That's racist!

No, you would see changes in either the dole, the tax system, or both.
Except we havent. Not in any meaningful way. Unless you have some set metric of what is acceptable for the government can take, I doubt there is a big enough difference between the two parties to matter.
Except we havent. Not in any meaningful way. Unless you have some set metric of what is acceptable for the government can take, I doubt there is a big enough difference between the two parties to matter.
You have no argument until you change the voting system. As long as there is a vested interest in putting people in office that will hand out $$ to voters that pay net zero income taxes, there will never be a change. You are seeing the results now. The change is on the downslope now and I don't know what we will see when it finally bottoms out. The people that pay in more then they TAKE out have to be the ones to vote, until that changes, then you will get what you have gotten. The only benefit of the doubt needs to go to those over the age of 65 as many of them (not most) have earned there permanent voting status by careers of paying taxes, FICA and SS taxes.
You have no argument until you change the voting system. As long as there is a vested interest in putting people in office that will hand out $$ to voters that pay net zero income taxes, there will never be a change. You are seeing the results now. The change is on the downslope now and I don't know what we will see when it finally bottoms out. The people that pay in more then they TAKE out have to be the ones to vote, until that changes, then you will get what you have gotten. The only benefit of the doubt needs to go to those over the age of 65 as many of them (not most) have earned there permanent voting status by careers of paying taxes, FICA and SS taxes.
Again you are missing what I am saying.

ANY tax system will ALWAYS favor the poor over the rich. The poor will always get more than they "should". Left, right, commie, Trump, zombie reagan Jesus, it all favors the poor. Even if you take away their right to vote they will still have more benefits than penalties from the system. You cant get blood from a stone.

Which is why I have asked for some sort of metric about what is acceptable. If they lost the right to vote, but kept the current system of benefits, would you guys still be complaining? What if it was back to Reagan time programs? Maybe back to Nixon or whoever you want to throw out there.

Based purely on mathematical averaging there will be people below whatever curve you set that will benefit "too much" based on what they put in. It's how any aggregating tax system will work. It's not a problem of today, it's always been that way.

And rejecting rights based on where people fall under that curve can not be allowed. We can not have a second class citizen if you believe, at all, in any type of freedom. If you remove the net takers from the equation, the curve just moves up. So that those who only pay 5k or 10k total are suddenly below the curve of getting too many benefits based on what they pay in. Until, in a very quick fashion, not only have you made non citizens of the poor, but also the middle class.

There is no other way for the averaging to work otherwise.

The entire argument is flawed in regards to the ideas this nation was built on.
Ok, head meet wall. Too many blinders, too little time.

Summary: Change the voting system and the entire metric will change. It has never been done in the modern US. The last time a limit was placed on voting in this democratic Republic was when only landowners could vote.
Ok, head meet wall. Too many blinders, too little time.

Summary: Change the voting system and the entire metric will change. It has never been done in the modern US. The last time a limit was placed on voting in this democratic Republic was when only landowners could vote.
And we decided we didnt like that, because it created second class citizens, or non citizens, and a country that needed a lot of changes.

I have been a proponent for people determining where their taxes go, not the government. Need some fancy name. You owe the same amount, but instead of writing a check to the IRS for the politicians to divide up how they want. You instead right a check to ICE or the FBI, or HUD, or the DoE. People determine the budget for each office, politicians decide what to do with it.
And we decided we didnt like that, because it created second class citizens, or non citizens, and a country that needed a lot of changes.

I have been a proponent for people determining where their taxes go, not the government. Need some fancy name. You owe the same amount, but instead of writing a check to the IRS for the politicians to divide up how they want. You instead right a check to ICE or the FBI, or HUD, or the DoE. People determine the budget for each office, politicians decide what to do with it.
Then my answer is no I'm not paying.
Yes, the voting system. The tax system would change on its own.
Isnt that the whole argument that they are tied together?

It's why I kept asking if you were fine with the taxes if they just went where you wanted.

As far as I have seen I am the only who has actually even brought up treating the two differently.
Isnt that the whole argument that they are tied together?

It's why I kept asking if you were fine with the taxes if they just went where you wanted.

As far as I have seen I am the only who has actually even brought up treating the two differently.
Yes, and you have been disagreed with. Sending your taxes where you want isn't feasible. Limiting the voting power while not feasible, would solve many problems.
Yes, and you have been disagreed with. Sending your taxes where you want isn't feasible. Limiting the voting power while not feasible, would solve many problems.
why isn't it feasible? you make out the same check to the IRS with an additional form tracking where it goes/how it is split. IRS gives you a receipt.

the main reason it isn't feasible is because the system revolves around the politicians controlling that money and they don't want to give up that power.
why isn't it feasible? you make out the same check to the IRS with an additional form tracking where it goes/how it is split. IRS gives you a receipt.

the main reason it isn't feasible is because the system revolves around the politicians controlling that money and they don't want to give up that power.
First, how many different ways can I dice it up? Second, how detailed can I get if I want to donate to say ICE? Can I say I want to donate to agents on the southern border, can I say I only want it to go to deportations, etc.?

My method of limiting the vote OR increasing the "value" of a vote based on % of net taxes paid in the previous 4 years would eventually lead to an overhaul in the tax system. In my "world" these voters would be more apt to elect officials that would be for term limits. They would be more apt to vote for officials that would further spread the tax burden to EVERYONE that makes over....say 20k per year. They would be more apt to vote for officials that would limit access to these funds by entitlement groups or special interests. When you have an invested voter base, you have a group that is more able to see through the BS and elect those more closely interested in "running the country" vs. getting re-elected in two years, 4 years or 6 years.
why isn't it feasible? you make out the same check to the IRS with an additional form tracking where it goes/how it is split. IRS gives you a receipt.

the main reason it isn't feasible is because the system revolves around the politicians controlling that money and they don't want to give up that power.

its that pesky "power of the purse" thing that our forefathers gave to congress. Damn them am.i. right. ??!?!?

I want all my tax dollars to go to planned parenthood. Sigh... more bombs & fighter jets it is though...
its that pesky "power of the purse" thing that our forefathers gave to congress. Damn them am.i. right. ??!?!?

I want all my tax dollars to go to planned parenthood. Sigh... more bombs & fighter jets it is though...
Under my thinking we wouldnt be able to donate to a specific cause. Congress still gets to say what each division does with the money they have. But once it's used up, they dont do any more. Or at least have to pull from general funds, where all the money that isnt specified goes as it does now.

I would keep the divisions limited to the cabinet member positions.
why isn't it feasible? you make out the same check to the IRS with an additional form tracking where it goes/how it is split. IRS gives you a receipt.

the main reason it isn't feasible is because the system revolves around the politicians controlling that money and they don't want to give up that power.

One big problem would be the military. Libs would give nothing. A lot of others would say stuff costs too much and scale back. We'd have a military of beggars with tanks and planes and ships plastered over like NASCAR cars. Then there would be the black market, like when the USSR went down the drain, with people selling equipment right off the lot. Not that I'd object to having a chance to buy some good stuff, and libs would have a heck of a time getting that 2A thing back in the closet.
One big problem would be the military. Libs would give nothing. A lot of others would say stuff costs too much and scale back. We'd have a military of beggars with tanks and planes and ships plastered over like NASCAR cars. Then there would be the black market, like when the USSR went down the drain, with people selling equipment right off the lot. Not that I'd object to having a chance to buy some good stuff, and libs would have a heck of a time getting that 2A thing back in the closet.
Let the dice lay where they fall. If you believe righties are the majority of the makers why fear the DoD runs out of money in a citizen driven budget.

Our military needs to do a deep look at priorities. I believe we can slash their budget and leave the rest of the world to it's own ends.
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.
I agree with you and I’d probably address it with the principal..... sounds like a bunch of liberal butt hurt BS to me
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.

You're not wrong.

Public schools are a disaster.
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.

Sorry to hear about this. I hate that kids up end having to deal with the hang ups of adults. I'm not doubting the other kid was offended but I also don't doubt your kid's comment was entirely innocent and would not have been said if he thought it would offend the other one.

Sadly, there's no good answer here - almost every way I've seen this handled gets criticized. If there's an apology I would think it should be short - I'm sorry I offended you. I'd tell my kid that he didn't do anything wrong and to just get used to people having different levels of sensitivity.

Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.
It doesn't sound like you're wrong from what you've shared. Good thing is kids are resilient. He and the other kid will likely be best buds next week.
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.

Tell the principle no, you will not accept the punishment and take it to the board.
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.
That makes me sick. Tell the principal to pound sand and get a public apology from the teacher. That is disgusting. I am really sad for your kid.
Sorry to hear about this. I hate that kids up end having to deal with the hang ups of adults. I'm not doubting the other kid was offended but I also don't doubt your kid's comment was entirely innocent and would not have been said if he thought it would offend the other one.

Sadly, there's no good answer here - almost every way I've seen this handled gets criticized. If there's an apology I would think it should be short - I'm sorry I offended you. I'd tell my kid that he didn't do anything wrong and to just get used to people having different levels of sensitivity.

No. No no no no His kid has nothing to apologize for whatsoever. If anything the other kid is the one to beg forgiveness.
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