That's racist!

We don’t need a racist like you telling us how to think or that we can’t make it without your help. We don’t tolerate it. We don’t blame it for our problems and we don’t let it beat us. That’s why we’re abandoning the Democrats in mass. An exodus of you will.
You always reach with your comparison.
Do you think the average individual can tell the difference between a Jew and a non-Jew based off just physical appearance?
You always reach with your comparison.
Do you think the average individual can tell the difference between a Jew and a non-Jew based off just physical appearance?
You took days to think about it and that’s what you came up with? Classic. And yes the anti-Semites have no problem telling the difference.
Still stands about what? You have to use hysteria to make a point based on a flawed understanding of history?

If you have legit arguments, which you do, you shouldnt need to jump straight into the bs. All this does is weaken your argument for anyone that actually pays attention.
Not every point comes with a perfect comparison. Those rarely exist nor is it necessary.
The point still stands that Jews would not be subjected to that type of oppression in this country today.
There are traits that most successful people share. Being self reliant and responsible are among the apex of those traits. Perpetuating a victim mentality that prohibits people from being successful is counterproductive. It appears to me this isn't about elevating AA's in particular and POC in general.

If America is so systemically racist why are Asian American's and Indian American's more successful today than their white counterparts? I think the answer is very obvious, they value self reliance, work ethic, discipline and education.
^Why don’t you eat him up for his awful comparisons @LouderVol?
^Speaking of ridiculous comparisons 🤦‍♂️
If I had a history of being violent. It would not be a shock if I also had a history of violence against/from cops.

Not sure why you think it's ridiculous. It's a pretty well accepted fact that violence doesnt cure violence. It's why you saw so many pacifist movements largely have success where violence failed.
Would you have a hard time visiting/spending money in our nations Capital?

William Blount College, precurssor to the University of Tennessee, was obviously named for our first Governor. He owned slaves.
Guess you are not a UT fan anymore
DC has taken steps to right wrongs. Its definitely a case-by-case synopsis for me.
The school should revisit the name. The state should revisit the naming of the county.
Washington? Jefferson? Mohammed? Castro? Lenin? Caesar? Andrew Jackson? Sitting Bull? several people have been enslaved in different ways by many different people in different countries? you literally have to mention every African, European, Asian, Middle Eastern and South/Central American leader from the Biblical times through 1800s
I am for revisiting all symbols that are oppressive to a entire race or type of people 🤷‍♂️
^Why don’t you eat him up for his awful comparisons @LouderVol?
1. I dont see wide spread racism against those Americans. At least the calls of attention to anywhere close to what is happening to AAs.
2. They do tend to be more successful than whites.

What am I supposed to take exception to in the highlighted? Did he say something about internment camps, or working the railroad that I missed?
1. And 95% of those shootings were justified and legal defensive shootings due to violent criminals
2. Because police use directed patrolling in the highest crime areas which in every city, tends to be urban areas with high gang violence and crime, FROM black communities
3. Because blacks are more likely to be arrested for OTHER concurrent crimes while carrying marijuana (i.e. guns, driving on revoked license, etc)
4. Because blacks are more likely to commit multiple crimes over decades and thus have their probation and paroles revoked as well as added on sentencing where as other "newbie" arrestees would not get as much time
We all know you have a reputation of absolutely 0 substance behind your weird and emotional opinions
I am for revisiting all symbols that are oppressive to a entire race or type of people 🤷‍♂️
Let’s erase everything that has ever happened until...................NOW!

Be careful.........there are some things that I think that are offensive and oppressive that you might not think are. They should be looked at just as strongly then.
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Weird how other races and cultures (Hispanic, Asian, etc.) also don't have the same issues with "systemic racism" and "white privilege" because they don't care about offending or make excuses for their failures either
Probably because they do not have the same issues 🤷‍♂️

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