That's racist!

Have you missed all the stories of AA’s committing violent crime…. It seems to be a correlation….one of the most schooling stats I saw…. It was a recent time period of 2-4 yrs….. during that time 230,000 plus AA’s were treated in emergency rooms with non fatal gunshot injuries compared to 70,000 for white people….. that is insane to me.
233 black homicides in Chicago YTD... 14 white homicides in the same period. The cops there must be real arseholes.

George Floyd!
“...[AAs accounted for] almost 24% of over 6,000 fatal shootings by the police since 2015.”
” drivers were about 20% more likely to be stopped than white drivers.”
“African-Americans were 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites, even though their rate of marijuana usage was comparable.”
“African-Americans are imprisoned at five times the rate of white Americans...”
George Floyd: How are African-Americans treated under the law?

And so much more.
If data is presented which shows a difference in police stops, arrests, incarceration, and severity of punishment due to ethnicity, would differences in justice system stats with other human characteristics be as valid?

For example:
If data shows men are stopped by cops more, arrested more, incarcerated more, and with worse severity of punishment than women, does it prove prejudicial engagement against men compared to women?
Same question for age demographics. If young men and women 18-25 have harsher experiences than those aged 26-45, and those aged 26-45 have harsher experiences compared to those aged 46-65, does the data prove young adults are treated with prejudice compared to middle aged people?
Context is also important. If I get pulled over for speeding and a black guy gets pulled over because he has a felony warrant and decides to pull a gun, the two outcomes are highly likely to much different. Saying this stop ended fine for you and bad for him because racism isn’t supported by anything. Because if you reversed the roles I probably end up in the morgue too.

Police Activity on YT has a ton of body cam videos of police shootings. The amount of slack they give these guys is unreal. The number of people who pull a gun or knife on cops is also astounding.
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Washington? Jefferson? Mohammed? Castro? Lenin? Caesar? Andrew Jackson? Sitting Bull? several people have been enslaved in different ways by many different people in different countries? you literally have to mention every African, European, Asian, Middle Eastern and South/Central American leader from the Biblical times through 1800s

The ignorance involved with thinking you are part of some race that was the only race to ever be on the receiving end of slavery, is a special kind of ignorance.

Essentially, he wants to blame something that happened to his ancestors, more than a 100 years ago, as the reason why he hasnt made it.

Meanwhile Jews and Japanese, people that suffered significantly, much more recently in history, seem to have collected themselves and moved on.
You must be referring to the question he asked before the one I supplied the answer to.

The answer is pretty much the same. White privilege is the ability to take certain things for granted. To say you do not care that someone else is majorly offended with reason is a privilege.

A lack of empathy is not a privilege of any sort and isn’t unique to a particular race
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You must be referring to the question he asked before the one I supplied the answer to.

The answer is pretty much the same. White privilege is the ability to take certain things for granted. To say you do not care that someone else is majorly offended with reason is a privilege.
Weird how other races and cultures (Hispanic, Asian, etc.) also don't have the same issues with "systemic racism" and "white privilege" because they don't care about offending or make excuses for their failures either
Weird how other races and cultures (Hispanic, Asian, etc.) also don't have the same issues with "systemic racism" and "white privilege" because they don't care about offending or make excuses for their failures either
Favorite thing- look how most Asian and Hispanic people react when ignorant white leftists try to lump them into the "oppressed" category with black folks.
Weird how other races and cultures (Hispanic, Asian, etc.) also don't have the same issues with "systemic racism" and "white privilege" because they don't care about offending or make excuses for their failures either

It’s because the white man is still oppressing black people with building names. We no longer care about oppressing Hispanics and Asians but we will get to it when we build the Yosemite Sam High School and the Hideki Tojo Middle School
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“...[AAs accounted for] almost 24% of over 6,000 fatal shootings by the police since 2015.”
” drivers were about 20% more likely to be stopped than white drivers.”
“African-Americans were 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites, even though their rate of marijuana usage was comparable.”
“African-Americans are imprisoned at five times the rate of white Americans...”
George Floyd: How are African-Americans treated under the law?

And so much more.

Have you ever considered there might be another problem besides racism?
What does the disproportionate treatment I am referencing mean then? 😳
It doesn't mean racism is an issue in this country. There is no slavery and equality is even in our constitution. Use of excessive force by police against all people is a problem. The media and one party push that it's only against minorities in order to get stupid people to vote for them.
Here I was thinking 1683 white people shot by police in a four year span was greater than the 908 blacks shot by cops in the same time period.
This is very similar to the issue LG used to have when discussing corp profits. He never could grasp the difference between $ and %
Here I was thinking 1683 white people shot by police in a four year span was greater than the 908 blacks shot by cops in the same time period.

Divide by the overall percentage of racist cops which is 98% then multiply by the number of racist buildings in the US which is 14,874. That is the true number of black killings by police
This is very similar to the issue LG used to have when discussing corp profits. He never could grasp the difference between $ and %

When you compare violent crime rates between groups, it greatly closes the gap in population rates. African Americans commit the largest percentage of violent crimes in this nation compared to whites even though whites outnumber them nearly 7-1
When you compare violent crime rates between groups, it greatly closes the gap in population rates. African Americans commit the largest percentage of violent crimes in this nation compared to whites even though whites outnumber them nearly 7-1
How many of those could be attributed to over policing of minority neighborhoods? Or the WoD?

See, just claiming X>Y is bad math

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