That's racist!

1. Because you keep replying to me with corniness.
2. I am currently awaiting responses from both. 🤦‍♂️
1. I’m mocking your stupidity. I’m not shocked you see that as “corniness”
2. Weez replied. Focus and stop trying to get Ash to bail your ignorant ass out.
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Please don’t run this time.
You have admitted that people discriminate on race and religion. How can you now turn around and say race is irrelevant?
Again with the made up “run away “ garbage. I’m beginning to believe you really are …..special.
I’ve never offered an opinion on religion. You tried to move goalposts on that and I ask wtf you were talking about but I actually didn’t care why you were trying to bring that in.

I engage in these conversations for my benefit. Either to help form my views or to entertain myself by trading insults. Nothing personal but I grew way beyond your beliefs a long time ago.

But we can give you one more opportunity to grow
Race is irrelevant to success.
There will always be stupid people who don’t like each other for whatever reason. Race isn’t holding anyone back in this country. Being a racist yourself and trying to separate people based on race to solve racism is just stupid. The other explanation is political gain. You really should read mein kompf and then review the things you’re now saying.
It’s a shame that you’re so brainwashed that you’re helping those with the actual privilege keep it. It’s sad really.
Again with the made up “run away “ garbage. I’m beginning to believe you really are …..special.
I’ve never offered an opinion on religion. You tried to move goalposts on that and I ask wtf you were talking about but I actually didn’t care why you were trying to bring that in.

I engage in these conversations for my benefit. Either to help form my views or to entertain myself by trading insults. Nothing personal but I grew way beyond your beliefs a long time ago.

But we can give you one more opportunity to grow
Race is irrelevant to success.
There will always be stupid people who don’t like each other for whatever reason. Race isn’t holding anyone back in this country. Being a racist yourself and trying to separate people based on race to solve racism is just stupid. The other explanation is political gain. You really should read mein kompf and then review the things you’re now saying.
It’s a shame that you’re so brainwashed that you’re helping those with the actual privilege keep it. It’s sad really.
You said Jews are discriminated against. You also said there is racism.
I am merely trying to understand your point.
There is racism? But it is not holding anyone back in this country? Please explain.
Do you know (I’m sure you do) how hard it is to get away from the government once they have you enslaved? The welfare system is literally designed to keep people trapped. Enough money to survive barely but not enough to help raise you up. No training programs that can get people jobs. No education programs. And it actually pays more for the family to be broken.
100%. I was visiting one of my restaurants a few months ago. There was a girl in her early 30s who I didn’t recognize that was working her ass off. I talked with the GM and told her how impressed I was with the employee. she said that the girl had been there for about three months and she was terrific. The only problem was that she couldn’t work a lot of hours per week. I asked why and she said the girl said she can’t work more than 18 hours a week or she’ll lose her government benefits. That mentality is killing the country. I honestly don’t blame the girl. This is how people have been and are being raised.
You said Jews are discriminated against. You also said there is racism.
I am merely trying to understand your point.
There is racism? But it is not holding anyone back in this country? Please explain.

Jews are discriminated against. Not all Jews practice Judaism.
There will always be stupid people who discriminate against each other. Racism preventing individual success has been gone for a long time.
I answered that previously. I have been harassed for being a "white boy" in a predominantly black neighborhood. I have been pulled over for no apparent reason.

Why do you feel the need to rely on Ash for an argument you claim to be so passionate about?
Please don’t be a parot of ND. It is very unbecoming. He is irritated and trying to regain some dignity for different reasons that go beyond this conversation. I was merely listing an example and you and I have had several convos.

Do you think the time you got pulled over or walked down a predominately AA discredits his point? That is laughable to me
Jews are discriminated against. Not all Jews practice Judaism.
There will always be stupid people who discriminate against each other. Racism preventing individual success has been gone for a long time.
What is the bold based on? And again, how do you come to this reckoning if you admit racism exists?
100%. I was visiting one of my restaurants a few months ago. There was a girl in her early 30s who I didn’t recognize that was working her ass off. I talked with the GM and told her how impressed I was with the employee. she said that the girl had been there for about three months and she was terrific. The only problem was that she couldn’t work a lot of hours per week. I asked why and she said the girl said she can’t work more than 18 hours a week or she’ll lose her government benefits. That mentality is killing the country. I honestly don’t blame the girl. This is how people have been and are being raised.
And it’s likely she can’t save enough money with that 18 hours to make the jump to full time without needing those benefits.
It’s really quite sad.
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What is the bold based on? And again, how do you come to this reckoning if you admit racism exists?
You can’t be serious.
My cardiologist is black. My best cabinet sub is black. The Vice President is black. We have a former president who is back and was re-elected. Our next president is a black Republican named Tim Scott. Racism as a prevention to success is dead.

At this point you’re willfully ignorant.
You can’t be serious.
My cardiologist is black. My best cabinet sub is black. The Vice President is black. We have a former president who is back and was re-elected. Our next president is a black Republican named Tim Scott. Racism as a prevention to success is dead.
Imo you have just proven progress. You have not proven that race isn’t still an issue in this country.

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