That's racist!

It's criminal IMO.

I couldn't bring myself to let my kid serve the punishment for it. All he's being taught is that he can be punished for nothing.
If my son.... which I have all daughters.... was punished for this..... when his mom wasn’t around, I’d tell him it’s ok if he wants to kick the little tattle tell’s ass.... but to make sure he does it where no one else can see and tell the teacher he attacked you for being white..... and to make sure he tells the teacher before the other guy
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.
How old is your "kid"? You're not "wrong", anyway. Please handle it at home. Don't make an issue with the school. Moving on from it as quickly as possible is the best course
How old is your "kid"? You're not "wrong", anyway. Please handle it at home. Don't make an issue with the school. Moving on from it as quickly as possible is the best course
Why not make an issue at the school? If he doesn't he is reinforcing that kind of treatment.
Why not make an issue at the school? If he doesn't he is reinforcing that kind of treatment.
Perpetuating it could make poor memories down the road. No one knows the tone of the question. Demanding an investigation into it might not necessarily bode well for his child. Who knows? That's my point with moving on from this in expeditious fashion
Perpetuating it could make poor memories down the road. No one knows the tone of the question. Demanding an investigation into it might not necessarily bode well for his child. Who knows? That's my point with moving on from this in expeditious fashion
If his kid is young enough to be crying about this, he has no idea what being called a racist even means. That is despicable of the school to do that to a child. At what point do you make an issue of it though? And if the school went after MY kid for it I would go scorched earth on their asses. Did you see the letter that Andrew Gutmann wrote? He was paying $54,000/year and HE has to take classes in anti racism? YGTBFKM This crap will never end if it is not stopped. And what was described by @rjd970 is how it starts.

Critical Race Theory is the “Axis of Evil”

Awakening to Woke
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If his kid is young enough to be crying about this, he has no idea what being called a racist even means. That is despicable of the school to do that to a child. At what point do you make an issue of it though? And if the school went after MY kid for it I would go scorched earth on their asses. Did you see the letter that Andrew Gutmann wrote? He was paying $54,000/year and HE has to take classes in anti racism? YGTBFKM This crap will never end if it is not stopped. And what was described by @rjd90 is how it starts.

Critical Race Theory is the “Axis of Evil”

Awakening to Woke
Extremely reactionary IMHO
Extremely reactionary IMHO
What's funny is that I don't have kids. I might have said this before but I am working on an educational trust for when I go home. All of this kind of shiz that has been happening lately has really changed my way of thinking on the distribution. It will be a cold day that any public institution gets a nickel from my estate.

I dunno.... for some reason this story really set me off and it might be reactionary, but I have had enough of this liberal woke crap.
What's funny is that I don't have kids. I might have said this before but I am working on an educational trust for when I go home. All of this kind of shiz that has been happening lately has really changed my way of thinking on the distribution. It will be a cold day that any public institution gets a nickel from my estate.

I dunno.... for some reason this story really set me off and it might be reactionary, but I have had enough of this liberal woke crap.
with covid dying off expect alot more of it - these liberal media clowns push crap to no end
If his kid is young enough to be crying about this, he has no idea what being called a racist even means. That is despicable of the school to do that to a child. At what point do you make an issue of it though? And if the school went after MY kid for it I would go scorched earth on their asses. Did you see the letter that Andrew Gutmann wrote? He was paying $54,000/year and HE has to take classes in anti racism? YGTBFKM This crap will never end if it is not stopped. And what was described by @rjd970 is how it starts.

Critical Race Theory is the “Axis of Evil”

Awakening to Woke
Hell yeah....walk in and say.... “hello Mr. Principal”
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.
That's a hard one, but you are correct that your kid should not be in trouble. I've seen other post that said to handle it at home and not with the school. I differ in this opinion, if you do not work this out with the school this will be a problem throughout their time at the school. I guess it depends on if you want the school to dictate the raising of your kid. Not trying to judge just the way my wife and I are dealing with school problems.
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What's funny is that I don't have kids. I might have said this before but I am working on an educational trust for when I go home. All of this kind of shiz that has been happening lately has really changed my way of thinking on the distribution. It will be a cold day that any public institution gets a nickel from my estate.

I dunno.... for some reason this story really set me off and it might be reactionary, but I have had enough of this liberal woke crap.
I'm available to be your heir...
Alright guys - need your opinion.

My kid just got in trouble at school and had a write-up. One of his friends at school got offended at something he said and accused him of racism. All my kid did was ask him if he knew how to speak spanish.

That's it. It aligns with each of the story versions by each kid.

This other kid speaks with an accent and has a Latin surname. Mine simply asked if he could speak spanish and this kid took offense. My kid was crying, and said he just wanted to know if he knew spanish. Let me be clear too, my kid is just about the sweetest thing ever, gets along with everybody, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. But now, because he was being racist, he got written up and has to eat lunch in silence by himself.

I told my kid he is not in any kind of trouble when he gets home. Am I wrong? Frankly, I don't get what just happened.
I'd show up and eat lunch with him.

Or have your kid say the other kid asked him if he could speak English.

Or just sit down with the principal and ask him what kind of clown show he's running where asking if a kid speaks Spanish is considered "racism".

Or, screw it, just punch the principal in the nose and move your son to another school.
I'd show up and eat lunch with him.

Or have your kid say the other kid asked him if he could speak English.

Or just sit down with the principal and ask him what kind of clown show he's running where asking if a kid speaks Spanish is considered "racism".

Or, screw it, just punch the principal in the nose and move your son to another school.

We have become such a nation of PU$$*ES!

Back in the day, if I went whining to my parents that my brother, dog, friend, etc. hit/punched/tripped/bit me they would tell me to hit/punch/trip/bite them back. Much less, say something that hurt my feelings. I'd get an a$$ whoopin' just for being a bitch.
We have become such a nation of PU$$*ES!

Back in the day, if I went whining to my parents that my brother, dog, friend, etc. hit/punched/tripped/bit me they would tell me to hit/punch/trip/bite them back. Much less, say something that hurt my feelings. I'd get an a$$ whoopin' just for being a bitch.
Yep..... I can remember getting thumped by my next door neighbor as he was 2 years older than me..... I told my parents and they said hit him back.... I walked up behind him and cracked him upside the head.... lol... guerrrilla warfare
Yes. Because the offended party felt that way. Whether it actually was or not is irrelevant. There are minimum guidelines that have to be followed and the principle is bound by them with very little room for discretion. That is the story I got.

Now my child has to eat lunch in silence by himself and reflect on his bigoted ways.
Can you or your wife go pick him up everyday for lunch?

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