That's racist!

Lol @ your proof and whack insult
Thanks for admitting what I already knew.. I will perpetuate the White Privilege's myth as I see it is how you rationalize your failures and keep yourself down. Its a perfect tool of oppression. I hope you enjoy it :)
Weezer voice: Tangent: 1. a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point, but if extended does not cross it at that point
You left out how it's the limiting position of a secant of a curve through a fixed point, blah, blah. In that definition it's a math term that has no place in conversation unless we're discussing math, which we're not. Damn that racist math again. I believe the word you actually meant to us was target, as in stay on target, not stay on tangent. Your deflection game is weak. Your inability to admit an obvious mistake shows who has the closed mind. The open mind can admit when they've made a mistake, learn, and move on.
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Thanks for admitting what I already knew.. I will perpetuate the White Privilege's myth as I see it is how you rationalize your failures and keep yourself down. Its a perfect tool of oppression. I hope you enjoy it :)
Your agenda showed itself long ago 🤦‍♂️
There’s a prominent chef here in chattanooga I’m proud to call my friend. He’s been shot several times and survived a youth of gang life. He through hard work got out of LA. Worked as a dishwasher to get through school and is now very successful.
He’s black. And he doesn’t believe your Bull **** either.
No successful people do…..unless they’re in politics and using it to make themselves wealthy.
You left out how it's the limiting position of a secant of a curve through a fixed point, blah, blah. In that definition it's a math term that has no place in conversation unless we're discussing math, which we're not. Damn that racist math again. I believe the word you actually meant to us was target, as in stay on target, not stay on tangent. Your deflection game is weak. Your inability to admit an obvious mistake shows who has the closed mind. The open mind can admit when they've made a mistake, learn, and move on.
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds 😳
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds 😳
Again with a weak response. Someone calls you out and your response is to call them a hypocrite. My views have not changed, there is no hypocrisy on my part. It's like the Dem response of calling anyone who disagrees with them "racist". Your constant misuse of the word robs it of its true meaning.
Hey professor, if she was pulled over and not given a citation it was either a verbal warning or community caretaking neither of which is an example of white supremacy or racist police. I’m not elevated, just pointing out your hypocrisy that is evident in your posting style.

You claim to be Mr hardcore data and facts and research and deride others for not having an “open mind” but when it leans left like your profession (well former profession) always does, you immediately jump to anecdotal, emotional 2nd hand assumptions

You take others at their word and believe the best except for officers, conservatives, etc who disagree with your world view
Still waiting on response on this @AshG

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