That's racist!

We are all shaped by our shared history.

The Age of Exploration may not seem overly relevant today, but it is certainly more relevant than the Pleistocene.

We’re shaped by our history, so we’re all screwed and there’s no such thing as moving forward and learning and growing from it. Gotcha.
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And what does that have to do with where we are now as an advanced society where everyone roams free? There was all kinds of stupid stuff going on back before any of us were even here. History is history, good or bad, why is something from 500 years ago still relevant?
You seen to ignore very recent history wrt race relations. My parents and those of many of my friends grew up in an extremely segregated time. A time when water hoses and trained dogs were used on them because of their skin color and desire to eat at a lunch counter. People on both sides of those lines are still very much above today. Your "yeah but it's all good now" really doesn't take that into account
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You seen to ignore very recent history wrt race relations. My parents and those of many of my friends grew up in an extremely segregated time. A time when water hoses and trained dogs were used on them because of their skin color and desire to eat at a lunch counter. People on both sides of those lines are still very much above today. Your "yeah but it's all good now" really doesn't take that into account

I’m aware of that, my grandparents were in the same time period, but who’s segregated now? That’s my point.
I’m aware of that, my grandparents were in the same time period, but who’s segregated now? That’s my point.
You don't think there may be some lasting trauma or at least distrust from what the govt did just a few decades ago? You don't think there may be lingering racism from those opposed just a few decades ago? This isn't 500 years ago as you claimed
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You don't think there may be some lasting trauma or distrust from what the govt did just a few decades ago? This isn't 500 years ago as you claimed

I’m sure there is, but there’s a problem when you have 20 year old kids acting like they were there. Let the ones that lived it tell the story and the rest of us learn from it.
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Their living relatives were and so are the relatives of those who opposed them. This isn't since magical switch

So let’s all go back, no matter what time period and point out every little thing that’s ever happened to any family member. Would that make everyone feel better?
And what does that have to do with where we are now as an advanced society where everyone roams free? There was all kinds of stupid stuff going on back before any of us were even here. History is history, good or bad, why is something from 500 years ago still relevant?
Like slavery?
So let’s all go back, no matter what time period and point out every little thing that’s ever happened to any family member. Would that make everyone feel better?
No but refusing to acknowledge that people alive right now have lived through extremely racist, govt backed and enforced policies is ignorant. The people leading those govt policies didn't just get rid of them with a sudden change of heart
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No but refusing to acknowledge that people alive right now have lived through extremely racist, govt backed and enforced policies is ignorant. The people leading those govt policies didn't just get rid of them with a sudden change of heart

I do acknowledge it, but what does that have to do with now and why are 20 year old kids acting like they lived it. What policies are in place to stop anyone from succeeding now no matter who they are? Please enlighten me.
You’re saying that. You said we were shaped by our history. So do we keep those thoughts or do we move forward?
I certainly did not say we are screwed.

I said that history is written by the victors. The victors have been overwhelming White/Christian/European for the last 500+ years.

I’m not sure what you are arguing here.
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I do acknowledge it, but what does that have to do with now and why are 20 year old kids acting like they lived it. What policies are in place to stop anyone from succeeding now no matter who they are? Please enlighten me.
Now you’re moving the goal posts.
He tried. You also have to be open minded and accepting of other people’s viewpoints.
Many HBCU's were established prior to integration. There are some rich traditions at HBCU's that make the experience unique. I think they currently offer minority scholarships to other races. I have some non black colleagues who received a Masters degree from Tennessee State I believe to take advantage of the scholarship.
The reason a lot of the HBCUs were created is hard for me to get over. Also, I feel like there are underlying reasons for why people like Donald Trump want to show renewed interest in the institutions.
The reason a lot of the HBCUs were created is hard for me to get over. Also, I feel like there are underlying reasons for why people like Donald Trump want to show renewed interest in the institutions.

I think his reasons are benevolent and common sense. HBCU's struggle with funding for several reasons that I won't get into. It makes sense not having to come back every year and state your case. It shouldn't take Trump to light a fire under people. When people do that they are doing it for "underlying reasons". There are many democrats that would rather see these institutions struggle than to solve issues under Republicans leadership which means they really don't won't to help move people forward. It's a game of how little can you do?
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No, because the past is the past no matter how good or bad. We learned from it, everybody is free to do as they please. There have been white, black, Asian, etc. slaves all over the world in the past. We’ve gotten way past that point in this country, why hang on to something so bad that none of us had anything to do with?
More money in keeping it alive. And it is actually more beneficial for race baiters like @BayVol7 to keep sewing the seeds of division.
Now you’re moving the goal posts.
He tried. You also have to be open minded and accepting of other people’s viewpoints.

I’m not moving the goalposts. I’ve stuck to moving forward this whole time. I’ve said the past is the past from the beginning. How’s that moving the goalposts?

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