That's racist!

How old is your "kid"? You're not "wrong", anyway. Please handle it at home. Don't make an issue with the school. Moving on from it as quickly as possible is the best course

You’re 100% wrong. Kids need to know that their parents will have their backs when they haven’t done anything wrong. Submitting to this bullshot only reinforces to the kid that they deserve punishment for another’s perceived slight.
Perpetuating it could make poor memories down the road. No one knows the tone of the question. Demanding an investigation into it might not necessarily bode well for his child. Who knows? That's my point with moving on from this in expeditious fashion

So teach your kid to submit to institutionalized insanity?
The reason this crap continues to happen and gets worse is nobody stands up and fights back. It’s the go along to get along attitude that perpetuates this insanity. When my kids were in school they started the zero tolerance bullcrap, the school sent home a document we were supposed to sign that basically abdicated our kids right to due process. I refused to sign year after year and had several meetings with principals about our refusal. They went as far as to threaten to not allow our kids to attend school until we signed, guess what. We never signed it and they never expelled our kids.

You have to stand up to these fools or it will only get worse.
You’re 100% wrong. Kids need to know that their parents will have their backs when they haven’t done anything wrong. Submitting to this bullshot only reinforces to the kid that they deserve punishment for another’s perceived slight.
I think you're 100% wrong. The child isn't punished at home. By moving on and not making an issue is having your kid's back
Not at all.Of course you're that guy. You know the one standing over by the dugout, wanting to talk to the coach after the game about why your son was playing right field and batting 8th instead of leading off and playing shortstop
You couldn't be more wrong.
So teach your kid to submit to institutionalized insanity?
Heck no. The truth is we probably don't know all the details of this situation and trying to decipher it on a message board is beyond silly. Heck, the educator may he an idiot as well. It's the end of the school year. It's an eyebrow raiser that he sought advice on the matter from a message board. Goodness gracious
Heck no. The truth is we probably don't know all the details of this situation and trying to decipher it on a message board is beyond silly. Heck, the educator may he an idiot as well. It's the end of the school year. It's an eyebrow raiser that he sought advice on the matter from a message board. Goodness gracious
Yet you feel the need to come in and call ******** on a poster that has been on here for a long time, is well respected, and generally level-headed. He is not a socialist, he isn't a progressive so inherently he is wrong and should just be a sheeple, concentrating on just getting by in a system created by your side of the aisle. A system that isn't about what is right, what is fair or what is just. Its just about the system. You need to go raise your own kids and let RJ do his thing.

I speak from experience with this and have had to stand up for both my kids against systemic idiocy by public schools. Go play on the other side of the street.
Yet you feel the need to come in and call ******** on a poster that has been on here for a long time, is well respected, and generally level-headed. He is not a socialist, he isn't a progressive so inherently he is wrong and should just be a sheeple, concentrating on just getting by in a system created by your side of the aisle. A system that isn't about what is right, what is fair or what is just. Its just about the system. You need to go raise your own kids and let RJ do his thing.

I speak from experience with this and have had to stand up for both my kids against systemic idiocy by public schools. Go play on the other side of the street.
Not my side of the aisle. No Democrat or progressive ideologies here. Easy with the false characterizations. You literally have no facking idea. Heightened ignorance..."your side if the aisle"....
Heck no. The truth is we probably don't know all the details of this situation and trying to decipher it on a message board is beyond silly. Heck, the educator may he an idiot as well. It's the end of the school year. It's an eyebrow raiser that he sought advice on the matter from a message board. Goodness gracious

Correct, we don’t know and that is why I qualified my response with “if it went down like that”.

If it went down like that you’re sending the wrong message to the kid by not fighting back.

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