people. Pretty much every citizen is going to be a maker, and pretty much every government function is a taker.
The people perpetuate the system by being allowed to vote to continue it.
It's not them taking from you. Unless you are being literally robbed.

It's the system that "taxes" you, that is the real taker. Would you care about the taking/taxes if it was only spent how you wanted or in a way that generally aligns with your ideology? Or is your dispute purely on the fact of taking/taxes.
You don't get it. You've been told several times by more than one person what t b e problem is. You are graduating from. Ignorant and moving to stupid here.
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It's not them taking from you. Unless you are being literally robbed.

It's the system that "taxes" you, that is the real taker. Would you care about the taking/taxes if it was only spent how you wanted or in a way that generally aligns with your ideology? Or is your dispute purely on the fact of taking/taxes.
I am offended by the way it is taken. And I am literally being robbed. And to add insult to injury I hate the way it is wasted.

"My fair share"
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