That's racist!

This is the correct answer. Yet I have not seen this actual theory be put into practice successfully in the real world. Age diversity, now thats another ballgame. That is where I have bias in decision making get exposed...aka cant teach an old dog new tricks which leads to the squeaky wheel gets the grease replaced.
You are painting with a very broad (and biased) brush. But I will play. You first have to explain why not hiring someone because they are black/female/gay, is not acceptable, but showing bias because of age is. This is a very personal issue with me as I am watching it play out right in front of my eyes.
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Some of this 💩 is so stupid it’s hard to believe anyone with an ounce of intelligence supports it.
I had a class at TSU with Ed Temple and the first thing he said on the first day was “ I close my door at 9:00. If my door is closed, you’re late for my class. If you’re late for my class, you better not open my door”,…. I guess old Ed was channeling his racist white supremacy persona.
This womans removal from the Olympics just goes to show that if you're going to step into the spotlight even in such a minor way as female Rugby you better not have anything questionable in your digital past. It's just getting ridiculous.

British Olympic rugby star Amy Wilson-Hardy removed from team amid racist text probe
She's clearly imitating the facial expressions of the pregame war dance (Haka) of the national soccer team of New Zealand.
They are called the All Blacks because of their black uniforms.
1722949802655.png 1722949918931.png
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Give her time for the assaults.... Fine by me.

The use of the "N" word, compounded by the way she used it and the frequency. She better be prepared to never live that one down.

Makes you wonder how much of it was the liquor and exactly how much deep seeded racial prejudice she actually has........ That doesn't just manifest itself.

I have a lot of respect for the other young woman in this situation, she handled an impossible situation about as well as anyone could.
Didn't know where else to put this....grown men finding a new hero to idolize by putting his name on their back. The thread has several dudes saying they hate Boston teams but they bought the know, because he said a gay slur. Something wrong with these people.

Didn't know where else to put this....grown men finding a new hero to idolize by putting his name on their back. The thread has several dudes saying they hate Boston teams but they bought the know, because he said a gay slur. Something wrong with these people.

View attachment 667296

“Hate speech”….😂
Didn't know where else to put this....grown men finding a new hero to idolize by putting his name on their back. The thread has several dudes saying they hate Boston teams but they bought the know, because he said a gay slur. Something wrong with these people.

View attachment 667296
A lot of people of tired of the mandatory veneration of all things LGB+++. If we'd stop pushing the agenda and let people be who and what they are, we'd be in much better shape as a society.

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