That's racist!

Those definitions are very different. It seems to be a politically correct change that Webster's has done. They did the same with pronouns

So if that definition of homophobia is correct, which one applies to this player?
I find captured grammar annoying. If "phobia" means and irrational fear (arachnophobia/claustrophobia/etc) then just throwing around "homophobe" is at least lazy and in it's common usage just a buzzword. Now if the person is rightly cited as prejudiced or a bigot then so be it.

It's a bit like how "I could care less" has essentially become grammatically accepted despite it clearly not actually describing the intent being conveyed. Here's Cleese on the matter.

And the statement mostly is that they support someone using a homophobic slur because they’re standing up to wokeness, or something, which is unbelievably stupid. The constitution has nothing to do with MLB’s punishment, a player can’t call a fan the N word and just keep playing

Only if they’re both black.
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It's perfectly fine to hate LGBTQ people. It's not okay to use a slur while performing your job.

Why does he have to hate alphabet people by simply using a word? People use the word “gay” and one that starts with an “f” in context that has nothing to do with homosexuals. It may be derogatory or just people that know each other ribbing one another. I mean luther says context matters whether cops shoot people on their own porch so using a word should have even more leeway.
Same here. To each their own but that's not me, I'll wear team swag all day but own no individual jersey's.

I agree. I have a blue Lady Vols jersey that I rarely wear, and a Vols #10 and Colts Peyton jersey I haven't worn in 10+ years. It's just kinda corny for middle aged guys to be wearing jerseys.

I still love the way a basketball jersey fits and looks and wish it were cool for me to wear. I have been looking for something vintage for beach vacations (like a Barkley Suns jersey) but otherwise, you won't catch me in someone's jersey
I agree. I have a Lady Vols jersey that I rarely wear, and a Vols #10 and Colts Peyton jersey I haven't worn in 10+ years. It's just kinda corny for middle aged guys to be wearing jerseys.

I still love the way a basketball jersey fits and looks and wish it were cool for me to wear. I have been looking for something vintage for beach vacations (like a Barkley Suns jersey) but otherwise, you won't catch me in someone's jersey

I still have my football and basketball jerseys from HS but apparently the wife shrunk them in the wash so I can't wear them anymore.
Still weird for grownups to idolize a baseball player because he said a word people don't like.

Imagine if he said something to offend Christians, who also have an agenda people are tired of, and jersey sales popped off. Cool? I say it's super fkn lame and you shouldn't defend them.
Yes it's trashy weird but I think I understand why they're being weird.
Still weird for grownups to idolize a baseball player because he said a word people don't like.

Imagine if he said something to offend Christians, who also have an agenda people are tired of, and jersey sales popped off. Cool? I say it's super fkn lame and you shouldn't defend them.
That's the rub though. If someone did something or said something to offend Christians there absolutely would be a group cheering that on. It happens all the time. Is it any more or less lame when it's other groups.

He said what he said, if that's how he feels cool. You hear that and worse every day.

I agree with Eastern's point. The goal of acceptance is that groups really aren't all that different, they share common interests etc. the over the top branding of LGBTQ has been it's biggest obstacle other than straight bigotry. The branding signals they want to be anything but "one of us". And the celebrating of those differences just reinforces the division more or less.
Why does he have to hate alphabet people by simply using a word? People use the word “gay” and one that starts with an “f” in context that has nothing to do with homosexuals. It may be derogatory or just people that know each other ribbing one another. I mean luther says context matters whether cops shoot people on their own porch so using a word should have even more leeway.
Sure. The context here was a fan heckling him, so he responded using a slur. Do you think he was happy and joking with the guy?

It doesn’t matter if the word was directed at a gay person or not. It's a slur because it has a pejorative nature. Would folks be buying up that jersey if he used the 'N' word or the 'K' word? Why is f****t okay, but the others not?
Gay use to mean fun.

Websters Dictionary 1828 - Webster's Dictionary 1828 - Gay

NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms

Most people don't fear gay people, they just dislike them. Identity politics at work. Which is why we have the same people that don't know what a woman is... talking about this. What they tried to do is make it a medical term, but I am unaware of any medical term for disliking in general. There is misophonia for instance for dislike of certain sounds.
I doubt most people dislike gay people. How would you know? I'd hope that people base their likes and dislikes of others on character traits other than sexuality.
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Sure. The context here was a fan heckling him, so he responded using a slur. Do you think he was happy and joking with the guy?

It doesn’t matter if the word was directed at a gay person or not. It's a slur because it has a pejorative nature. Would folks be buying up that jersey if he used the 'N' word or the 'K' word? Why is f****t okay, but the others not?
Uh oh. What is the ‘K’ word?

Kentucky Fan?
For the record, I'm not claiming the player hates gay people. He was upset and used a slur in the heat of the moment. A lot of us say things we regret in anger. Actions carry repercussions, though.

Now, I would wager a bunch of the folks buying up his jersey do. Different scenario there.

Why are the ones buying jerseys different? Is showing support for a guy who’s being admonished for using a f****** word automatically make you racist or hate homosexuals? Was the person he retaliated against homosexual?
Why are the ones buying jerseys different? Is showing support for a guy who’s being admonished for using a f****** word automatically make you racist or hate homosexuals? Was the person he retaliated against homosexual?
Well, his mistake was made in a heat of the moment type deal. And he did deserve punishment. To be fair, he got off really light. It wasn't anywhere close to a severe punishment.

Folks buying up the jerseys made a decision to support free use of the 'F' word without repercussions. Completely okay thing to do and more power to them. Kind of f'd up, though. In my opinion.
Well, his mistake was made in a heat of the moment type deal. And he did deserve punishment. To be fair, he got off really light. It wasn't anywhere close to a severe punishment.

Folks buying up the jerseys made a decision to support free use of the 'F' word without repercussions. Completely okay thing to do and more power to them. Kind of f'd up, though. In my opinion.

Why did he deserve punishment? Why is people supporting him for being punished over a stupid word f’d up?
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Why did he deserve punishment? Why is people supporting him for being punished over a stupid word f’d up?
So, in your opinion, is there any term he could have used which would warrant punishment?

I'm trying to better understand your position. Do you think players should be able to use any pejorative term they want with fans, other players, etc., without consequence?
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So, in your opinion, is there any term he could have used which would warrant punishment?

I'm trying to better understand your position. Do you think players should be able to use any pejorative term they want with fans, other players, etc., without consequence?

I just don’t think the punishment fits the “crime” and blindly labeling people who bought a jersey seems like typical victimhood. How often do you think the “n” word gets used over the course of a football or basketball game amongst players yet nothing is done….unless…..
So, in your opinion, is there any term he could have used which would warrant punishment?

I'm trying to better understand your position. Do you think players should be able to use any pejorative term they want with fans, other players, etc., without consequence?
You’re framing it wrong (for him)…

You’re using “players”. He might understand better if you use “employees”.

The MLB players are Employees of their respective franchises. Surely he doesn’t think employees can dog cuss the paying customers. But then again…

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