That's racist!

So, in your opinion, is there any term he could have used which would warrant punishment?

I'm trying to better understand your position. Do you think players should be able to use any pejorative term they want with fans, other players, etc., without consequence?

I would get fired for calling a customer a "dickhead" let alone any kind of slur. The idea that a 2-game suspension is worth championing this martyr of the cause is wild.

Let's be clear, we don't even know how Duren feels about any of this. Maybe he thinks he shouldn't have said the word and is shamed by the jersey sales, some of which are definitely driven by outright bigotry.
I just don’t think the punishment fits the “crime” and blindly labeling people who bought a jersey seems like typical victimhood. How often do you think the “n” word gets used over the course of a football or basketball game amongst players yet nothing is done….unless…..
Oh, I'm certain a lot of **** is talked and slurs likely used during games between players. If it stays between them and they're okay with it, no big deal. It's like you can say whatever you want about anyone in your own home on your own time. But say some of those same things on the job or in public and there will be consequences.

This was a player to fan situation caught on multiple mics. They had to take action as it was not okay. I mean, children are at these games and/or watching them. And, if nothing else, we always want to protect the children, right?
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Oh, I'm certain a lot of **** is talked and slurs likely used during games between players. If it stays between them and they're okay with it, no big deal. It's like you can say whatever you want about anyone in your own home on your own time. But day some of those same things on the job or in public and there will be consequences.

This was a player to fan situation caught on multiple mics. They had to take action as it was not okay. I mean, children are at these games and/or watching them. And, if nothing else, we always want to protect the children, right?

I have a straight friend who uses f** but also has told me he had violent thoughts about going after his gay friend's Dad who was horrible to him after coming out. The word doesn't mean you're a bigot, but it can't be said to customers/fans and it can't be said by people on the job.
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One more point on this topic. If the situation was reversed and the heckling fan used the slur toward Duran, he would have been escorted out of the stadium and potentially banned. It works both ways.
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I have a straight friend who uses f** but also has told me he had violent thoughts about going after his gay friend's Dad who was horrible to him after coming out. The word doesn't mean you're a bigot, but it can't be said to customers/fans and it can't be said by people on the job.
True. I just don't understand why anyone would be comfortable using that word. I hate it when gay people use it. We reclaimed queer. That's enough.
Well, his mistake was made in a heat of the moment type deal. And he did deserve punishment. To be fair, he got off really light. It wasn't anywhere close to a severe punishment.

Folks buying up the jerseys made a decision to support free use of the 'F' word without repercussions. Completely okay thing to do and more power to them. Kind of f'd up, though. In my opinion.
It's juvenile, for sure.
Why did he deserve punishment? Why is people supporting him for being punished over a stupid word f’d up?
Because his employer and the people that depend on his employer could lose a lot of money and their reputation could be severely tarnished because of it.

Thru have the right to protect their brand and image, they have a duty to protect that brand and image, they'd be stupid not to.....
Step one: pretend to be all about free market economics

Step two: pretend you don't notice when influential entities try to gin up a cancel mob against a player that used a forbidden word.

Step three: act righteously indignant when people say "f*** your woke cancel mob" and buy the guy's merch out of spite with their own money in a free market.
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Step one: pretend to be all about free market economics

Step two: pretend you don't notice when influential entities try to gin up a cancel mob against a player that used a forbidden word.

Step three: act righteously indignant when people say "f*** your woke cancel mob" and buy the guy's merch out of spite with their own money in a free market.
Who were the “influential entities” conspiring against Jarren Duran? Pretty sure most of the backlash was individual fans saying that’s a trash thing to say, and they’re exactly right.

Seems like you’re using “woke cancel mob” to describe MLB’s 2-game suspension which is hilariously overdramatic
It was a player who used a slur and then individual fans online saying “hey, we can’t have that.” I haven’t even seen anyone say he should be waived or anything similar. And somehow that became a “woke cancel mob” of “influential entities,” which appears to be an antagonist that is entirely made up.

There was no mob, people just saw people saying a slur was bad and got really defensive about that
After the Civil Rights Movement, the country at least somewhat got on board with not using “n***er” in the mainstream.

I think if that transition happened today, certain people would just double down and use it more because it’s “woke cancel culture” not to
It was a player who used a slur and then individual fans online saying “hey, we can’t have that.” I haven’t even seen anyone say he should be waived or anything similar. And somehow that became a “woke cancel mob” of “influential entities,” which appears to be an antagonist that is entirely made up.

There was no mob, people just saw people saying a slur was bad and got really defensive about that
You're so delusional it's hilarious.
After the Civil Rights Movement, the country at least somewhat got on board with not using “n***er” in the mainstream.

I think if that transition happened today, certain people would just double down and use it more because it’s “woke cancel culture” not to
You're hated and lack of knowledge uplifts me.
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After the Civil Rights Movement, the country at least somewhat got on board with not using “n***er” in the mainstream.

I think if that transition happened today, certain people would just double down and use it more because it’s “woke cancel culture” not to
I think it is because it is in the culture among certain people as well the music etc that keeps it alive… and then you have people misguidedly trying to be cool or whatever, and if everyone, I mean everyone would have just stopped using it, it would have died from the lexicon long ago, as words do when You. Don’t. Use. Them.
I think it is because it is in the culture among certain people as well the music etc that keeps it alive… and then you have people misguidedly trying to be cool or whatever, and if everyone, I mean everyone would have just stopped using it, it would have died from the lexicon long ago, as words do when You. Don’t. Use. Them.
Rap music is not why white people use the hard -er.

And my point was that we did successfully get to a place where the hard -er was at least a no-no in public, if that conversation were just starting today we wouldn’t get there because the right would be screaming about how not saying n****r is “woke”
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He used a slur at work. Do the same to a customer and let us know what happens to you.
A customer that heckles and treats an employee that way should be shown the door. Do neither or both, but don't criticize one without criticizing the other.
After the Civil Rights Movement, the country at least somewhat got on board with not using “n***er” in the mainstream.

I think if that transition happened today, certain people would just double down and use it more because it’s “woke cancel culture” not to
Quentin Tarantino would be one of those people.
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After the Civil Rights Movement, the country at least somewhat got on board with not using “n***er” in the mainstream.

I think if that transition happened today, certain people would just double down and use it more because it’s “woke cancel culture” not to
Yeah. "somewhat" :rolleyes:

But if you are the right color you can use it all you want.
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