That's racist!

What qualifies as a head start IYO? Being white? I hate to break it to you, but being white isn't a head start for many. Life is hard, and people struggle, no matter the color of their skin.
No. A head start in accumulating wealth
No. A head start in accumulating wealth
Most white people don't have accumulated wealth. You're talking about a small percentage of the white population. Same way it was a small percentage that actually held slaves. But you want to hold all whites accountable.
No. A head start in accumulating wealth
You know what a head start in accumulating wealth is? Everybody is born with it. It's called zero debt. When you become... willingly... an indentured servant to a bank.... you threw that head start away. Rims... phones... furniture... student loans for a PhD in gay poetry.... none of those things are worth throwing that head start away. But people do it day after day after day.

And it's color blind.
Most white people don't have accumulated wealth. You're talking about a small percentage of the white population. Same way it was a small percentage that actually held slaves. But you want to hold all whites accountable.
Bay feels guilt. For what I don't know, but he feelz it.
When will people finally start speaking up and telling people like this they’re dumb as F?
Washington Post reporter troubled by 'racist legacy' of some birds
My God this is idiocy. We may as well condemn forensic sciences as the people that pioneered it were grave robers practicing "pseudoscientific experiments".

While we're at it let's cancel DaVinci as he ruined graves and corpses in the name of science. Christ he was a great mind who did some not so great things through the lens of modern ethics. Teach the real, whole story but don't discount the genius and good he did. Let's just use a little common sense here. Gray areas are ok, we don't have to classify everything in black and white for christs sake.
Most white people don't have accumulated wealth. You're talking about a small percentage of the white population. Same way it was a small percentage that actually held slaves. But you want to hold all whites accountable.

It’s not about righting a wrong. It’s about “free” money, nothing more. Just another form of welfare for an ethnic group that is apparently too ignorant, lazy, or both to make it on their own per the Left. They need a constant hand out from the white man or so I am told on a daily basis. Also, none of this is their fault, apparently they are genetically pre-disposed to make poor decisions again per the Left.
Is it wealth inequality if one person outworks another or makes better choices? You don’t seem to be able to differentiate the two. It’s all related to race in your adolescent IQ driven brain
Or inheritance. Or opportunity. Or the system. Or politics.
But it seems like “It’s all related to race in your adolescent IQ driven brain.” 🤷‍♂️

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