That's racist!

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
What is a person who points at stupid people and openly mocks their repeated stupidity. Because that’s what I’m doing right now to you.
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I’m done talking you seriously. I’m not done making fun of you.
It’s not nice to pick on people like yourself who have an IQ below 80 but you’re a racist so you understand how Jews can be. Even if we don’t think the way you white people think we should
I think it’s perfectly acceptable to pick on this special needs person. They seem to be inviting it honestly.
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Because that is not what I am doing and that is not the message I am trying to put forth. There is tons of racist content and comments on these boards that are offensive and hurtful.
People have to understand each other and see life in someone else’s shoes before there can be true unity.
First sentence - It is what you're doing, you're just unable to see it's what you're doing. For what it's worth, I don't think you're doing it maliciously. You're just so convinced you are right, you refuse to see it through any other lens.

Second sentence - I agree posters make racist comments. Some do it without realizing it, and some do it in a mocking fashion. There's really numerous reasons they make the comments they do. And, again, for what it's worth, I've called out posts before when I thought them grounded in actual racism and ignorance. I've never strayed from my message of dealing with people as individuals, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc., etc.

Last sentence - Take your own advice. Look at it from other sides. We all need to try and do that. Seeing life only through our own lens is selfish.
Almost everything you post.
I’ve noticed you answer questions with questions but never actually answer anything. Is that because you have no substance or is it a lack of ability to make a point?
BS. I’ve provided plenty of substance. You are the one who just ran from a convo 🤦‍♂️
Idk how you can see past your own blatant hypocrisy
BS. I’ve provided plenty of substance. You are the one who just ran from a convo 🤦‍♂️
Nope. You’re not trying to prove anything or convince people to agree with you. You’re just in here making stuff up and picking fights. So all these comments you claim that I made that prove I wasn’t taking the conversation seriously….link?
First sentence - It is what you're doing, you're just unable to see it's what you're doing. For what it's worth, I don't think you're doing it maliciously. You're just so convinced you are right, you refuse to see it through any other lens.
Like you don’t see your own hypocrisy?
You were wrong about the message I was trying to portray earlier. What am I so convinced I am right about again?
Second sentence - I agree posters make racist comments. Some do it without realizing it, and some do it in a mocking fashion. There's really numerous reasons they make the comments they do. And, again, for what it's worth, I've called out posts before when I thought them grounded in actual racism and ignorance. I've never strayed from my message of dealing with people as individuals, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc., etc.
I’ve seen you do it once regarding Juneteenth. You then turned around and made a stereotypical comment about “wokeness.” Thanks?
In this breakdown, you at least admit there is racism here. There is actually a TON of it. But somehow, someone who is openly calling people out for it is villainized. How does this make sense?
Last sentence - Take your own advice. Look at it from other sides. We all need to try and do that. Seeing life only through our own lens is selfish.
I am open to actual conversations about stuff I may not see. I am far from close-minded.
Nope. You’re not trying to prove anything or convince people to agree with you. You’re just in here making stuff up and picking fights. So all these comments you claim that I made that prove I wasn’t taking the conversation seriously….link?
As soon as you provide one for what I made up 🤦‍♂️

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