That's racist!

It doesn't mean racism is an issue in this country. There is no slavery and equality is even in our constitution. Use of excessive force by police against all people is a problem. The media and one party push that it's only against minorities in order to get stupid people to vote for them.
There is established disproportionate treatment. See earlier links.
What does it mean then? 🍿
Did you know there was a constitution when slavery was legal btw. The 13th and 14th As did not eliminate all vestiges of that sin.
There is established disproportionate treatment. See earlier links.
What does it mean then? 🍿
Did you know there was a constitution when slavery was legal btw. The 13th and 14th As did not eliminate all vestiges of that sin.
Technically there isnt a whole lot that is illegal under the consitution itself. It being mute on a subject hardly made something legal. Murder and rape are also not covered.
1. I dont see wide spread racism against those Americans. At least the calls of attention to anywhere close to what is happening to AAs.
2. They do tend to be more successful than whites.

What am I supposed to take exception to in the highlighted? Did he say something about internment camps, or working the railroad that I missed?
You are making my point.
The comparison is farther off than my hitler to robert e lee comparison in regards to oppressive symbols.
Let’s erase everything that has ever happened until...................NOW!

Be careful.........there are some things that I think that are offensive and oppressive that you might not think are. They should be looked at just as strongly then.
Hence why I said an entire race or type of people
Not at all.
I also hope we all get to the point where we don’t want to be reminded about one of the worst crimes in the history of man on a daily basis.

Then put your attention towards the people around the world who are actually in slavery TODAY
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You are making my point.
The comparison is farther off than my hitler to robert e lee comparison in regards to oppressive symbols.
But he had racism to racism. And even American racism to american racism.

You had american slavery general vs german genocide founder/leader.
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