That's racist!

Tell the principle no, you will not accept the punishment and take it to the board.

I talked at length with the principle, she was actually pretty reasonable. She said she knew my kid didn’t mean any harm, but she is bound by guidelines to address the situation and the minimum she had to send down was a silent lunch.

It’s probably more of the board and district coming up with this crap. This has got to be about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

My kid was crying he felt so bad and apologized. He was legit heartbroken he hurt someone’s feelings. I think I’m just going to handle it by saying he didn’t do anything wrong but this is a life lesson. People will get offended, sometimes even when there is nothing to get offended about. It is what it is.

I swear though, this is the end result of all the hyper-PC and victim mentality nonsense. Our society has gone nuts...and it really pisses me off because it detracts from real injustice and racism.
I talked at length with the principle, she was actually pretty reasonable. She said she knew my kid didn’t mean any harm, but she is bound by guidelines to address the situation and the minimum she had to send down was a silent lunch.

It’s probably more of the board and district coming up with this crap. This has got to be about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

My kid was crying he felt so bad and apologized. He was legit heartbroken he hurt someone’s feelings. I think I’m just going to handle it by saying he didn’t do anything wrong but this is a life lesson. People will get offended, sometimes even when there is nothing to get offended about. It is what is.

I swear though, this is the end result of all the hyper-PC and victim mentality nonsense. Our society has gone nuts...and it really pisses me off because it detracts from real injustice and racism.

I talked at length with the principle, she was actually pretty reasonable. She said she knew my kid didn’t mean any harm, but she is bound by guidelines to address the situation and the minimum she had to send down was a silent lunch.

It’s probably more of the board and district coming up with this crap. This has got to be about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

My kid was crying he felt so bad and apologized. He was legit heartbroken he hurt someone’s feelings. I think I’m just going to handle it by saying he didn’t do anything wrong but this is a life lesson. People will get offended, sometimes even when there is nothing to get offended about. It is what it is.

I swear though, this is the end result of all the hyper-PC and victim mentality nonsense. Our society has gone nuts...and it really pisses me off because it detracts from real injustice and racism.
That's the MSM publishing every little stupid thing and calling it racism every day now
I talked at length with the principle, she was actually pretty reasonable. She said she knew my kid didn’t mean any harm, but she is bound by guidelines to address the situation and the minimum she had to send down was a silent lunch.

It’s probably more of the board and district coming up with this crap. This has got to be about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

My kid was crying he felt so bad and apologized. He was legit heartbroken he hurt someone’s feelings. I think I’m just going to handle it by saying he didn’t do anything wrong but this is a life lesson. People will get offended, sometimes even when there is nothing to get offended about. It is what it is.

I swear though, this is the end result of all the hyper-PC and victim mentality nonsense. Our society has gone nuts...and it really pisses me off because it detracts from real injustice and racism.

It's criminal IMO.

I couldn't bring myself to let my kid serve the punishment for it. All he's being taught is that he can be punished for nothing.
I talked at length with the principle, she was actually pretty reasonable. She said she knew my kid didn’t mean any harm, but she is bound by guidelines to address the situation and the minimum she had to send down was a silent lunch.

It’s probably more of the board and district coming up with this crap. This has got to be about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

My kid was crying he felt so bad and apologized. He was legit heartbroken he hurt someone’s feelings. I think I’m just going to handle it by saying he didn’t do anything wrong but this is a life lesson. People will get offended, sometimes even when there is nothing to get offended about. It is what it is.

I swear though, this is the end result of all the hyper-PC and victim mentality nonsense. Our society has gone nuts...and it really pisses me off because it detracts from real injustice and racism.
Yet most do nothing when its comes to bullies
Did the school equate this to racism?

Yes. Because the offended party felt that way. Whether it actually was or not is irrelevant. There are minimum guidelines that have to be followed and the principle is bound by them with very little room for discretion. That is the story I got.

Now my child has to eat lunch in silence by himself and reflect on his bigoted ways.
Think about what you just said...

I know what I said but most school boards are much more afraid of bad press than they are of a lawyer. If the situation is as he says a Phil Williams type dirtbag would love that story.
Yes. Because the offended party felt that way. Whether it actually was or not is irrelevant. There are minimum guidelines that have to be followed and the principle is bound by them with very little room for discretion. That is the story I got.

Now my child has to eat lunch in silence by himself and reflect on his bigoted ways.
The kid that complained might find himself eating alone, other kids won't want to be around him for fear he will complain about something
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Yes. Because the offended party felt that way. Whether it actually was or not is irrelevant. There are minimum guidelines that have to be followed and the principle is bound by them with very little room for discretion. That is the story I got.

Now my child has to eat lunch in silence by himself and reflect on his bigoted ways.

Man, that’s hard to grasp as an adult, much less a child...
I talked at length with the principle, she was actually pretty reasonable. She said she knew my kid didn’t mean any harm, but she is bound by guidelines to address the situation and the minimum she had to send down was a silent lunch.

It’s probably more of the board and district coming up with this crap. This has got to be about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

My kid was crying he felt so bad and apologized. He was legit heartbroken he hurt someone’s feelings. I think I’m just going to handle it by saying he didn’t do anything wrong but this is a life lesson. People will get offended, sometimes even when there is nothing to get offended about. It is what it is.

I swear though, this is the end result of all the hyper-PC and victim mentality nonsense. Our society has gone nuts...and it really pisses me off because it detracts from real injustice and racism.

As I said public schools are crap. The principal is saying she has to do X because it is required. It is a system of no accountability, everyone just doing what they've been instructed to do.
I talked at length with the principle, she was actually pretty reasonable. She said she knew my kid didn’t mean any harm, but she is bound by guidelines to address the situation and the minimum she had to send down was a silent lunch.

It’s probably more of the board and district coming up with this crap. This has got to be about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

My kid was crying he felt so bad and apologized. He was legit heartbroken he hurt someone’s feelings. I think I’m just going to handle it by saying he didn’t do anything wrong but this is a life lesson. People will get offended, sometimes even when there is nothing to get offended about. It is what it is.

I swear though, this is the end result of all the hyper-PC and victim mentality nonsense. Our society has gone nuts...and it really pisses me off because it detracts from real injustice and racism.
Sounds like the principal can be replaced with a kiosk. I mean she apparently has no authority to inject any common sense.

This story sickens me, but I am guessing our resident Marxists are good with it.
Yes. Because the offended party felt that way. Whether it actually was or not is irrelevant. There are minimum guidelines that have to be followed and the principle is bound by them with very little room for discretion. That is the story I got.

Now my child has to eat lunch in silence by himself and reflect on his bigoted ways.
Can you go have lunch with him?

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