That's racist!

I haven't read the article but is it actually saying it's bad to fly the flag, or just a signal of right vs. Left? I'll bet that it doesn't say it's bad or racist. It's a weird thing but the flag feels like it's been co-opted by Trump people and I don't want to be confused with them. Quite the dilemma.

Yeah? You did a lot of flag flying before Trump? Lol.
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We all saw this coming from miles away
Don't feel bad for her. She kept with the ideology that hiring for diversity is fine unless it's her position. She's hypocritical. Her problem for being for that nonsense. If she said that it should simply be about merits then I'd feel for her.
So you’d be open to listening in full to Vodie Bauchman without first trying to Google a rebuttal?

I love Vodie's preaching, but he misses a lick around the 13:20 mark when he is talking about the truths of the marginalized. What he was complaining about is almost exactly how the Christ taught. Here's the experience of the harlot who is about to be stoned and her lover who isn't; what does that reveal about society? Here's a Samaritan at the well who is afraid to approach me because of our heritage differences; what does that say about our brokenness? The stories of the lepers, the blind, the poor... That's how Christ taught. He centered the marginalized and revealed their truths I order to unveil the beauty of the Kingdom of God.

Like I said, I think I know what he was going for in that one point but it may have been better to go at it a different way.
I love Vodie's preaching, but he misses a lick around the 13:20 mark when he is talking about the truths of the marginalized. What he was complaining about is almost exactly how the Christ taught. Here's the experience of the harlot who is about to be stoned and her lover who isn't; what does that reveal about society? Here's a Samaritan at the well who is afraid to approach me because of our heritage differences; what does that say about our brokenness? The stories of the lepers, the blind, the poor... That's how Christ taught. He centered the marginalized and revealed their truths I order to unveil the beauty of the Kingdom of God.

Like I said, I think I know what he was going for in that one point but it may have been better to go at it a different way.
You know the girl about to be stoned is a addition to the Bible and doesn’t exist in any of the earlier copies.
Thanks for the lead on that, I'm going to have to check that out. I appreciate that info!
There’s no real problem with the story itself. It’s actually consistent with the law. Can’t accuse the woman without the male offender too. It’s just not original and people often use it beyond its intended value.
The snake handling and poison drinking at the end of mark is also BS addition
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There’s no real problem with the story itself. It’s actually consistent with the law. Can’t accuse the woman without the male offender too. It’s just not original and people often use it beyond its intended value.
The snake handling and poison drinking at the end of mark is also BS addition
That's what you get when you have two thousand years worth of hands all over the text.
There’s no real problem with the story itself. It’s actually consistent with the law. Can’t accuse the woman without the male offender too. It’s just not original and people often use it beyond its intended value.
The snake handling and poison drinking at the end of mark is also BS addition
As a born and bred Kentuckian, don't be knocking snake handling!

Buddy of mine up there is into that, they're crazy! My kids always liked going to their house and seeing his snakes though.
As a born and bred Kentuckian, don't be knocking snake handling!

Buddy of mine up there is into that, they're crazy! My kids always liked going to their house and seeing his snakes though.
It’s at odds with one of messiahs principal teachings.

“It is written, thou shalt not tempt the Lord your G-D”.
remember who he was talking to when he said that?

Mathew 4

Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

where it was written.
Duet 6:
13 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.

14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you;

15 (For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.

16 Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God, as ye tempted him in Massah.
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Math and science are not racist. That's just stupid. History is and will always be biased. The conquerors and those who have been conquered will always see it differently.

Statements like the ones in this tweet do not suggest that unity is the ultimate goal.

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