That's racist!

The chef I mentioned earlier left on a bus with nothing and came to chattanooga. A place he picked at random. He was homeless for a month when I hired him to was dishes. He took a second job at night till he could afford a crap apartment. A very hard worker so I made him a cook pretty quickly. …………

how many people can do that? Especially if they have kids. They’re trapped and the government isn’t here to help. Neither are those activists assholes using their situation to make themselves rich.
The people who start the movements somehow end up rich while the followers always end up right back where they started.
White privilege is a construct meant to further divide the races by causing dissension. Understand, "privilege" is an issue of class, not race. When silly things like this cause resentment between the races, the actual racists win. How do you subjugate a people? By keeping them divided, distracted, and at each other's throats. Who benefits by all this division? Not the masses. A united citizenry is a government's biggest fear, because then they are more likely to be held accountable.
I disagree. Not taking ownership or admitting WP exists does more damage.
How can you admit there is privilege in class but not race?

@AshG is WP a form of institutionalized racism?
I disagree. Not taking ownership or admitting WP exists does more damage.
How can you admit there is privilege in class but not race?

@AshG is WP a form of institutionalized racism?
Much of what black people face that they refer to as "white privilege", poor white people face as well. That speaks to it being about class, not race. The difference being it only gets attention when race is brought into it.
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I disagree. Not taking ownership or admitting WP exists does more damage.
How can you admit there is privilege in class but not race?

@AshG is WP a form of institutionalized racism?
Because there’s no difference in people. There are cultural differences but race is irrelevant. Money on the other hand brings privilege. Unless your a racist pos like Biden who said “poor kids are as smart as white kids”. The you know not all black people are poor and not all white people are rich. The poor White Mountain folks of West Virginia are just as welfare trapped as any black community. They have no privilege. OJ Simpson used his privilege to get away with murder. The problem isn’t race. It’s class/wealth
Much of what black people face that they refer to as "white privilege", poor white people face as well. That speaks to it being about class, not race. The difference being it only gets attention when race is brought into it.
There may be overlapping issues but a poor white person or a person from Appalachia (as I see referenced here often) can go get cleaned up and blend in with the majority. This is obviously not true for an AA.
Because there’s no difference in people. There are cultural differences but race is irrelevant. Money on the other hand brings privilege. Unless your a racist pos like Biden who said “poor kids are as smart as white kids”. The you know not all black people are poor and not all white people are rich. The poor White Mountain folks of West Virginia are just as welfare trapped as any black community. They have no privilege. OJ Simpson used his privilege to get away with murder. The problem isn’t race. It’s class/wealth
Please don’t run this time.
You have admitted that people discriminate on race and religion. How can you now turn around and say race is irrelevant?
Doesn’t appear to be. Why don’t you focus on the people you tried to engage that responded to you. That’s what you wanted right? I mean hell I’ll admit I just want to point at and mock your blind ignorant ass at this point. So stop replying to me and reply to weez and slice whom you asked to reply. They did.
Doesn’t appear to be. Why don’t you focus on the people you tried to engage that responded to you. That’s what you wanted right? I mean hell I’ll admit I just want to point at abs mock your blind ignorant ass at this point. So stop replying to me and reply to weez and slice whom you asked to reply. They did.
1. Because you keep replying to me with corniness.
2. I am currently awaiting responses from both. 🤦‍♂️
There may be overlapping issues but a poor white person or a person from Appalachia (as I see referenced here often) can go get cleaned up and blend in with the majority. This is obviously not true for an AA.
That's is both absurd, and not "white privilege". What problems do black people face that white people do not? Lay out what supposed advantages all white people enjoy.
You're considering it to be a direct benefit, when it can include lack of detriment as well.

Ever had to tell your kid not to be seen in a neighborhood because they'll be considered suspicious and pulled over? Ever had to warn them how to talk about their car so it's not suspected stolen if they are stopped? These are talks my neighbors and church mates had with their kids when I lived in Mississippi. These are talks parents of some of my former students had with them. One of my students was late to her student teaching assignment one day because she was stopped for being black in a nice car in Grand Haven, a very white Michigan town. It stripped her of her dignity.

Driving while black is a real thing. Driving while white isn't. There's an example of privilege.
^this one

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