That's racist!

The response to any discussion of race or race related issues here is always a mine rich in sociological data.

How different would the discussion be if we were talking about Appalachian folk? Generations of poverty, yet they work themselves to the bone. Little wealth to pass on. Reliant on multiple forms of assistance and targeted programs. Yet, somehow, they are given a pass from the snide and dismissive remarks that a small handful of posters here toss about exponentially more often than actual meaningful contribution.

Data is interesting.
White trash are useless as well. Next.
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And I call BS. You know what my parents inherited from theirs? Nothing. They were poor. You know what I'll inherit? Not much. This myth that ALL white people have it great is just that, a myth. And if you look back in history, it was a small percentage of the population that had the money to own and maintain slaves. There were far more poor white farmers, or sharecroppers, than there were plantation owners. So you're talking about a small percentage of white Americans that inherited accumulated wealth. But I'm sure you're going to ignore that so you can propagate a myth that better fits what you want to believe.

And all of that ignores people who started out badly in life and overcame to become something more. Not just white people, but people of all creeds and colors. Life is hard for everyone, not just POC. I'm really tired of this narrative that white people have it great, that they enjoy some kind of privilege, that they should feel guilt for something their ancestors may or may not have done, and that they owe POC, especially blacks, some form of remuneration. It's horse ****. It's a story meant to keep us at each other's throats. And it encourages a whole race of people to act like victims of something they themselves didn't personally suffer through. You want things to get better? Encourage people, all people, to work hard, to never give up, and to stop thinking they're owed something. None of us are owed ****. We're born, we live our lives the best we can, then we die. That's life. We all experience it, and the color of our skin doesn't change that.
And I call BS. You know what my parents inherited from theirs? Nothing. They were poor. You know what I'll inherit? Not much.
Inheritance is only one type of advantage. There are many more. I listed examples above.
This myth that ALL white people have it great is just that, a myth.
Never heard this myth. I do believe that white people generally have privileges that other races do not in this country.
And if you look back in history, it was a small percentage of the population that had the money to own and maintain slaves. There were far more poor white farmers, or sharecroppers, than there were plantation owners. So you're talking about a small percentage of white Americans that inherited accumulated wealth. But I'm sure you're going to ignore that so you can propagate a myth that better fits what you want to believe.
You did not have to own slaves to take advantage of the system.
And all of that ignores people who started out badly in life and overcame to become something more. Not just white people, but people of all creeds and colors. Life is hard for everyone, not just POC. I'm really tired of this narrative that white people have it great, that they enjoy some kind of privilege, that they should feel guilt for something their ancestors may or may not have done, and that they owe POC, especially blacks, some form of remuneration. It's horse ****. It's a story meant to keep us at each other's throats. And it encourages a whole race of people to act like victims of something they themselves didn't personally suffer through. You want things to get better? Encourage people, all people, to work hard, to never give up, and to stop thinking they're owed something. None of us are owed ****. We're born, we live our lives the best we can, then we die. That's life. We all experience it, and the color of our skin doesn't change that.
I am not here to put people down or blame an entire race for another’s shortcomings. My apologies if that is your take away. Racism brought be here and sheltered opinions have made me stay. Even if you hold tight to your beliefs as I do mine, the truth is somewhere in he middle. That alone should tell you we have a ways to go.
No. A head start in accumulating wealth
For the vast majority wealth doesn't pass more than one or two generations at most. So we are talking a few families to blame, hardly the sample size that could qualify as being labeled systemic. Try again...
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The response to any discussion of race or race related issues here is always a mine rich in sociological data.

How different would the discussion be if we were talking about Appalachian folk? Generations of poverty, yet they work themselves to the bone. Little wealth to pass on. Reliant on multiple forms of assistance and targeted programs. Yet, somehow, they are given a pass from the snide and dismissive remarks that a small handful of posters here toss about exponentially more often than actual meaningful contribution.

Data is interesting.
It is interesting but I would add there is no crisis of Appalachia on Appalachia crime. They aren't icing themselves in ever increasing numbers. While they are very dependent on government assistance programs their "culture" isn't as marred in violence as their counterparts of other ethnicities and races. That would be interesting data to dive into for discussion here.
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It is interesting but I would add there is no crisis of Appalachia on Appalachia crime. They aren't icing themselves in ever increasing numbers. While they are very dependent on government assistance programs their "culture" isn't as marred in violence as their counterparts of other ethnicities and races. That would be interesting days to dive into for discussion here.

I think it would be enlightening and even enjoyable, given the right people participating. And I believe one of the places to start would be the difference in population density. But we'll see what comes of it.
For the vast majority wealth doesn't pass more than one or two generations at most. So we are talking a few families to blame, hardly the sample size that could qualify as being labeled systemic. Try again...
Income does not equal wealth.
“Much of the transmission of wealth to the next generation goes through these earlier life processes, such as supporting children’s education, supporting their ability to purchase a home, or to get married,” Pfeffer said. “All of these—education, homeownership, marriage—in turn help you accumulate wealth.”
Three generations of data show how wealthy (white) families stay wealthy
I'll add that my family on my dad's side was poor white trash from Appalachia a few generations ago. My great grandfathe and his dad were moonshiners before prohibition. My father was the first in his family to finish high school, he went on to college on sports scholarship.

I'm wager my family's story isn't that much different from 80 to 90% of other people families. Yet here we are today pretending white people had inheritances passed down to get them ahead generationally. That's bunk, so far from the truth it's beyond silly.
I think it would be enlightening and even enjoyable, given the right people participating. And I believe one of the places to start would be the difference in population density. But we'll see what comes of it.
I agree population density is a major factor. Well intended social programs have been a disaster for the AA and other communities.
I'll add that my family on my dad's side was poor white trash from Appalachia a few generations ago. My great grandfathe and his dad were moonshiners before prohibition. My father was the first in his family to finish high school, he went on to college on sports scholarship.

I'm wager my family's story isn't that much different from 80 to 90% of other white* families. Yet here we are today pretending white people had inheritances passed down to get them ahead generationally. That's bunk, so far from the truth it's beyond silly.
I agree population density is a major factor. Well intended social programs have been a disaster for the AA and other communities.

Yep. So much money pointlessly thrown out into the world without really understanding what it takes to actually help people out.

I spent four years where I was the minority in church and in my neighborhood, 2015-2019. I learned a lot by shutting up and listening.
Income does not equal wealth.
“Much of the transmission of wealth to the next generation goes through these earlier life processes, such as supporting children’s education, supporting their ability to purchase a home, or to get married,” Pfeffer said. “All of these—education, homeownership, marriage—in turn help you accumulate wealth.”
Three generations of data show how wealthy (white) families stay wealthy
Education, nuclear family, two incomes make it easier to retain the wealth needed to sustain a household and give back to your children. This isn't a white conspiracy, it's the antitheses of well intended social policies that short circuit the system that helps families attain success. We have seen erosion in the nuclear family among white Americans as well, they are just lagging behind.

You are making the perfect case for traditional values, you just don't realize it.
Yep. So much money pointlessly thrown out into the world without really understanding what it takes to actually help people out.

I spent four years where I was the minority in church and in my neighborhood, 2015-2019. I learned a lot by shutting up and listening.
I grew up in a very diverse portion of South Nashville. I learned a lot.
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Income does not equal wealth.
“Much of the transmission of wealth to the next generation goes through these earlier life processes, such as supporting children’s education, supporting their ability to purchase a home, or to get married,” Pfeffer said. “All of these—education, homeownership, marriage—in turn help you accumulate wealth.”
Three generations of data show how wealthy (white) families stay wealthy
Again, this does not apply to ALL white people, and I doubt it even applies to the majority. Both of my parents dropped out of school, though they did eventually get their GEDs. My maternal grandmother was illiterate. My paternal grandmother taught herself to read by reading the Bible. My dad found out he was about to get drafted to go to Vietnam, so he joined the Navy. He figured he could handle a ship better than the jungle. He made it a career. He bought our house (after he retired) with a VA loan. As far as I'm, aware, VA loans are available to all veterans, regardless of race. So please, go ahead and point out all that privilege my family enjoyed.

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