That's racist!

We going to start giving back land to the Indians now too right??

A $75 million California beachfront property will be returned to the Black family who was driven off the land 100 years ago

In 1912, Charles and Willa Bruce purchased beachfront property in Southern California and turned it into a resort open to Black customers. But in the 1920s, the land was taken from them and absorbed into Manhattan Beach. Now worth $75 million, new state legislation is returning the property to the Bruce descendants.
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We going to start giving back land to the Indians now too right??

A $75 million California beachfront property will be returned to the Black family who was driven off the land 100 years ago

In 1912, Charles and Willa Bruce purchased beachfront property in Southern California and turned it into a resort open to Black customers. But in the 1920s, the land was taken from them and absorbed into Manhattan Beach. Now worth $75 million, new state legislation is returning the property to the Bruce descendants.

And will be returned to the state when the new owners can't pay the tax bill. Gubment work at its finest.
We going to start giving back land to the Indians now too right??

A $75 million California beachfront property will be returned to the Black family who was driven off the land 100 years ago

In 1912, Charles and Willa Bruce purchased beachfront property in Southern California and turned it into a resort open to Black customers. But in the 1920s, the land was taken from them and absorbed into Manhattan Beach. Now worth $75 million, new state legislation is returning the property to the Bruce descendants.
Good. I applaud the Bruce heirs fighting and winning.
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I'd like to see his research the bolded claim. In my experience some cultures (Asian comes to mind) they are even more so like this.

I'll see what I can find. I've seen studies on this, I just can't remember them off the top of my head.

Much of it has to do with cultural ingraining. The Asian cultures you referenced are deeply rooted in honor and ancestral/parental guidance. You honor the teacher, your parents, my and your country by sitting still and paying attention and doing your homework and showing up on time and following rules the first time. Many Asian schools even use students as the janitorial staff to teach responsibility and reinforce community mindset. Also, getting into Asian select high schools and universities is significantly more difficult than in the US.

In other cultures, there is a greater emphasis on learning by doing. Learning to count with physical manipulatives before numbers. Learning language by connecting sounds with objects and retelling stories. Learning history and civics through participation and performance art. Experimentation and failure.

Then there's the North American model, which attempts to hybridize the other methods. The US model relies on the input of a lower percentage of education workers and a higher percentage of investors than any other country. The US model also tests every single student, where our "competing" countries only test the college track students and free their vocational students from wasting their time.

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