That's racist!

I hate tax laws, but still pay my taxes.

At the end of the day it is a personal responsibility issue. A person may not like the drug laws but needs to understand them and behave accordingly until they can change them.

The idea that there are a ton of people of any color getting gunned down illegitimately by police is quite absurd.
So if we would just obey the govt it will all be fine? They have our best interest in mind?
So if we would just obey the govt it will all be fine? They have our best interest in mind?

Never said that. Everyone needs to understand the situation in which they exist. To be killed unjustly by a cop requires an amazing amount of stupidity and/or bad luck. Blaming drug laws over personal responsibility would be a stupid assertion.
Never said that. Everyone needs to understand the situation in which they exist. To be killed unjustly by a cop requires an amazing amount of stupidity and/or bad luck. Blaming drug laws over personal responsibility would be a stupid assertion.
There's a reason the laws criminalize certain behavior over others. If you get someone into the (for profit) system early enough the numbers show they're unlikely to every escape it. This isn't being done by accident. The WoD wasn't a benevolent program gone horribly wrong
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There's a reason the laws criminalize certain behavior over others. If you get someone into the (for profit) system early enough the numbers show they're unlikely to every escape it. This isn't being done by accident. The WoD wasn't a benevolent program gone horribly wrong

Talk about conspiracy theories.
There's a reason the laws criminalize certain behavior over others. If you get someone into the (for profit) system early enough the numbers show they're unlikely to every escape it. This isn't being done by accident. The WoD wasn't a benevolent program gone horribly wrong

Without even arguing against any assertion in the paragraph above, it still takes willful participation by the individual to get in this scenario.

And yet, my irritation and discomfort remain. This is for a specific reason. I revile decisions like these when they are made with black people in mind. We can have a conversation about whether standardized tests are fair, about whether there might be other ways of fairly assessing students, about whether classical texts really need to be encountered in the languages they were written in. However, to have those conversations within the context of excusing black students from challenge is, in my view, impermissible and yes, in its way, racist.
As I mentioned earlier, many qualifiers also go into the violent crime numbers. The system is designed to create criminals
And the system doesnt care about color of skin. Green matters though. That would be the thing to focus on that would make real meaningful changes.
White is 76%
Black is 13%

So its 6x the population. With only half the number dead, blacks are 3x more likely to be killed.

Violent Crime:
White 236k
Black 150k
Table 43

So 60% of the VIOLENT crime, not property crime, despite 16% the population of whites.

That's black people being approx 4x as likely to be violent.

4x(violence)>3x(rate of getting shot).

For the same actions a white person is about 20% more likely to be fatally shot. That's the 25% difference minus all the rounding I have been doing.

Considering that the argument is that blacks are policed more it seems like they would have a higher rate of getting fatally shot by the racist system than whites for the same actions.

I have no idea what non violent breakdown is. I will try that next.
So same pop. 6x more whites.

Property crimes:
Blacks: 285k
So whites perform about 2.5x more than blacks.

So blacks do 40% compared to whites. So here it's only 2.2 rate of n
Property crimes.

So blacks get shot (assuming the same break down of shootings across types of crimes) more often than whites for property crimes for the same action.

One thing that tickled me was the only laws that seemed to fall on racial percentages were alcohol related. Whites are very close to 6x in the listed alcohol categories which lines up closely the population difference.
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As I mentioned earlier, many qualifiers also go into the violent crime numbers. The system is designed to create criminals
Even if that were the case, it doesnt explain why blacks are extremely more violent against the police causing the very issues we are discussing.

What are you thinking the percentage of people (both white and black) that are shot and killed during calls for service or traffic stops that are unarmed, not breaking any laws, cooperating and being compliant with police?
This is very similar to the issue LG used to have when discussing corp profits. He never could grasp the difference between $ and %
What difference does percent make in the big picture? It's not bad math to look at it as a raw number. 1 dead person is 1 dead person. And MORE white people being killed is MORE white people. But if you insist on going down that road, what is the relative percentage of crime being committed by those various groups to the overall statistic. Maybe AOC is right. If we don't police those neighborhoods, there won't be any crime.
I have no problem with enforcing drug laws so we’ll probably disagree on some things.
They are a waste of time and resources. You can buy weed plants online now for goodness sake. Stop busting people for it. Prosecute the HELL out of them for doing it while driving though, but if they have weed in the trunk. BFD. Send them home to light up and go bust some real criminals..
Oh there's lots of examples. Ignoring how crack was introduced, is there a good reason the penalties for crack are much harsher than cocaine?
Cocaine was expensive when I was in college. (Never did it btw)... Crack made it affordable.

There is a special place in Hell for the guy that invented that process. I hope he died a horribly painful death.
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Some of these arguments or rebuttals to my points are just embarrassing. You all can do better than this.
  1. If you are going to argue that black people are more likely to commit crime based on anything other socio-economic factors and targeted laws, YOU ARE RACIST.
  2. Shout out to the mod for being reasonable. This conversation is usually totally and overwhelmingly bias to one side here. No one has be on the side of reparations but to say racism no longer exists is beyond ridiculous. Look at this very thread 🤦‍♂️
  3. I just picked one facet of many that prove that racism is still a problem in this country. While I am sure most of you all will try to debunk any and all evidence I bring to the table, please know that it says a lot more about you than it does about me.
Will address everyone who made a coherent point when I return ✊

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